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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. neosporin

      neosporin New Member

      Apr 7, 2012
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      Thanks, best CC available :D
    2. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Bobby, I've been using ShamWoW for quite some time now. In fact, I used it to level my shaman. Lately, however, I've noticed some things. First, I used to use the option to change into ghost wolf for travel inside of instances, and it worked fine, but I've noticed that it no longer changes into ghost wolf anymore. I tried tinkering with the distance both higher, and less than, the default of 35. Nothing works. Secondly, for the purge/cleanse options under RAF?Instances I changed both to High since I run as healer quite often instead of DPS due to faster queue times. I noticed that it doesn't purge or cleanse, no matter what priority I set it to. I get fussed at a lot by tanks saying I need to purge/cleanse them, especially in the 5-man where the last boss uses some sort of static charge to lock players to the floor. I can't remember the boss name, spell name, or instance name, sorry. I'd like to tell you what time but, I really can't say since I don't remember. I've given you my whole log, and some things I kept changing around like use ghot wolf, don't use ghost wolf, distance to use ghost wolf, etc.

      Attached Files:

    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      zeldrak, Thanks for the post and detail.

      1. Ghost Wolf. I'll take a look at the log file, but to specifically diagnose I would need to know the local computer time. Unfortunately all of the ShamWOW Ghost Wolf support was broken when the decision was made to support travel forms directly within HonorBuddy Mount Logic rather than within the individual CC's. So ultimately it may be an HonorBuddy issue even though it is a class specific spell, but if you can indicate a specific time I'll be able to determine and handle myself or forward to Raphus. In the meantime, you can take a look at the HonorBuddy mount distance settings and see if adjustment provides the results you are looking for. To be clear, there is some minimal Ghost Wolf support still present in ShamWOW, but the bulk of the logic is now within HonorBuddy.

      2. Cleanse. There is an additional flag on the Group Healing tab where you can disable Cleanse while preserving the priority settings you referenced. The log line:
      [12:58:53 AM:285]   # Raid_Heal.Cleanse        'False'
      shows you currently have it set to False which is why no cleansing is occurring. When you click the Let It Rain Preset (meaning maximize heal meter #'s for a raid healer), in addition to setting specific Health %'s it will set Cleanse to False. For Purge, the buff would have to appear in the Purge Whitelist defined in the ShamWOW.config global config file. If there is an instance of it not purging an enemies buff, let me know what the buff is and the log would be needed as well.

      Hope that helps. Thanks very much for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    4. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I'll give that a shot as well, bobby. I'll try changing the settings in HB for mounting to see if that helps, otherwise I'll just cast it manually. I was able to find the debuff I was referring to after poking around WoWHead and looking through the heroics. The debuff is 'Static Cling' and is cast by Asaad in The Vortex Pinnacle on Heroic difficulty.

      Link: Static Cling - Spell - World of Warcraft

      As for pointing out that I had it set to false in raid healing, does that also affect healing 5-mans and 5-man Heroics? I never though of changing it there because I haven't run a Cataclysm raid as of yet. I suppose I can make the changes in all areas that I find, and see if that helps. Thanks for getting back so quickly and pointing these things out to me. I'll make the necessary changes, try them out, and if it's still not working I'll get back to you with more information.
    5. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      zeldrak, There is a separate setting for Cleanse in a 5-man Party (also on the Group Healing tab.) However, you have that set to true so my apologies for reading your post too quickly. It should already be cleansing Static Cling, especially if Cleanse Priority is set to High, so I'll run a few times and try to duplicate. It will be a day or two as I am out of town. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      zeldrak, There is a separate setting for Cleanse in a 5-man Party (also on the Group Healing tab.) However, you have that set to true so my apologies for reading your post too quickly. It should already be cleansing Static Cling, especially if Cleanse Priority is set to High, so I'll run a few times and try to duplicate. It will be a day or two as I am out of town. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
    7. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Take your time bobby. I'm not in any rush. The CC is great, regardless of a couple of blips that happen. I can manually cleanse in a pinch if I need to. As long as it's healing as well as it does then I can wait.
    8. neosporin

      neosporin New Member

      Apr 7, 2012
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      Another issue is that while in Ghost Wolf, some quests that require you to "shapeshift" into another form often bug and loop for hours on end. For example, for the quest "Spiritual Insight" ( Spiritual Insight - Quest - World of Warcraft ), it won't use the incense as you're already in a shapeshifted form. Using Kick's Questing Profiles.
    9. chaoschief

      chaoschief New Member

      Sep 17, 2011
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      I'm questing on my level 43 shaman, using latest Shamwow. It is using no earth or air totem even though I have some and it is set to auto. Is it supposed to do this? Can I fix it?
    10. Raisemymoney

      Raisemymoney New Member

      Dec 7, 2011
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      Hi i'm currently farming rep in a group and I don't want to use any totems cause it's a low lvl zone. The thing is, if I tell shamwow not to use any totems, I see my sham try to recall totem that arent' currently anywhere and it gets stuck like that forever. Is there a way to tell shamwow not to use totemic recall ?

      Thanks in advance !
    11. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      +rep my friend, well defined CC.
      bobby53 likes this.
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      neosporin, Support for individual quests is handled in the Quest profile. You'll want to post that in Kick's forum so he can force it to leave Ghost Wolf form prior to using the totem. Bobby53
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      chaoschief, Thanks for the post, but your description does not match the results of my testing. You will need to visit the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] and follow the steps for posting. You'll want to be sure to include a complete debug log file as well as the local computer time you noticed them not being cast. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Raisemymoney, You will need to visit FAQ #1 in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] and follow the steps for posting an issue. I'll need the complete debug log file as described in the FAQ to research this for you. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thank you for the feedback altec, +rep for sharing your success, Bobby53
    16. vboom

      vboom New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm not sure if this is the CC, but my shaman runs for a few minutes doing what he does. All of a sudden though, it's as if someone hit the stop button, he just stands there. The bot is still running, debug is still going, all of that is running fine, he just stands there and eventually gets kicked for being AFK. Anyone else getting this?

      HonorBuddy Mode: BGBuddy
      Shamans Location: All BGs
      What should have happened (be specific): He should continue kicking ass and chewing bubble gum, yet he is all out of gum.
      What did happen (be specific): The bot after a few minutes/hours of proper functionality stops responding completely and stands still until being kicked for AFK.
      Computer time of problem
      (local time, not realm time)
      : 1:02am EST

      Log is in the attachments.

      Attached Files:

    17. Ermel

      Ermel New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      vboom, It does not appear that the BGBuddy is making calls to the CC at the point the issue occurs since there is no log file output at that point. You mentioned debug output is still occurring, but there appears to be no log output of any type occurring from 12:58:13 until you stop the bot at 1:02:09 which seems to correspond to the problem you observed.

      The only thing unusual I noticed is that there are some errors pertaining to the currently loaded profile:
      [12:51:50 AM:762] XML Error: Unknown tag "StartLocation" (Input: "<StartLocation X="-1387.628" Y="-551.105" Z="54.9678" Side="Horde" />") in "PvpProfile"! - On line 6 - [<StartLocation X="-1387.628" Y="-551.105" Z="54.9678" Side="Horde" />]
      [12:51:50 AM:762] XML Error: Unknown tag "StartLocation" (Input: "<StartLocation X="806.1611" Y="-494.3407" Z="100.0156" Side="Alliance" />") in "PvpProfile"! - On line 7 - [<StartLocation X="806.1611" Y="-494.3407" Z="100.0156" Side="Alliance" />]
      [12:51:50 AM:764] XML Error: Unknown tag "Boxes" (Input: "<Boxes Side="Horde">
      [12:51:50 AM:764] XML Error: Unknown tag "Boxes" (Input: "<Boxes Side="Alliance">
      Note that you do not have to load BGBuddy profiles. BGBuddy will automatically select a profile from the Default Profiles\BGBuddy folder when you enter a battleground. I suggest loading any grind or questing profile that is level appropriate and then restarting HonorBuddy. If in doubt, you can load the BLANK.XML file which is a do nothing that many people use in situations like this. I have attached a copy to this post for you.

      Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

      Attached Files:

    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ermel, Thanks for the complete debug log. ShamWOW is casting Call of the Elements to sets totems, then shortly after doing a routine check to confirm how many seconds the Searing Totem has left before it expires. The HB/WOW API called is returning a value less than 2 seconds, even though the actual time left is probably around 58 seconds. Since ShamWOW is being told that the totem is about to expire, it recasts. Here is the log entry:
      [13:21:52:726] %   SetTotemsAsNeeded: clipping Searing Totem with less than 2 seconds left
      This can sometimes occur in a botting session after previous errors have occurred in earlier sessions. Try doing a Shutdown Restart of your computer. If the issue still occurs, do a fresh install of only HonorBuddy and ShamWOW and restart again.

      If the issue still occurs, you'll need to post in the HonorBuddy Support thread for assistance. Thanks
    20. Ermel

      Ermel New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      I try it, thank you.
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