[Horde] Argent Tournament (Initial + Valiant + Champion + Sunreavers) Horde: Argent Tournament Credits: applepiez, bob2k and Kick's and mastahg for QBs Notes: Also created a few profiles to change continent, LK to EK, EK to LK in the SVN has some codes that i get from Kick's to use as base to GoTo profiles. Need some Help: Not priority(But important): K to EK isn't working as expected it walk to left before gets in Zepp and fall from platform, don`t know why, if someone figure it out, please let me know. How to use it: First: Download from SVN and copy the content of QuestBehavior folder to your HB Quest Behavior folder. Where: Can be anywhere EXCEPT Outlands. When: 78+ (i think, but if you do it at 85 you can solo some quests that need a horse and spear) Who: Any horde Race even Goblins How: Use "[H] Argent Tournament - Valiant (start)" til you be a Champion of your race, only after load individual race Valiant Profile What: Valiant + Champion + Sunreavers = All Argent Champion Grounds quests. SVN: Link Here
Used 2 plugins(Compatibility and Glue) in order to attack the Valiants while mounted, but even when I stopped CC it keeps running so can't spam mounted spells, a spell that should take half second, takes almost 3 seconds. If I can do something that it ignores CC completely, I can do the Profile be "watch only". Asked in developers forum, but didn't received any answer. I just need to prevent CC from Tickle.
I'll look into writing a custom behavior for this. Been wanting to have something like this done for quite some time.
Man, if you do it, its gonna be wonderful, cause I can solve the problem of 4 quests with this: Valiants in "The Grand Melee", Champions in "Among the Champions", "At The Enemy's Gates" and "Battle Before The Citadel"
2 of them will be easy, because theres no hostiles nearby. But the ones that are near the gates full of enemies will be harder.
I do it now with my 85 druid without the horse, Commanders take a good time but dies, the other ones was easy. If I can help with anything, please let me know. There is SpellIDs and MobIDs in profile, don't know if helps.
Heres a QB for the grand melee. Heres the syntax Code: <CustomBehavior File="TheGrandMelee" QuestId="13772"/> QuestId is different for each race. I'll work on the other one later. Make sure the user has a horde lance in the inventory, you can grab one off the racks inside the horde tent.
Do you mean Threat From Above, Battle Before The Citadel, Among The Champions and Taking Battle To The Enemy? If it is, yes it do. If not, tell me what it is, I can make it and add to profile. PS: Already changed the Valiant profiles. PS?: I was looking at the code, to Among The Champions, just need to change a feel things, like IDs and mount spot. Will try to use it to another 2 quests, "The Aspirant's Challenge" and "A Champion Rises". PS?: Could this QB have 3 non-default parameters in the call? (Mounts, Enemy, MountSpot and maybe a forth EnemyDebuff) With it we can use just this profile to the 4 Argent Tournament Grounds quests, will just need another to "Battle Before The Citadel" and "At The Enemy's Gates". Edit: Now I remember what quests was Sunreaver dailies, and No, it didn't do it YET. Today I get Champion with my actual char and will try to add those to profile.
Tylos Dawnrunner - NPC - World of Warcraft Girana the Blooded - NPC - World of Warcraft These two npcs give the dailies for the sunreavers once you reach exalted for them. If you're not exalted with them I suggest you run halls of stone or lightning idr which, but theres a nice profile for one that yields over 2000 rep hr Try this version of the QB. [C#] // Behavior originally contributed by mastahg. // // DOCUMENTATION: // - Pastebin.com For among the champions <CustomBehavior File="TheGrandMelee" QuestId="13772" X="8485.926" Y="920.0826" Z="547.2928" /> For the grand melee <CustomBehavior File="TheGrandMelee" QuestId="13772" X="8485.926" Y="920.0826" Z="547.2928" /> Quest Id will ofc need to be changed for each faction grandmelee.
Here you go... http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=cJRzqRK1 Grand melee <CustomBehavior File="TheGrandMelee" QuestId="13772" Enemys="33384,33306,33285,33382,33383" EnemysDebuff="64816,64811,64812,64813,64815" X="8485.926" Y="920.0826" Z="547.2928"/> For the other ones You'll need to find the corrisponding ID and debuff, they must be put in the same order. Ie: if stormwind is the first champion you add to enemys, then it's debuff must also be the first one added to the EnemysDebuff list.
Saw the NPCs, but need to have a Champion too. With this change, should 169 line remain "WoWPoint MountSpot = new WoWPoint(8426.872,711.7554,547.294);"? I think the correct is: "<CustomBehavior File="TheGrandMelee" QuestId="13772" X="8426.872" Y="711.7554" Z="547.294" />"