Since my other post wont get answered I have a battlenet account with 4 WoW's at Cata Level If Bliz spots one of them botting do they all get banned?
No, 1 of my 3 accounts is banned. Others still running. Only shitty part is that seperating accounts doesn't work.
Ah ok thanks for info man Yea I dont think you can separate accounts from one battlenet to another I wish! but you could always buy a new whole WoW upgrade and transfer it to another Bnet account a character that is
as of right now, only got one account with time on it...unfortunately its my main account...but come the first, ill have 3 accounts fully paid for for a year, and so ill bot on them starting then...
Pretty same. Only one account, my main acount. I had dream about goldselling etc and that i buy couple of account but this is far away on future?
i bot every night on my main account, everything from mining and herb, to archaeology to fishing, rep grinds and all
I try never to bot on my main account, since that's impossible, I usually only bot leveling/rep grinding and only when I'm at the computer for a few hours, monitoring everything.