Okey thx, cuz i saw allot of Code: [COLOR=#40e0d0][BGBuddy PVP Suite] Lowest Overall Health Spotted!. Switching to Shaman![/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff8c00][Singular] Current target is not the best target. Switching to Warrior![/COLOR]
That is actually Singular letting you know you switched to that target.. not that singular was actually switching the target.
This is good and on the right track, certainly a plug in like this was needed to stop all the "omg kill the F%&king healer/demo" wisps. I'm happy to donate to keep this project alive and look forward to the evolution of this plugin
You have to think that, before long, healers are really going to start hating BGs. Enemy DPSers are going to head straight for them right off the bat. Instead of, "OMG, kill the healers you losers!", it will be "OMG, someone get these guys off of me!".
Havent tested yet but these changes look fantastic. Maybe the HB team will take notice and implement them right into BGBuddy as these tactics should be mandatory imo for BG botters. Great Work!
Thank you so much. Every little bit helps. The more money I get the more accounts I can run and the more stuff I can test at once. Speaking of which there should be a small update coming today to see if we can add a gui to this to let you select range and LOS on targets.
Great news everyone! I've talked to hawker and he has given me the source code to bgbot! I am currently working on getting it ready for release and expect to have a public version ready within a day or so!
A demo is a demolisher , aka the vehicles in sota and other things. Also, bgbot resurrection is out! http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ases/51272-bgbot-resurrection.html#post522254
Can you share that with me? Also is it BGBuddy or BG Bot? Here is the new gui for BGBuddy - Plugin View attachment 40894 On a side note I need more idea's if you all can come up with some that I might have missed.
nice, really nice.. may i ask you what happend if i select Players Only and Target Demolishers? Regards
Players Only Option is going away. It is an old value that is now deprecated. Essenitally priority targetting will be handled by the 5 target options. By default you will not target pets. Adding Totem Support to that list.
I can see it now... the naming confusion... Seriously though, some of these fixes/changes will make their way into the bot itself. Thanks for the plugin
I noticed that upon death it'll still go to target and fight a player, running out of range of the spirit healer and staying there.
Funny enough I thought about the naming, and decided to keep it this way to help people find it. Also glad I could help! I am going to get to work on the BGBOT code you all released and see if I can't make improvements there. I wish more of the bot bases were open source (cough Instancebuddy, BGBuddy cough)