That log is taken from a fresh install, with only the Facing plugin enabled It's almost as clean and untouched it can get. And I've put the right mount and pull distance (using it for bg buddy)
Does anybody have 3.8 ? 3.9.2 does not work as a healer on BG. It walks up to the target and does nothing, just stands there.
I have also noticed that it won't heal out of combat would like for it to top people off out of combat, but dont want it to heal while drnking on dismount 2 heal, also could anyone post some setting, i die alot in regular 85 dungeons
I think its something to do with the way that HB pulses and detects combat, i only use it with lazy raider so i always initiate the combat if needed.
is there anyway to turn off moonfire, insect swarm auto spam when in resto mode? bot aggroes unnecessary packs.
Been testing this CC out alot lately, I would like for it to top people off while out of combat, other than thats its pretty good
Working good in BGBuddy as Resto, only issue is it won't bear up when it hits low health to save itself.
if you get it to work, please tell us how. i'm unable to get any 3.9.x version to work no matter, if i did a fresh install, or not (as described in THIS post).
This CC do not heal for me in BG's..with Lazyraider as Botbase or CombatBot as Bot Base. It does nothing. HazzPVP works great.
Release 3.9.3 .Healing is now working in Battlegrounds again. .Fixed an error causing Line of Sight problems. .Fixed an error where druid was trying to attack dead players in Battlegrounds.