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  • The One CC - Closed Beta Test Application

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fpsware, Apr 25, 2010.

    1. wn2142

      wn2142 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I've run several classes to 80, nearly always PvE. I have the 3rd top geared shaman on my realm. This is what I am doing now:

      I level RaF in instances, so next I'm going to run Paladin tank (plate), Enhance Shaman (mail), Feral dps (leather) and Shadow Priest (cloth) and have each of my characters auto roll their appropriate armor spec, giving the random 5th member I pick up in LFG a 50/50 chance on getting an item. Since I almost always use the LFG system I level very fast and by the time I am 60 I am exceedingly well geared. My main focus is on survivability so while doing this I will be able to provide those little details and input that assist in that regard, like casting barkskin before shifting to heal... I've provided feedback in the past and don't plan on stopping, if I'm in your beta or not. Love this game and love the work you're doing...
    2. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      • Class : Warrior, Hunter,
      • Spec : Arms, BM
      • PVE and/or PVP : PVP
      • Level (or level range eg 70-75) : 60-80
      • Personal expierence playing this class : Pvpin, some pve
      • What aspect do you want to test : Test Full pvp and make sure the logic is correct
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test : Because You love me..
    3. Znyx

      Znyx New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      • Class Rogue, Mage, Paladin
      • Spec Combat, Frost, Retri
      • PVE and/or PVP both, mixed.
      • Level (or level range eg 70-75) Rogue=60+. Mage, Paladin 20+
      • Personal expierence playing this class (eg.. I've played X class from level 1-80 and I've also raided with this class, I've tanked/healed/DPSed). Played Retridin in raids, also Holy. Rogue the same, done wotlk 80 raids. Mage, new to this class(Used it alot on PTR's and arena tournament)
      • What aspect do you want to test (Eg, I want to test PVP. PVE grinding/leveling. I want to watch it bake cookies) As said above, mixed of PVP and PVE, mostly PVE grinding as AV's aint running much in my BG.
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test. You should choose me because i really want this 'The one CC' to happen, it is absolutely awesome, i have been in a lot of beta's before and provided feedback, here is a list.
      Age of Conan Beta
      WoW Vanilla Beta
      BC Beta
      Wotlk Beta

      All points bulletin(New GTA like MMO, in closed beta, strict NDA)
      Bad Company 2 Beta(Closed)
      C&C4 beta
      Red Alert 3 Beta
      Starcraft 2 beta

      And a lot more.


    4. yayo

      yayo New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Class/Spec I am willing to test : Resto / Feral Druid (PvP mostly)
      Level : 52 Atm, I am willing to test all the way to 80
      Experience with the mentioned class : I've played the Druid class from level 1-80 and I've also raided with this class, I've tanked/healed/DPSed :)
      I am willing to test PvP, a bit PvE while I wait for the BG weekends to come up.
      A reason for choosing me? Not sure but maybe not enought people out there to test Resto Druids? And yes, I am willing to provide feedback.

      kkthxbai =D
    5. LAP87

      LAP87 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Warlock lvl80 , Demonology/Affliction & Destruction.
      I have 3 years experience of playing as a Warlock, i've pretty much done everything there is to do.
      If i get into your closed beta i will test it to the extreme in every aspect. (PvE, PvP, RaF)

      And you can count on me to bitch-moan (report bugs) ASAP ;)

    6. Mazzyr

      Mazzyr Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      • Mage - lvl 80 - Random BG grinder - Done everything on it currently stand in ICC gear -
      • Hunter - lvl 63 - Random lvl grinding, BG grinder - Currenly got King Slayer hunter on main account, knows everything about hunter, and a elitist about hunters
      • 2xPriest lvl 40 - RAF lvl grinding -
      • Druid - lvl 72 - bg grinder & lvl grinder - dual specced feral & resto and doing instances as healer with HB
      • Rogue - lvl 21 - lvl grinding -
      • 2xWarlock - lvl 51 - RAF BG grinder & lvl grinder - Demo spec -
      • 2xShaman - lvl 13 - RAF going - lvl grinder
      ALL character are lvl'ed with HB, in it for the fun and to experience all classes on this way, big time elitist nerd, and will say, im one of thoese that knows everything about whatever class you put infront of me.

      And can adapt in anyway you need, and let what ever class run if your in need of it, to support you in this CC running currently 24/7 with at least 2 bots at any given time.
    7. adam88

      adam88 New Member

      Apr 19, 2010
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      Class -
      Druid 50 - Resto Pve And Feral Pve/Pvp
      Shaman 80 - Elemental - Pve and Resto - Pvp
      Priest 71 - Shadow - PvE/PvP and Disc Pve
      Warrior 66 - Arms PvP and Prot Pve

      Played all these classes to their current level set excluding druid which was botted from 32. Ive raided up to ICC 25M on my Shaman, on my Buddys Warrior as well.

      I really want to test the PvE settings, to finish leveling the above to 80 or I'll reroll a new class and bot them up if needed! Willing to test any aspect though!

      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test - I've played WoW since it first came out. I've played every class and know them all well. I keep up-to-date on all the best specs and rotations even for classes I don't currently play, mainly to make sure my raids stay up to par!

      EDIT-- Oh and I am a full time IT/Systems Engineer and I know just how important it is to provide as much, and as detailed information as humanly possible, Logs, What I saw during the time, a fraps from the time of error if needed (I fraps my guy leveling up, gotta make use of my 2tb external ;) )
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
    8. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'll be sending out PMs over the next 5-7 days to all those selected for this closed beta test. Everyone selected will recieve a download link and instructions on testing requirements specific to your characters.

      Closed beta testing will last for approximately 1-2 weeks. At which point it should be ready to let loose on the public :)
    9. newuser

      newuser New Member

      Mar 21, 2010
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      Im currently leveling a mage using your CC (with HB 1.3, leveling, Mixed-AV and RAF).
      I'm also going to level my Druid from 70 to 80 this week.
      So - if you need me for testing please drop me a note

      Class: Mage, Druid
      Spec: Mage: Frost: Druid: Feral
      PVE and/or PVP: Both:
      Level: Mage 61 to 80, Druid: 70 to 80
      Personal expierence playing this class: Mage not much yet beside some instances and such. Druid was hand leveled to 70 in TBC incl. boomkin, healing, tanking
      What aspect do you want to test: Leveling, PVP (Mixed-AV), RAF
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: no particular reason :)
      Last edited: Apr 27, 2010
    10. Vanish

      Vanish Member

      Mar 27, 2010
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      Played a rogue since first week of world of warcraft very experienced in all 3 specs, however specialize in subtley. I have expierence using many bots including but not limited to WoWglider/mmoglider, farmer john bot, mmomimic, isxwarden or whatever it was called, and last but not least or limited to Honorbuddy. (those are the ones i remember and played most with.) I know a rogue inside out and have tested many bots so i know how they function and what they are bound to do or not do. I leveled 2 rogues to 80, 1 straight with mmoglider and the other by hand considering my first got banned for model editing. I have raided from Molten Core/BWL/Ony to all the raid instances to date although i have stopped raiding and am focusing on pvp atm. With any bot i use, i mostly use it for pvp to aquire all the gear i possibly can from the pvp vendors and up my arena game. If picked im going to make sure the rogue CC is at the top of its game and will report any and all improvements that could be made to the logic and reaction of the rogue and the classes varying specs. Im looking forward to being chosen and think i should be from my sheer experience with the rogue class and automation in world of warcraft. Thank you for your consideration and your time.
      Last edited: Apr 30, 2010
    11. Nomfather

      Nomfather Member

      Jan 28, 2010
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      Ah, i'll throw my ticket into the hat also.

      Class: Warrior/Hunter/Priest/Shaman/Warlock/DK/Pala
      Warrior: prot/fury
      Shaman: Resto/Ele
      Warlock: Destro/Demo,
      DK/pala =not in your CC so doesnt matter

      PVE and/or PVP: Both
      Level: All 80 bar the priest who is 77

      Personal expierence playing this class: Enough, raided/pvp'd on all (bar priest)

      What aspect do you want to test: Leveling, PVP

      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: *Thinks of line to sell himself*.. nope nothing.. i supose i can write in clear english.
    12. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Shall I toss in mine too then just for the fun of it.
      However if U need fulltime non-stop testers, leave me as last on the list (as my working schedule does not permit me to do this).

      Druid x 2 : Druid 1 Balance/Resto PvP specced and geared (@ lvl 80)
      Druid 2 Feral Tank/DPS PvE specced and geared (@ lvl 80)

      Priest x 2 : Priest 1 Shadow/Disc PvE specced and geared (@ lvl 80)
      Priest 2 Shadow PvE specced (@ lvl 75)

      Warlock x 2 : Warlock 1 Affliction/Destruction PvP specced and geared (@ lvl 80)
      Warlock 2 Affliction/Destruction PvP specced and geared (@ lvl 80)
      (All the double toons are on 2 different accounts and/or realms)

      Hunter : Hunter Beastmaster PvE specced and geared (@ lvl 60)
      Shaman : Enhancement PvE specced and geared (@ lvl 68)
      Rogue : No spec yet below lvl 10 (used atm as banktoon)

      Further 2 paladins and a deathknight.

      I at least handplayed one toon of each of the above mentioned classes by hand (or my wife did).
      I raided all content available so far
      Aspects to be tested : PvP, PvE, Instance Farming (when RaF available)
      Reason to choose : No particular reason
      Last edited: May 2, 2010
    13. grutamu

      grutamu Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Currentaly have:
      Hunter(66) Mixed AV This was my Pre BC toon, Decked in 3/9 t3 and a bunch of random stuff, planing on making 70 twink with this guy
      Warrior(36) Level bot Leveling to Face roll at 80
      Druid (70) Mixed AV Same as warrior

      Little bit about my self.
      Got gladiator season 2,3,4,5,6 on my Shaman(BC) and Deathknight(Wrath)
      Currentaly 11/12 heroic icc25
      I bot ~18 hours a day on the weekdays and ~9 on the weekends

      Why i want to use your CC/why you should pick me.
      Well first off i want to level my hunter as marks and the current cc dosnt support it/is buggy
      You should pick me to use your CC because first off I will report any bugs that it has and ill give you some PvP tips /wink

      Anyways, Hope i will hear back from you soon.

      PS if you pick me ill send you some cookies.
    14. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Work is still progressing well. I'll be contacting people over the next week for beta testing.
    15. Nomfather

      Nomfather Member

      Jan 28, 2010
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      mrsfpsware supervising you with her whip?
      "Work Faster!" *cracks whip*
    16. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Just a heads up to those applying for the closed beta test. I will only be choosing people with hands-on experience playing a chosen class. I will not be selecting anyone with botting only experience.
    17. MDurner11

      MDurner11 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      -crosses fingers-
    18. Nomfather

      Nomfather Member

      Jan 28, 2010
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      So you're going for Set classes per person? ;)
      Example Person A: you're testing the hunter.
      Person B: You're on the priest
    19. Gosu

      Gosu New Member

      Feb 10, 2010
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      • Class (I have Warrior,PRiest Death Knight Rogue Mage and Hunter Shaman)
      • Spec (Warrior MS/Tank Priest Disci/shadow Dk Unholy Rogue Mutilate combat Mage Arcane Frost Hunter MM/MM Shaman Resto/ele)
      • PVE and PVP
      • Level (all of these are 80)
      • Personal expierence playing this class (I play since Beta All of these chars are Icc10/25 Ready I played every of those classes by hand.).
      • What aspect do you want to test (Test them for Farming Honor and Grinding)
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: Because i got some aknowlage on C and could help.
    20. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      No, if you're capable of testing a class by all means go for it. The more you can test the more feed back you can offer.

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