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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. merv

      merv New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      Bobby53 I would like to say thanks so much for a proper job on this class CC. I would like to sort a small problem. I'm levelling at the moment in both BG's and Instances as a healer but I do run into a problem which is as the tank pulls and some times too much the bot responds to slowly and the tank dies or the bot tries to do some damage when he should be healing I have turned on healing only but the bot still does DPS and then tries to heal and that is always too late. I must also say even If the both heals only it still won't react in time.
      Last edited: Apr 21, 2012
    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      HB9806B90, Thanks for the question. There are currently two ways to accomplish that have a slight difference in behavior, so you can choose which will work best in your situation:
      1. Earth Shield Myself or Teammate - On the General tab of Class Config, check Disable Shields. This will turn off automatic casting of shield and allow you to apply them without ShamWOW interfering. This allows you manage all Shield casts as you see fit.
      2. Earth Shield only Teammates - On the General tab of Class Config, set Damage Shield to 101 and Mana Shield to 100. This will cause ShamWOW to keep Water Shield on you, allowing you to cast Earth Shield on anyone else. This won't allow you to apply Earth Shield to yourself however, since it would get overwritten with Water Shield.

      I will look at revising this behavior for PVP only, but for now that is how you would accomplish what you are asking. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      lekaf, Thanks for the post and the log file. The installation of ShamWOW is incomplete according to your log file. The messages:
      [/FONT][12:42:32:844] Error: global config file not found: 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\HB\CustomClasses\Config\ShamWOW.config'
      [12:42:32:844] ... see ShamWOW FAQ for installation steps 
      [12:42:32:845] Stop called!
      indicate that the Config folder was not extracted from the .ZIP. When ShamWOW detects a partial installation where it knows it cannot operate correctly, it displays that message and then stops HonorBuddy.

      To fix, completely install ShamWOW by extracting all .ZIP contents to your CustomClasses folder. Those steps are described in the INSTALL.TXT included in the .ZIP or the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE].

      You also appear to have a large number of plug-in compilation errors. Only copying the initial error message from each below:
      [12:41:26:760] Plugin from C:\Users\User\Desktop\HB\Plugins\StuckHelper.cs could not be compiled! Compiler errors:
      [12:41:29:803] Plugin from C:\Users\User\Desktop\HB\Plugins\InteractReset could not be compiled! Compiler errors:
      [12:41:30:131] Plugin from C:\Users\User\Desktop\HB\Plugins\InteractReset-stratholme could not be compiled! Compiler errors:
      [12:41:31:714] Plugin from C:\Users\User\Desktop\HB\Plugins\Jumpy could not be compiled! Compiler errors:
      [12:41:33:221] Plugin from C:\Users\User\Desktop\HB\Plugins\ProfileHelper could not be compiled! Compiler errors:
      These aren't the cause of this problem, but you will want to correct so they don't create other problems for you once you fix your ShamWOW installation. You can fix by either reinstalling the current version of each plug-in, or start a new HonorBuddy installation. Just remember anytime you install or upgrade HonorBuddy, you will need to redownload and reinstall ShamWOW also.

      Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    4. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Bobby...Bobby...Bobby...what can i say man?
      Excellent CC, excellent support, just an excellent guy all round :)
      Thanks for your hard work dude. Seems alot of people here have family members that wouldn't play if it wasn't for HB. My wife has MS and her hands are all fucked up. Without this CC and a couple of others there would be no wow for her.
      Thanks again...even if you ARE too nice to people that can't even post logs when they need help ;p :D

      +9000 rep
    5. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      It's things like that that Blizzard should take into account. Some people, that love this game, CAN'T play without a bot's assistance. Take away the bot, and take away someone's ability to play.

      I agree though, and my apologies for steering this thread in an awkward direction. Not my intentions. Bobby53 is one of the few devs here that I'm always talking about. He stays to the end, regardless of how many people just fail miserably at posting logs when nagging him for help. He's really nice, and he's pretty damn intelligent from what I can tell. I used ShamWoW to level my shaman when I started botting over two years ago, and shaman is one of my favorite classes. I love the way his CC works. It's pretty darn intuitive. Cheers to you Bobby.
    6. lekaf

      lekaf New Member

      Sep 27, 2010
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      Thanks a lot! I'll try it very soon but I think it's the fix, I didn't have "ShamWOW.config" as I forgot to install it :(
      But thanks for your help :) (I have also deleted these plugins!)
    7. lekaf

      lekaf New Member

      Sep 27, 2010
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      Thanks a lot! I'll try it very soon but I think it's the fix, I didn't have "ShamWOW.config" as I forgot to install it :(
      But thanks for your help :) (I have also deleted these plugins!)
    8. emmark

      emmark Member

      Apr 28, 2010
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      Ohh that is awesome info about the shields. :D
      Is there a similar way to allow the player to control totems? Its not always beneficial to recall totems, even if combat has stopped.
    9. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      emmark, All options you can control are accessible via the Class Config button. Yes, options to disable totem casting or totemic recall are available on the General tab. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Nackenst?ck, I typically only monitor this thread for ShamWOW support, so you will want to post here rather than creating your own in the future. Thanks for the log file. The messages:
      [17:22:59:008] LOADED:  ShamWOW v4.3.15 by Bobby53 
      [17:22:59:850] System.IO.[B]FileNotFoundException[/B]: Die Datei "C:\Users\Jack Daniels\Desktop\3\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Config\ShamWOW.config" konnte nicht gefunden werden.
      Dateiname: "C:\Users\Jack Daniels\Desktop\3\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Config\ShamWOW.config"
      indicate you have an incomplete install. This appears to be due to a combination of the Config folder not being extracted from that the .ZIP followed by updating HonorBuddy (which has a very old version of ShamWOW bundled.) Anytime you update HonorBuddy, you will need to reinstall ShamWOW since the HonorBuddy update process will overwrite your ShamWOW with a very old version.

      To fix, re-download the latest version of ShamWOW from this thread and completely install ShamWOW by extracting all .ZIP contents to your CustomClasses folder. Those steps are described in the INSTALL.TXT included in the .ZIP or the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE].

      Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Apr 23, 2012
    11. Nackenstück

      Nackenstück New Member

      Dec 10, 2011
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      many thx Bobby
    12. tb76

      tb76 New Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      Hi, I am a complete noob when he comes to healing with shamman but since my main guild is farming 8/8 HC i found myself with loads of time for alts and slowly start raiding using the bot but after a while I notice that it doesn't heal the Searing Flames debuff in Spine of Deathwing this would be a great improve and i would be really thankfull
    13. shlord

      shlord Member

      Jan 4, 2012
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      Hi bobby, im tryng to force my shaman use Wrath of Air Totem as Air Totem, but the cc keep droping Grounding Totem. I changed in everytab to use Wrath of Air but didnt worked. is there a way to not use that totem?

      Here is my log, is kinda long. i dont know it may work..

      HonorBuddy Mode: Lazy Raider
      Shamans Location: RDF HoT
      What should have happened (be specific): Drop Wrath of Air Totem
      What did happen (be specific): Dropped Grounding Totem
      Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): Im not 100% but it was around 10:00 pm / 22:00

      View attachment 23-04-2012_10_07 p.m. 2112 Log.zip

      Adittional info: there wasnt any haste buff in my group. just when i dropped the totem manually.

      Regards and Thanks
      Last edited: Apr 23, 2012
      bobby53 likes this.
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tb76, There is no encounter specific logic built in. End game raiding with HonorBuddy is a hybrid environment which will require some actions to be performed manually to be fully successful, especially in heroic content. The best solution for healing a debuff like [Searing Plasma] on Spine of Deathwing or [Frost Blast] on Kel'Thuzad would be to manually heal using a Greater Healing Wave mouseover macro bound to a key such as:
      The /stopcasting command is important to ensure your cast will interrupt any cast ShamWOW has in progress on a different character. You will need to watch the cast bar however to make sure you don't interrupt your own heal trying to cast this too quickly in succession. This approach works well for this or any time you want to assume manual control of a spell rather than leaving control for ShamWOW to decide when it is cast.

      Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      shlord, Thanks for the well written post and log file! +rep The feature to Use Grounding Totem on CD was added a few releases ago in ShamWOW 4.5.16. This option is on the General tab and if selected (it is enabled by default), will cast Grounding Totem if it is not on cooldown. Once the totem expires or is destroyed, the default totem selected (in this case Wrath of Air Totem) will be cast. As soon as Grounding Totem is back off cooldown, it is cast again and the cycle repeats. If you only want it to cast Wrath of Air Totem at all times, go to Class Config and on the General tab uncheck the Use Grounding Totem on CD option. I will look at this again in a future release since having that option separated from the environment specific totem selection can make this feature feel somewhat unexpected. Thanks again for the well written post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    16. emmpe

      emmpe New Member

      Apr 9, 2011
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      Thanks shlord for bringing it up and thanks bobby53 for a constructive answer :) Been looking all over the class config for the option.
    17. megabbyte

      megabbyte Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Bobby53, great CC.. awesome, gratz for that!

      I have one question about something..

      i use that cc for healing in dungeons, and i want to use it for arenas too..

      But when i wanna walk character just stop to casting something.. it happens pvp too.. how do i do this not to happen?

      In future, i wanna do arenas too, and how i move and cancel some casts?

      Sorry for english
    18. laurence2410

      laurence2410 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      not using feral spirit

      HonorBuddy Mode: lazy raider
      Shamans Location:instance (azjol nerub) but also other instances
      What should have happened (be specific):cast feral spirit when it comes off cd when in combat also earth and fire ele totems use
      What did happen (be specific):doesnt use them often enough or in some cases not at all

      Hi bobby,
      basically i have posted to see if it is implemented in the cc to use feral spirit or the totems when they come off CD when in instance. I can get it to do it when on my own questing by changing the stressful fight behavour to 0+0. However it doesnt seem to use them in instances most of the time and when it does it seams very random. I have changed it to only use against bosses but as you will see at the end of the log when fighting first boss in azjol it doesnt cast them.

      I am not sure if i have just got the settings wrong but i have tried lots of different options to no avail.

      Thanks in advance bobby

      P.s thanks for making possibly the best cc on HB forums :)

      Edit:tryying to post the log as i thought i had but didnt upload for some reason it wont upload 404 error everytime


      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Apr 25, 2012
      bobby53 likes this.
    19. fragler

      fragler Member

      Sep 12, 2010
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      when resto spec'd with telluric currents, will this use lightning bolts to refill mana?


      also, is there any setting for the cc to stop breaking drinking when using lazy raider? i need to drink but it breaks it to top off a friendly when we aren't even in combat and i need to refill mana for next bout..
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2012
    20. Tama

      Tama New Member

      Sep 27, 2011
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      Hello Bobby53,

      are you planning to make the CC compatible with Apoc's Raidbot?
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