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  • CLU (Codified Likeness Utility)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by wulf, Feb 18, 2012.

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    1. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      HB error...could you attach the log, I may be able to help.
    2. floppydrive

      floppydrive New Member

      Jan 10, 2012
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      And how can i pause rotation?


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      Last edited: May 3, 2012
    3. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Click on "Class Config" > Keybinds > assign a key from the drop down to "Pause Rotation".

      BTW, that error is from CLU, not HB as I previously stated. It's an error with not having anything assigned to the Keybinds :rolleyes:

      I will be looking at vkey's to replace the existing keybind system very soon as its very clunky.
      Last edited: May 3, 2012
      floppydrive and Saif like this.
    4. Saif

      Saif Member

      Aug 10, 2010
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      Haha so in my main raid group a guy had to leave early tonight so I brought my fresh 85 ret pally into the raid. His masked Armory is this.
      Level 85 Blood Elf Paladin | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory
      Long story short, I did 17k dps with CLU in that gear on reg Madness. All I have to say is you are amazing wulf! No one could believe that I could do that much DPS.

      Thanks for your hard work,

    5. floppydrive

      floppydrive New Member

      Jan 10, 2012
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      Good god man i fucking love you. Do you accept donations ? And also, CLU fails to drop a fire totem when the fire elemental is on CD. And the range to attack is still buggy i have to be like 10y to do anything. Also dont you think it should use UE on cd with lava burst ? and there is a trick to have UE go on FET and LB. Is that possible to implement ?
    6. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      What is best for raid as SH priest? Mindspecc or normal?
    7. Toney001

      Toney001 New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Hey Wulf, quick suggestion:

      Add this to the "boss/dummy", if you don't mind:

      54344, // Highlord's Nemesis Trainer (Ebon Hold)
      It's the Boss type dummy in Ebon Hold. It's my favorite dummy. Usually nobody ever bothers you there and it's of quick access.

    8. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      @Toney001: Done, next release.
      @kayes: If you have 2pc T13 ? Mindspike : Default.

      I am working on Healing/Targeting at the moment so it's going to take a bit...stay tuned.
    9. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      I'm playing with the SPriest rotation (so I can use it in heroics.. it gets rid of dots on trash) and I'm trying to figure out how to cast Mind Sear on the tank if we're using LazyRaider. Is there any easy way to implement something like that?
    10. Toney001

      Toney001 New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Hey Wulf, for the sake of making every CC better, I suggest you take a look at Weischbier's Necrophilia when you get some time (I know healing is higher priority).
      Your Frost rotation has always been a bit ahead than his for me, but today I decided to compare Unholy, and his is ahead for quite a bit (item level 400 w/gurth).

      I don't know if this is the only reason, I'm no DK expert, but I've noticed that CLU burns through RP as soon as it gains it, where Necrophilia seems to hoard it more, and when Dark Transformation goes down it usually has enough RP for 2-3 DCs, increasing the uptime, when CLU has to start over from scratch.

      Just an observation :).

      Also, thanks for adding that dummy. I had added it myself but it pains my eyes to see that red icon from modifying the SVN folder!!!

    11. Toney001

      Toney001 New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      I just noticed CLU doesn't cast DnD on Madness, even as Unholy (where it's part of the single target rotation).
    12. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Just finished using this on my Prot warrior and it worked out really well. I've got a mixture of DPS/Tank gear right now since I'm trying to build a decent tank set. My tank pieces consist of mostly things from HoT 5-mans and some Cata heroic gear. Still trying to get a whole set in but this thing holds aggro pretty well. Two guild mates were running with me decked out in 390+ iLevel items and they were pushing roughly 30k+ dps and I was holding my own. I had to taunt bosses every now and then, but that was nothing. I just made it a sort of regular thing to do. I kept the AoE taunt off CD, using each minute, and I kept using the regular taunt every 6 seconds. Was pretty fun to watch, but sort of hectic. Just learning how to tank, placement of packs and bosses, boss mechanics, etc. I give the tanking portion an A+++, but as for DPS, for some reason Singular pumps out more dps on my arms spec than CLU does, which is very odd.
    13. darkspyre0

      darkspyre0 Member

      Jul 31, 2010
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      OMG this CC is AWESOME!!!! Thank you SO much for your hard work. This is just awesome. If i may, a healing rotation would be nice... =]
    14. shlord

      shlord Member

      Jan 4, 2012
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      lol totally forgot clu has ultraxion button autmatic. i just made my raid wipe 2 times hahahahaha..
    15. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      @Obliv: cast Mind Sear on the tank if we're using LazyRaider // will do, ill add it to the to do list.
      @Toney001: thanks for the feedback, I will definetly take a look at why its not pooling RP for Dark Transformation.
      CLU doesn't cast DnD on Madness, even as Unholy // oops, will correct should be ok in next revision. Thanks for reporting.
      @zeldrak: thanks for the feedback, its great to hear success story's like yours, I havnt played alot with my warrior ARMS rotations but will do when I have the time (which I dont think Ill have on acccount of healing bieng added to CLU, haha)
      @darkspyre0: Thank you for your kind words, Healing is on its way!
      @shlord: wooops...:)

      Sorry for the slow updates guys, I basicly had to work all weekend so no time for CLU :(

      But!...CLU healed its first heroic late last night as Disc priest and all i can say is WOW! (the response time is phenomenal)

      There is alot to do to make it "User friendly" and still alot more supporting code like GUI settings, Lazyraider support, Cleansing blacklist, encounter specific logic, etc, etc

      Stay tuned....it will be awsome :)
      Last edited: May 6, 2012
    16. Toney001

      Toney001 New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Thanks a lot Wulf! I <3 CLU. Hopefully soon the day will come where I can delete every other CC from my LazyRaider (aka non-farming) HB Install :).
    17. Toney001

      Toney001 New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      I know you're busy doing more important things Wulf, so I figured I'd help out with this :)

      I tracked down the problem with burning RP:

      !Pets.PetHasBuff("Dark Transformation")
      ^ is not working.

      !Pets.PetHasActiveBuff("Dark Transformation")
      ^ is :).

      I've been testing all afternoon and it's working like a dream.

      I've fiddled with the rotation (it's largely untouched) and I believe I have fixed it to work as you intended it, though feel free to improve it if I haven't.
      I tried fixing DnD by deleting the Madness related entries from the avoid AoE list, and from deleting the !BossList.IgnoreAoE.Contains(Me.CurrentTarget.Entry) code from the rotation, but both have failed.

      With my rotation, the DC behavior is as follows (it was largely untouched), from top to bottom:

      DC will be cast if:

      * Summon Gargoyle is down, pet has less than 5 stacks of Shadow Infusion and doesn't have Dark Transformation (after the first few seconds, gargoyle will likely be used on CD, the check for it lets you actually build RP to cast it at the start).

      * RP >= 94 AND Dark Transformation is down OR if RP >= 94 AND Dark Transformation has more than 4 seconds left (typical anti cap burn, however it was modified so it holds on to the RP during the end of DT, so it can fire off three DCs right after DT goes down. The number 94 was chosen so it leaves you at 60 RP min, and can still pop Gargoyle if needed. I have thoroughly tested it and have never seen it waste RP UNLESS it's holding it during the last few secs of DT, but it's better that way in order to transform Timmy faster, and even then it's rare).

      This requires at least 1pt in RP Mastery to be most efficient, but who doesn't at least put ONE point on it? Cookie-cutter Unholy build uses 2 anyway.

      * Sudden Doom is up.

      * pet has less than 5 stacks of Shadow Infusion and doesn't have Dark Transformation (same as the first one, but it'll do it regardless of Gargoyle being down or not. If you haven't popped it by now, it's your own choice. You'll build back RP when it restarts the rotation).

      I know dummies aren't the best testing environments, but after a whole afternoon of testing, dps with this "fix" has gone up by ~1.5-2k (400 item level).
      I'll take it through RF now that the I'm done with the initial testing.

      This is for Wulf to take a look at, and implement at will, but if anyone else wants to test it, feel free.


      EDIT: Oh yeah, huge improvement in DS. Can't wait for DnD on Madness :D

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      Last edited: May 7, 2012
    18. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Toney001, Awesome job, I am sure everyone will be able to benefit from your hard work today!

      Your Unholy version will be in the next revision of CLU with full credit.

      Again, thank you and well done!
    19. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Minor Issue
      Class: Deathknight
      Specc: Blood
      - Defensive Cooldowns - Manual
      - Buffs - Manual

      Issue: Deathknight casts Anti-Magic Shell
      I tried every Setting, but it doesn't effect this Spell.
      I'm Tanking some heroics atm, and decided to be a little bit lazy, so let CLU work for me.
      But i want to use the CDs by my own (especially Morchock Heroic). I do not want to cast AMS before he is splitting into Morchock and Ckochrom (or whatever his name is), i want to cast AMS first time after the splitting (on Stomp) but it was on CD every time cause the first stomp came before the split.
      Pls fix this :) if i set to use the Cooldowns manual, i want to use it manual^^.

      Second thing i figured out is the Bloodshield.
      Often it let the Bloodshield fade, instead of stacking it up (resetting bufftime by applying Deathstrike again).
      For this problem u'll need to rework the use of Empowered Runeweapon and Blood Tap (i think) so that there'll be a rune for Deathstrike avaiable all the time.
      If i play by hand i can manage to Stack bloodshield for the Impale, to absorb most of the damage. If i use CLU i have to react very fast to use IF or maybe get 2 or 3 Deathstrikes.
      In normal cases i would survive an Impale with Bone Shield + Blood Shield, but CLU can't do this atm.
      I'll test a little bit if i can provide a change for that.
      Third minor issue ... Threatgeneration seems to be a little bit slow.
      Yesterday our PPala took the aggro everytime (no big deal since i play my DK by hand and can manage these critical seconds by my own), with Singular i've never had these issues, but i couldn't use it effictivly on hardmodes, CLU does much better here, but the generated threat at the beginning of a fight is very bad (my BloodDK is a little bit better geared than our Paladin so it should be no problem to generate more thread!)

      But this is a very small issue in my eyes because i couldn't figure out if the pally was tricksed by the rogue or misdirected by the Hunter, so this issue can come from them.I'll ask them about this :)
    20. shlord

      shlord Member

      Jan 4, 2012
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      same happening to me, in trash i have to taunt them even when is my pull cuz other tank (dk with same gear) get agroo s o fast.. no big deal, with bosses sometimes im on 100% agro. and i start to spam rune strike myself. no big deal neither.

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