My folder is also 22.5 GB. This update gave me ALOT of extra DPS. There is absolutely no pause between actions anymore.
To be honest i don't think it's the CC. It's probably something on my end so i will try a fresh install and remove stuff. Getting low on free space alos on my SSD. (7gb free) It looks like it's autoattacking only. My guess is the fps lagg..... I got to the airship in fall of Deathwing. first 2-3 minutes of trash-mobs it was fast as hell and after that it got slower and slower again.
Hi thought id try ret for abit useing latest from svn i did the Firelands Dailies just to see what its like i noticed it isnt useing Zealotry at all even though its checked in the Gui. Mabey its me being a noob and it just works when in instance also i noticed Consercation still drops even when a mob is about to die and i move to next mob i edited it out on previous versions i used awhile ago but i cant on this as i get errors. I Love the cc.s you guys are working on prot is amazing i use it all the time as mentiond Zealotry dont seem to work solo log attached keep up the great work +Rep
Hi there. The CC is for use in raids and dungeons. It wont use cooldowns unless target is a boss About consecration being cast when mob is about to die; That also shouldn't Really happen in dungeons and raids
Hi I've just got my Pally upto ilvl 380, so i'm starting DS LFR has this CC got your DS content like your warrior CC's Titan arms and Limb Splitter?
There's never gonna be a final release on any of our CCs. We always update them when people give us some feedback or suggestions with what we can work on. But seeing as there hasn't been any requests for changes, it's pretty much as good as it gets for now, without proper feedback from the community
There are a few times it wants to use abilities which it cannot. Noticed this in raidfinder yesterday. There's red text popping on wow screen. Haven't been able to iron out what abilities it is tho. Might be the global cooldown that it's not counting for. Next question is: Does it at that point skip that ability and thus lose precious dps ?
Unless you play with error sounds on, there's no need to do anything about this. Any normal wow player will be spamming buttons, so the red error text should usually be up all the time normally It will not lose any dps due to this, cause it doesn't skip any abilities but work on a rotation. SO if it was trying to do Crusader Strike, it doesn't matter if it's on global cooldown - it will still cast it when it comes off global. BUT if something with higher priority becomes available - it will do that spell instead
So, my ret is a 392, I play the spec myself usually and I'm pulling a lot better numbers on dummies than your cc is. I don't know what's going on with your cd's, but essentially the optimal way to use them is to pop guardian, wait till 10 seconds into guardian and with your second set of hp use zealotry and wings at the same time, I'm also not sure if this is taking into 2pc t13. Are you able to post the priority system you're running on and where EXACTLY you got it from? At the moment the current ret priority is inq inqr cs jhp inqrdp tvdp exoud tvhp exo how hw and with zealotry up it's inqa inqr cs inqrdp tvdp exoud tvhp exo how hw inq= inquisition inqr=inq refresh jhp = judgement that generates holy power inqrdp= inq refresh on divine purpose proc tvdp= tv at DP proc exoud= exo with guaranteed crit E: After watching it a little more closely, it seems to do okay with cooldowns, just a little slow on throwing up wings, you want those up at exactly the same time. It also seems to refresh inq at 2 hp all the time, not sure why, maybe it's the t13 not showing hp and the game picking it up before I see it on my hp bars? E2: After 15 minutes on the dummy each, cc came out at 23k dps, I came out at 26k. That was with a LOT of fuck ups refreshing inq too early, wrong timing on cd's, a couple 2 hp tv's etc etc.
From my understanding: You should try and refresh inq at 2 hp and not 3 About cooldowns, yes they should be used EXACTLY at the same time, but that's just not possible to program in, because some people dont want bot to use cooldowns for them (or only 1) and that makes it so HB will have to activate them and it does that with a small delay I've said this a couple of times and i am VERY proud of the numbers that i can lash out with this CC, a CC will never outperform ANY good player - due to the fact that a real player has intuition and that's not programmable. There's gonna be a small update to this soon that features a bit better use of spells while Zealotry is up I need feedback on what could be updated, not a class on how to play a paladin My paladin is 375 geared(with the stupid heroic dungeon weapon) and i do about 37k burst with this and i am on 23k sustained dps. Now i find that very decent for my gear, but if you have the desire to help - i suggest you give me feedback about what to change so that i can get working on it
Inq should always be refreshed at 3hp, not sure where you got 2 from :s Also, isn't the whole point of a cc to outperform a player? Computers don't make mistakes, which by default makes them better. As to not needing a class on how to play a pally, I wasn't attacking you personally but your cc is prioritizing incorrectly. If you read the priority I posted and adjust accordingly, I think you'll find a significant dps boost.
a CC will never outperform a player, this is due to the fact that while a player can make mistakes - a CC wont know that in 5 secs something will happen so i probably shouldn't pop all my cooldowns at that point (just a rough example) Ofc any CC can outperform me, but that's cause i actually dont raid anymore. But before that, never. I'll take your suggestions into consideration, but i can't promise they will be in the next release
hey i use several oof your CC's your unholy dk firemage ret pally arms war and soon your lock CC i would just like to know if you are aware in the ret CC i uncheck all the CD's so i can use them myself with macro's however when i uncheck avenging wrath and save it on the config it still uses wings when i open up the configuration again its checked again i use your svn to check for updates and this still happens any word on if you will fix this or maybe tell me how i can change it myself thanks