Hey, sweet profile! Just a question, is it possible to force loot only the bosses? I'm not really experienced with such stuff.
Somebody may have made a plugin that lets you only loot bosses, but I don't know of one. If you set loot to "Off" then this profile will still loot Kael'thas, but nobody else.
i have sucessfully turned this profile into a gold-grinding one. saving the enchant mats from DE and saving cloths....but it is a bit of a dissapointment though...i expected around 5k a day of pure coin drops.....but its more like 1.5k of gold drops....OFC the greeens would sell for some cash instead of going to DE, but still its a bit low. Nevertheless, i think its great that questing profiles are made for instance farming - really clever - no need for plugins - i have been looking for an solution for this for quite some time. Now im off to reqwork the code and see what it can do for me regarding farming other isntances - im hoping for more coin off some wrath dungeons.
May I recommend my heroic Pit of Saron farming profile? Farms for the Battered Hilt and also generates a lot of cash and DE mats along the way. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ss-farm-battered-hilt-wolk-tabard-rep-12.html
That isn't a problem with the profile. Either you don't have auto-loot turned on, or your HB screwed up. HB has been doing some weird things recently with the new versions released.
Hello! Dont run this one AFK, because of a HB issue you can end up pretty much anywhere. You're supposed to be one the island above. It's working very good once inside, but I recomend babysitting it. Here's an image showing my character after I left it for an hour or two.
As of right now this profile only loots Kael'thas. If you want to change the code on yours to have it not do that, be my guest.
found a bug. At Felin Fireheart, if you are a rogue and your CC stealths, it trys to skip him. And gets stuck running into the orange barrier where the door is.
If you can get me the exact XYZ coords of where the boss is standing, I can adjust the profile so it is forced to stand where he is standing and at the very worst case should face-pull him. Or run it without Stealth. I bet you'll survive.
Uhm, it runs fine.. but when it says "Entered to many instances" it runs south on the island.. and yea, it happend when I woke up aswell, was standing in Ghostlands??? edit; Tried to run down to ghostlands again.. was halfway there when I stopped it. Can't understand why it does that.. I'm currently trying to upload an Log but it won't let me.. Edit2; Another thing is that for some reason, it changes weapon to an Grey axe?? I don't have any plugin or anything for that.. so what the?
If you hit the Too Many Instances issue, that means you're clearing it too fast. Try to switch to a lower dps spec or you can add a WaitTimer into your profile so you don't take less than 12 minutes per run. You're running in the Ghostlands because the bot couldn't re-enter the instance and tried to reach the XYZ coordinates in the profile that should be inside the instance. I have no idea about the gray axe. There's nothing in the profile that is doing that. edit: maybe a gray axe is a good idea to lower your dps so you don't hit the "too many instances" thing? lol
Hmm.. yea.. well, the axe change thing is totally weird. Never seen it before and I don't have any plugins that's messing it up. But well, might change weapon.. my dk just mashes himself through everything
This thing messes up on me all the time. 1. The majority of the time, my toon goes up by the portal and the last boss is just standing there. 2. If it pulls too many mobs and dies, when it enters the instance it will stand there until it afks out. 3. Sometimes on the second boss, it will walk right past him and try to walk through the sealed door endlessly. 4. When going to repair, it ALWAYS gets stuck under the spiral ramp thing. It runs in place until it dismounts. Very bot-like behavior! I don't have logs, or whatever. But has anybody else had this happen? PS: This would be good to strap on a Tabard and earn exalted rep with anybody!