Graphics Settings: Anyway to adjust to a lower than the official "Ultra-Low" one? Hope I didn't post my password along with my settings. [Renderer] D3DFullScreen = false Height = 768 NativeHeight = 768 NativeWidth = 1024 RefreshRate = 75 TextureAnisotropy = 1 Width = 1024 WindowX = 0 WindowY = 0 FullScreen = false doShadows = false FarClipScale = 25. AntiAliasingLevel = 0 Buckets = 2 GraphicsDeviceId = 3618 MeshLODQuality = 1 EnableBloom = false VerticalSyncState = true TextureQuality = 1 UseMinSpecShaders = false PlantDensity = 0 GammaRamp = 0.91179347 doBlobShadows = false AtlasQuality = 1 AllowDepthOfField = false ShaderSet = 0 SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 0.75 [Game] MoviesFolder = ..\..\Movies SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic [Sound] DisableSoundWhenUnfocused = true
you can lower fps with dxtory trial you can also find dxtory on 'other sites' if you don't want to pay for it (version 112 works fine)
Thanks but I found an easier solution to the problem since BuddyWing is background-mode (reads memory rather than pixels), I just minimize the Swtor client.
I wasn't going to say anything...but then thought fuck it. What on earth made you post such a statement when HB can be found on 'other sites' aswell? Seriously. It's okay for BW customers to steal other software as long as it isn't Bosslands? Considering all the bullshit that went on with certain sites, one in particular, having *****ed versions of HB i would have thought better of people here. Especially someone like you I understand your just trying to help, but damn you dropped the proverbial ball there.