I try to use a code like this: Code: private static WoWPlayer AddedCheck() { return (from Unit in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWPlayer>(false) orderby Unit.HealthPercent where Unit.IsAlive where Unit.IsPlayer where Unit.Distance < 20 where !Unit.IsFriendly where !Unit.IsPet where Unit.InLineOfSpellSight where !Unit.HasAura("Spell Name") [B]where Unit.ActiveAuras["Spell Name"].CreatorGuid != Me.Guid[/B] select Unit).LastOrDefault(); } The HasAura will work fine, but the check if it's an Aura from me gives: Code: [BGBuddy PVP Suite] Targetting Error: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException() at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) at BGBuddyPVPSuite.Targeting.<AddedCheck>b__c(WoWPlayer Unit) in c:\U\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5883\Plugins\pvp\Targeting.cs:line 118 at System.Linq.Enumerable.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.<CombinePredicates>b__e(TSource x) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.LastOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at BGBuddyPVPSuite.Targeting.AddedCheck() in c:\U\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5883\Plugins\pvp\Targeting.cs:line 109 at BGBuddyPVPSuite.Targeting.PulseTargeting() in c:\U\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5883\Plugins\pvp\Targeting.cs:line 88
I told him I had to wait a week to transfer out of my bank account, so I could donate more then. I can't remember how much, but I donated him what I had in my paypal. I assume he refunded the donation so he could receive more when the transfer goes through. Top class.
What exactly would I have to gain? I'm not lying, and you can even ask him yourself if you don't believe me. You're willing to throw around accusations without doing any research yourself. Grow up, kid.
If you weren't such a piece of work and just waited for a response from me instead of assuming the worst you would have known why I refunded you. The reason I refunded the 0.25 cents was because paypal charges me almost 40 cents for the transaction. I was actually almost done making your user with a note saying don't worry about it till I decided to check this thread and see if you did exactly what I thought you might.. and that is make this dumb post. So yea, you definitely are not getting an svn invite, I don't really care what you want to donate at this point. I work weekends and was just too tired to deal with getting people set up on the svn or responding to posts last night. View attachment 41590 As for the rest of you, your users are all set up on the SVN.
It seems there is a certain set of goofs intent on showing their butts. The immaturity level shown by some posters in this thread is amazing.
Honestly it isn't the amount of money, I really don't care. To me it is just the effort of actually showing you appreciate the job done. There have been a few who just donated a small amount because they were broke, I still gave them access as promised and in some cases just refunded the money. Either way to me it is the thought that counts. I appreciate the cup of coffee!
i cant open the settings on this plugin "Ultimate PVP Suite" is always grey on me.and yeah i tried to click it it wont work either.
I asked this same question, initially, yet the reply was thus: "Donations are donations my friend. If I had a minimum then it would be a fee. If you feel so inclined donate what you think the addon is worth to you. I don't want people to feel there is a fee. This is something I do because I enjoy it. A non donor gets every luxury a donor gets except a nifty ui and a few other small perks. Everything can be changed manually in the plugin by non donors." ~ Phelon Sometimes I wonder if people take the time to even bother to read threads ... apparently not. mellome
Target Prioritizing just went into initial testing. I will be uploading it hopefully to the SVN tomorrow. I will need feedback on it. Although not much should have changed with regards to how it works.. You will just get to weight what priority you want to kill targets in.
New release 1.10 on SVN and here to download. For those who are using this I need feedback. Please let me know where I can make improvements / adjustments. There is a small bug in 1.10 that I didn't notice where if you don't have 2 trinkets it will spam.