So the VMware is only good for the botting toon? Well since I can open 2 instances of wow, is it worth to get VMware?
You guys only have 1 computer that can run wow? Ebay a piece of crap to bot on if you are worried about being banned.
There is a lot of information located on this website in regards to this topic. It doesn't help when people without a clue start posting verbal diarrhoea and then people take it as gospel. When it all comes down to it, the only people who can definitively answer this question are Blizzard themselves. Gambling rule of thumb: don't bet what you can't afford to lose!
Was this towards me?^^ Situation is, common sense and facts say VMWare makes it alot safer. See my main would've been banned too, and yes i agree on that: "Never bot something you cannot loose" thing this is truff. best regards syn3/alchemist
Good idea in theory, but still Warden currently doesn't scan outside of it's 'own' instance of the game. Running in VMWare is about as useful as running WoW with Guest privileges, except that it's another way of wasting resources. VMWare was nice when bots hogged your keyboard and mouse input, now it's kind of obsolete for this purpose.
See the things are: 1) Blizzard can change it everytime, without you being in the knowledge. 2) Im paranoid 3) A normal PC could possibly handle this, and you can play WoW + CSS without lags best regards syn3/alchemist
so without using VMware, is it still possible to play your main account while botting on your 2nd account without compromising the former?
Lets play 1. Is ture however THEY WILL NOT EVER scan outside of WoW. How do i know this? Glad you asked cuz if they did it would make their case against glider null DUH. 2. Obviously but locking yourself in a house with all the windows borded up isn't any better and is probably worst than stepping outside. 3. Wrong 2 WoW accounts one run inside a second state of windows would have a large memory foot print. Just look at how much memory windows takes. Then your running a second instance. Then it needs more memory to assign for the graphics handling because AFAIK it can't use your actual video card for the rendenring of WoW. Plus if my ping is above 100 in any fps i quit or disable all network processes almost. VMware is not neccesary to play an account by hand and bot a second account no action will be taken. However I do have strong theory that if your botting multiple accounts 30+ on one ip and have them logging in and off simultaneously this does lead to some sort of account banning. Also blizzard I know for a FACT used to ban based on similar credit cards all across the board. I had 2 accounts mine and my best friends i paid for he didn't even know what a bot was let alone only paid top 10 hours a week and received a permaban while i was botting way back in the day for use of third party programs. Vavle used to do the same shit on steam once a cheater always a cheater. However i think these policies have become more lenient over time