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  • Do we want Guild Wars 2 bot? [Poll]

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Sephy, Apr 25, 2012.


    Do we want Guild Wars 2 Bot

    1. Yes, we do.

      0 vote(s)
    2. No, we don't.

      0 vote(s)
    3. I don't care.

      0 vote(s)
    4. Let's see how GW2 starts off.

      0 vote(s)
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    1. Sephy

      Sephy New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Well after leaving WoW and SWTOR I decided to buy GW2.
      Now I searched forums. And I found out, there is some interest about Guild Wars 2.

      Well there is some talk about, that you can buy "many things" in GW2 with ingame money.

      So I would really like to see Honorbuddy to help with grinding money.

      I also found this Quote from CodenameG.

      So I decided to make a Poll, to see if there is enough interest for GW2.

      ~I hope I'm not the 100th guy asking this about Gw2.~

      Thanks for voting.
    2. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It's always a possibility
    3. A1l3n

      A1l3n New Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      At first I was talking alot "shit" about guild war 2. But after seeing the amount of effort they have been putting into it. I really think I will play it on the fact that it's Buy the game and play forever. No subs to pay. And I think that's why alot of newer MMO's fail is, people are already paying for WoW and don't want to pay 15 more a month to play another. Not because it's a bad game it's all about the money. If SWTOR would go free to play I would start up again. But I don't want to spend anymore money on a game. So that's why I will be playing D3 and GW2. No subs make's me happy.
    4. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Diablo III looks like it will be awesome, I do not know too much about Guild Wars 2 though. The first one was alright but I was not really able to get into it even though it is sub free. I will probably not play guild wars 2 but it will be interesting to see if it can actually survive.
    5. Sephy

      Sephy New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Well, I'm not really worried about GW2 surviveing.
      There was 1 Million beta account registerations in 48hours.
      Reddit have over 20 000 people.
      Facebook have almost 500 000 fans.

      What I'm more worried is, can bots make money there.

      GW2 is more.. Well, that is game you really want to play.
      There is no grind, etc.

      It's not the regular "WoW killer" or Half-Wow clone.
      It's more of an "Play because playing is fun." Not a mindless grindfest.
    6. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ya thats true, its a different type of MMO which makes it good. There is no subs which makes it awesome so im sure I will try it at one point. I do not know too much about the game though so I'm not sure how good botting would be or would it be more of a "button presser" that does rotations more then an actual bot itself.
    7. A1l3n

      A1l3n New Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      I just hope if they do make a bot for it. The wait won't be as long as it has been for buddywing.
    8. likwid818

      likwid818 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      NO WE FUCKING DONT WANT A GW2 BOT. HB has taken enough of a development nosedive by spreading the team out too thin working on other bullshit games. That's all they need is to take someone else off the HB project to work on another game that's going to be a failure.
    9. Sephy

      Sephy New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      I wished there wouldn't be so hostile people, for no reason.
      Nobody of us can't say will it fail or not.

      If by: "working on other bullshit games" you mean like SWTOR,
      I think, it is really create they try to give us, what most of us wants.
      Even thou I'm not playing SWTOR. And I played it only about a month.

      and for: Natfoth, My biggest issue with the game is, "Is there money to be made?" and "Is botting usefull?"

      There is maybe too little information about the real money shop system.
    10. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      u mad bro?

      take a chill pill. HB is fine... but we need more income since we don't charge a subscription
    11. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I kind of agree with this person, but with less hostility. Far less hostility. I do think that the HB team is spreading themselves thin over all these bots they're making for all these games coming out, but who am I to tell them what they can and can't do? If I were to raise a stink about the frequency of HB updates then all they would have to do is tell me they would be happy to refund my money and tell me that they're going to do what they want. They're not really bound by a contract to uphold a certain amount of work over a certain amount of time. It is what it is, and that's all it's going to be. I'll sit here and use HB until it falls apart, and when it does, I'll do like I always do and wait for a fixed version to come out.
    12. mephuser1000

      mephuser1000 Active Member

      Jun 10, 2011
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      Isn't GW2 made by the same company that made AION? Wouldn't the draconian anti-cheat system be a problematic issue?
    13. Batman

      Batman New Member

      Apr 17, 2012
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      The problem is, is you can buy gems with RL money then from there can be traded for in game gold. The only way the will make it out there if they gold companies sell the gold cheaper then what GW2 is selling it

      See video
      How To Guild Wars 2: The Economy - YouTube
    14. likwid818

      likwid818 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Lol.. Ok so I guess my last post did sound a little hostile.. my bad. I just feel strongly that the team can't afford to thin themselves out more working on another game that isn't going to go anywhere. WoW is your bread and butter. Look at the Rift bot.. wtf happened with that? Nothing, because it kept getting detected and people were losing accounts left and right.. The SWToR bot, taking forever to come out .. and because of that, HB is suffering. There are plenty of bugs to work our and functionality to implement into HB.. I'm allowed to have an opinion without being "umadbro"'d right?
    15. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      HB is not suffering

      the only dev on BW is Apoc, then we have a couple of profile devs... various internal testers

      the HB Dev is still Nesox as it's always been

      We have a much larger team behind the curtains... So don't worry about man power :)
    16. F1sher

      F1sher New Member

      Dec 29, 2011
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      Gw was well known for no gold trades. There was botting but they banned those really fast. With a gold shop open im thinking they will crank it up a notch. On the other hand, you could walker (bot) lineage 2, their first huge game like a madman. Who knows, maybe gw2 grows out of their "watch and ban" reach.. Wouldnt put my money on it tho
    17. sYn1

      sYn1 Member

      Dec 28, 2010
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      I'm wondering how they do it. I mean, a game without a monthly subscription. Wouldnt it cost money to update/patch the game and keep servers up etc?...
      What the hell?
    18. tonari

      tonari New Member

      Jan 10, 2012
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      I am sure that the HB devs and all of the guys that work on it have a plan for each new game that comes out, they are not going to make a bot for each random game that comes out just for the sake of it. While GW2 is a totally different game then wow( not a freaking grindfest as wow is in every aspect of the game), but being able to buy stuff from the site with real money and sell it ingame for gold sounds like there might be some profit here if for an instance there is a method for gaining gold with a gathering profession and then buying stuff from the page for gold and then selling it again for a bit lower price for real money to the buyers, also since the game is made in a way that you will actually control yours character, cast spells and dodge, intercept the same ones i think that a pvp bot would be widely used in the community as it gives u advantage over "normal" players but again since all the battles are not set in stone and u can't predict the next attack from the opponent and you don't have a set rota like in wow, more like situation based one so we shall see.
      But i wouldn't say that the game will be shit and be gone in few months since it has been developed for ages now, not to mention it has no monthly subs and doesn't require you to play 4-5+ hrs a day to actually achive something.

      Edit: @sYn1 Well i am not that much into it but they had like 15 mil $ to develop a game and already they have earned over 50mil from pre purchase, add to that the same amount or even a double one when the actual game comes out and microtransactions from the store(buying gems to replace them with pots, cool gear and more stuff ingame) . I am sure they will be in a good profit with it as noone would spend insane amounts of money to make something that will end up costing more then it makes.
      Last edited: Apr 27, 2012
    19. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      GW2 is light years ahead of the original GW but, based off the countless hours I have spent playing the beta I can safely say the following:

      1) To code an HB Bot for it (Mapping, and basic whatever), would be easy
      2) It will be impossible to code a "Proper & None-Bot-Like" CC for ANY CLASS... The variation in weapon swapping (4+ swaps per class), use on Hostile Vs. use on Ally/Group, stack-able spell fields, under water Vs. land combat, depth perception spells, and pass through Ally onto Hostile group functions... One Class at level 85 would have a CC base the size of Singular if not bigger...

      So sadly I don't foresee any undertaking for a GW2 Bot. But, if you liked the original then you will love GW2 or simply if you like intense spell rotations and configurations based off which Ally class is around you, then you should definitely try it out.
    20. Sephy

      Sephy New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Well, In GW2, you can buy Gems with real money, and Gems give you nice stuff. (custom costumes etc)

      Well if the Shop _stays the way it is atm_ you can buy Gems with in-game money too.
      Than you could be grinding money and changing them to Gems. (and you could sell gems with lower prices than Anet.)

      I just still don't know, are you going to get any money out of that.

      I agree with you.
      I think there might be chance if you use something like warrior. And your CC knows only the skills you have taken.
      But.. I must say GW2 is not easy atm.
      Last edited: Apr 29, 2012
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