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  • Making Dll's

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by iconz, Jan 25, 2010.

    1. iconz

      iconz Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      why do all the pluggins make there own dll's in a temp folder and if you restart make another one... really slowing things down and confusing the bot... recompile them and you get long strings of text saying its in 2 spots and then you have to close down hb and clear your user>mydocuments>appdata>temp folder with dll's these plugins use... why cant someone make a new dll for all items and fuctions and use like the api or lua?

      wouldnt a new dll, that plugin makers use be easier and cleaner with the bot then compiling a new dll..

      or have the plugins have a default dll with there plugin... like etrain.cs etrain.dll then if it conflicts they can have it debug line x in etrain.dll wont debug or mistyped...

      just a thought just deleted 10,000 files in my temp and hb was currently using 67 files on my system i couldnt remove on one hb running....
    2. khurune

      khurune Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      HB compiles everything to a dll everytime you start it then runs from that dll in your temp folder. imo it maybe to add security? not 100% sure, just my thoughts on it. and 67 would sugest maybe you've ran HB 67 times since you last cleaned your temp folders? :D
    3. iconz

      iconz Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      if that's the case why does etrain disappear on recompile if its reloading/remaking that same dll... as its a known bug? and i wouldn't have a reason to look in my temp folders as it used and removed not used and kept...and reused so why would it keep using old files it made since i started and done multiple accounts? ... also it was actively linked... like try and go in task manager and delete svhost youll get a similar warning to what i got on delete all files in that folder... and why dont they have a code in hb to remove the files after it exits like /make abcde.dll exit client /delete abcde.dll close honorbuddy.exe as it would only make sense...

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