Any chance of including Sub spec for PvP? I didn't realize it was without that spec until I went into BGs in sub spec and just chased people around auto-attacking. I decided to come here, and that's when I found out that sub is not a supported PvP spec; only assassination and combat.
I had the same problem and asked for a fix with no reply. Ended up fixing it myself, Use this code. Basically replaced 89775 which is the code for the bleed with 16511 which is hemo itself, so it doesn't check for the bleed debuff i guess? idk it works anyhow. Helpers.Spells.Cast("Hemorrhage", ret => Helpers.Spells.GetAuraTimeLeft(StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget, 16511) < 3),
After playing around abit i felt like the script had slowed down somehow. Went to the dummys and did a dps check over 20m, 20.1m, - 43193 DPS This was with the hemo glyph 20.4m, - 36932 DPS This was without the hemo glyph ilvl 404 if you're wondering. Somehow the scripts slows down when not using the glyph. Maybe it's just me. But those results dont lie. I'd check it out.
Hey folks, thanks for the feedback and sorry for the slow responses. As I said I'm real busy right now with exams so development has slowed down a bit. Once things lighten up I'll get back to work. Regarding the recuperate bug, thanks for the log -- I'll have a look into this as my first priority when I get a chance. I have a few ideas on how to fix it, it only seems to be occurring in PvP. For now I suggest using swiny's PvP CC for all your PvP needs, I've heard good things. Regarding hemo, I think the DPS increase you're seeing is because the hemo glyph is a DPS increase (according to EJ -- might be outdated) and weaving hemo into your rotation every twenty secs helps slightly with buff upkeep. This will be especially noticeable on the training dummy because of no HaT. With the said though, outplayedz if you think things really are slowing down feel free to post a log and I'll have a look at what is going on.
Hello, first at all I love this CC, but I was trying in subtlety spec (raid mode) yesterday in a dummy and freezes a lot my PC, anyone with this problem. I was change graphics options in wow and the problem persist I a have a very good gamer pc. thanks
Is there a way to remove rupture from the rotation? It uses Berserking when I tell it not to use CD's aswell.
Out of which rotation? Removing rupture from assassination and subtlety is a very silly thing to do, and combat doesn't actually use rupture right now. Either way if you want to edit the rotation you'll have to poke around in the files yourself. What's your average FPS? Do you have a log?
For sub on HC spine, you do not want to use rupture as you use a burst spec. Would be nice if the bot knew this.
Usually 60fps with vsync withouth 100+ but with mutaraid bt sub spec like 10fps or less and in a dummy not in raid, I don?t know why. In a log I have try with vsync and without in a fair grafics usually I play i maximum graphics, thanks a lot.
Seriously, how can I remove rupture from this rotation, someone, PLEASE provide me an alternative CC without Rupture.
Why's it so important to have a CC without rupture? I'm only asking. I'm not biased either way. I'll use whatever works, with or without a skill, as long as it gets the job done.
Hello fiftypence. Thanks again for this cc best one out there for sub by far. A quick question is it possible to add feint into the script?, for on morchok hc. I do it manually now but it still fails to often. I know it's possible as deathshadw has it build-in. Problem is deathshadow is combat only, and combat is complete garbage for morchok. Thanks in advance
It's easy if you're assassin, just spam finisher as CD ends and you're free to feint while you're recovering energy. You should be able to add a feint with the condition that the target is casting stomp, but I'm too lazy to figure it out. edit: If anyone's having trouble with the bot breaking while in arenas, if you're using raidbot or "advanced combatbot," try using regular combat bot instead.