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  • 12 Accounts Perma Banned Abuse of economy shit

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Bochen, Apr 7, 2012.

    1. Bochen

      Bochen New Member

      Apr 7, 2012
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      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
      Gatherboddy on all.

      2)If so, when was the last time?:

      3)What profile were you using?:
      Gathering multiprofile.

      4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

      5)What plugins are you using?:

      HBrelog and unstack

      6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

      Bot farmed for 3 hours then 1 hour brake.

      6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

      It was supervised most of the day, was sleeping at night.

      7)How many auctions per day did you have?:

      No idea. Bots were farming constantly with brakes so propably alot.

      8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?


      9)Was your account involved in gold selling?


      10)EU or US realm?


      Ok so lets get it straight. How to avoid those piece of shit bans? Already lost 12 accs and its kinda making me terrified. Is this bot safe? have they added new scripts in wow to detect bots or what? Very important thing is that i can get 6 bots flying now same time. After setting those up first bans were immiedietly. It took less then a day to get banned or one acc luckily i got it back. But then it was another day or two and i got banned rest of accs in same time so i tought it was bad luck or something i've waited few days and set up another 6 accs. Gues what they got banned in 2-3 days too even they were reloging frequently.

      So my question is. How to farm without getting banhammered? Put bots on 3 hour farm then 3 hour sleep ? Give me some clues guys i dont wanna loose another 6 accs.

      Edit: forgot one important thing. First 6 accs were flying in uldum / mount hyjal. None of the next six bots were flying in uldum or twilight highland. They were flying in hyjal and vashir.
      Last edited: Apr 7, 2012
    2. Unknown

      Unknown Member

      Apr 4, 2010
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      12 accounts and you supervised them all? Sounds doubtfull tbh. You also have no idea of how many auctions you had up or the amounts / prices you had them listed for. This also sounds like you had lost control a little of what your toons were doing and I can only imagine these are the reasons you got banned. To avoid attention (and thus a ban(s)), I'd suggest that you only bot what you can supervise properly and avoid selling mass amounts of mats on the AH without setting a limit on how much you're actualy posting.

      Sorry for your loss tho, that's kinda rough :(
    3. Bochen

      Bochen New Member

      Apr 7, 2012
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      Thanks for advise tho im not new to gold farming. Was using pirox for over 2 years and havent problems like that, there were some bans but over 20 bots were running 24/7 with 30-40 mins brake every 4 hours. Never got banned for putting too many auctions tho thats why im asking cause it seems to be kinda new for me. Is there a way to control number of auctions? Also those last six werent farming in uldum. Hyjal seems to be a bit safer.
    4. mefisto

      mefisto Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      what is this shit lol ?
      even if he watched them 100% he would still get banned
      they blacklisted his ip/mac/cpu number/ etc. and have scripts looking for suspicious activity
      if those scripts find sth he gets auto-banned

      cant be reports, coz I have ticket on eu server up for 3 days now lol, queues are ridiculous atm
    5. Unknown

      Unknown Member

      Apr 4, 2010
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      Yeh - you can limit the amount of items listed on the AH via PB settings (you'd have to do that yourself - or upload the profile you want to edit and I can do it for you). Sounds like you'd have a lot of mats tho, so what about turning some of them into Bars / prospecting / whatever and selling those on the AH too? (this can also be automated via PB).
    6. Unknown

      Unknown Member

      Apr 4, 2010
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      An honest answer supplied by me after observing the OP's question. :)
    7. sk3673

      sk3673 New Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      well running 12 bots on one pc is just stupid and you have been botting for over 2 years on pirox well guess what this is not pirox this is honorbuddy and my guess most if not all was guildless that seems to be the biggst giveaway that your a bot..... also what would you run 12 bots farming gold for? musta been selling it transferring to a mule? that would be how they would have got you
    8. mat53

      mat53 New Member

      Jul 14, 2010
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      Whats wrong with you people? Why do you troll so hard anyone whos banned and does report this? Most of you are shooting in air with their theories. You should be grateful for those reports, not rude.
    9. Bochen

      Bochen New Member

      Apr 7, 2012
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      Dont argue if u have no clue about what ure talking about please. Im looking for significant info which will help me avoid this in future. Gold was puting to guild bank by banker mule was picking it up from other accounts its been legit way for years.
    10. sk3673

      sk3673 New Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      its been a legit way for years but got you banned this time sucks to be you
    11. Bochen

      Bochen New Member

      Apr 7, 2012
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      Another useless post of urs. I dont care about those 12, have alot more and might have even more doesnt matter. I just need to know how to run bots without getting banhammered every 3-4 days. So please just leave this thread if u dont have anything to say.
    12. sk3673

      sk3673 New Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      well lets see make a custom script that would be a good start try to get them to logg out at diffrent times say first logs out at 1 a.m logs back in at 3a.m second loggs out at 2.am loggs back in at 4.am ect ect
    13. sk3673

      sk3673 New Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      also probly would help not to spam ah with stuff just saying i mean i keep under 200 auctions at any given time even if its different accounts
    14. Exploiter

      Exploiter New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      Please ignore sk3673. He is just spaming chat, and he dont know what is he talking about. I guess he is trying to say something smart, but its not that easy. Like i said 2 weeks ago when they banned my 12 accounts (only 3 remain perma, i returned others) they are not banning us like before. Earlier it was easy, you get teleport and if you are watching bots you turn off bot and start flying around alone and in 90% cases you avoid ban, and i was able to work 20 hours per day, and now when i started working 8 hours per day after like 7 days 20 hours after i turned all accounts off, they ban them while they are offline. They have new script or new method to ban us and it is impossible to avoid it. You can 24/7 in pvp and questing as i noticed on my accounts, but farming Elementium Ore and Obsidium Ore in ANY zone will get your account banned in few days. My advice to you is to stop, or if you want to risk, then risk with 1-2 accounts to check, but i doubt you will earn more money then you lose. Only problem here is that now when they ban like this, you cant say oh ok i got 2 bans today, and i will turn off other 15, because if you run 20 they ban all 20 even if they are offline. I also doubt they detected honorbuddy, tbh you need 60 IQ to find bots in game without any tool to scan for bots, so if blizzard have some GM-s with IQ 60+ (joke) they can easy find who is bot and who is real player.
    15. tangmu

      tangmu New Member

      Apr 6, 2012
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      Just a short question: Will they disable the used character or shut down the WOW-Account on the register battle.net account or directly shut down the complete battle.net account, also affecting other games (e.g. SC2) ?
    16. Exploiter

      Exploiter New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      Nop, you can have 10 games and other wow accounts on same battle net account and if they ban you for botting, they close only that wow account, and everything else stay intact.
    17. projektt

      projektt Active Member

      Sep 21, 2010
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      In my opinion OP, I believe it was because you had too many auctions in the AH. I had an account temp banned for doing the same thing. Your account is possibly flagged when you hit a certain number of auctions per day. Especially if it's load of gathering mats. Next time be careful. What you should do is find buyers in trade chat for loads of mats instead of the auction house and when you have lots of ore get a jewelcrafter and prospect them and sell those gems in the AH. Just my two cents and I hope it helps next time

      Take care
    18. Darkbound

      Darkbound Member

      Oct 7, 2011
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      Use AH only for the shits (like gems and volatiles) the rest find private buyers for it (ores/herbs). I am botting on 11 accounts 4 on my laptop and 7 on a different PC at a friend. They were banned only once and it happened on the 3rd day when they were runing on the same PC, 11 bots 1 pc. When that happened I splited them again no bans so far, the 4 accs on my laptop I am supervising them all the time, actually not that much of a supervising I am just replying to whispers (got a whisper alert plugin for hb). The other 7 bots have no supervision at all and so far they are doing good (4th month)
    19. eagles2010

      eagles2010 Member

      Nov 12, 2010
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      Farming ore, and more specifically elementium in Uldum, seems to be the most risky practice at this current time. Whether it is by reports or they have some type of script that looks for certain statistics is speculation on our parts but the fact is this is where the vast majority of the bans are happening. Having 12 accounts banned at once should lead you to believe that they are watching you. They have, obviously, linked those accounts together through whatever methods they are using and decided on this action.

      Going forward, I would just run a few accounts and sit back and look at what your bots are doing. Mining 10-12 hrs a day ( even if you are taking breaks in between ) and consistently posting it on the AH is certainly going to raise some flags. Randomize some of the things you do. Log in at different times. Make it look a bit more "human".

      The bot itself is safe or you would see hundreds upon hundreds of these reports flooding the board. It's what people are doing with the bot that is causing these account closures. Jump on a character and go fly around Uldum for about 15 minutes or sit close to where a few nodes spawn and you will see what I mean.
    20. Macatho

      Macatho New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      Sorry for your bot loss, if you appeal you will get 90% of them back with a warning. If you get suspended again they will be perm close tho.
      Botting is all about walking on a mine field, dont hit the mines :) Sadly as of late blizzard just planted 500% more mines :p

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