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  • [Plugin] Ultimate PvP Suite

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Phelon, Apr 25, 2012.

    1. botosan

      botosan New Member

      Dec 15, 2011
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      Also Iceblock and Pally bubble needs major attention. Skip target and ignore. Move on. Just watched DK do about 35 circle jerks around an ice block.Also holy priest angel thing is still being targetted.
    2. Phelon

      Phelon Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Hate to tell ya but it is HB not realizing it is dead, not much I can do about that

                  //Checks to make sure everything is firing when it should be.
                  if (!Battlegrounds.IsInsideBattleground) return;
                  if (StyxWoW.IsInGame == false) return;
                  if (StyxWoW.Me.IsValid == false) return;
                  //Get rid of Blacklist if BGBuddy went stupid
                  //Stops Strafe Logic if someone has a CC that strafes
                  //Picks up Food and Drink from Table
                  //Checks to see if target is near and will try to Force Combat
                  //if (TargetHelper.TargetExists()) { TargetHelper.GetInCombat(); return; }
                  //Stops Targeting etc when dead.
      [COLOR=#ff0000]         [B]   if (StyxWoW.Me.Dead || !StyxWoW.Me.IsActuallyInCombat) return;[/B][/COLOR]
                  //Breaks Crowd Controls
                  if (RacialsAndTrinkets.Pulse()) return;
                  //Use Consumables
                  if (Consumables.Pulse()) return;
                  //Returns Flags and Caps Banners
                  if (FlagActions.Pulse()) return;
                  //Insignia Remover
                  if (InsigniaRemover.Pulse()) return;
                  //Tries to get BG Buffs.
                  if (PvPBuffs.Pulse()) return;
                  //Will Target if Flag isn't present
      [COLOR=#ff0000]           [B] if (TargetHelper.Pulse()) { return; }[/B][/COLOR]
      So you want to leave a paladin healer or low hp mage because of iceblock or shield? That is not a good idea at all.

                  using (new FrameLock())
                      return (from Unit in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWPlayer>(false)
                              orderby Unit.Distance
                              where Unit.IsAlive
                              where Unit.IsPlayer
                              where Unit.Distance < UltimatePvPSuite.TargetHealersRange
                              where !Unit.IsFriendly
                              where !Unit.IsPet
                              where Unit.InLineOfSight
                              where Unit.IsCasting
      [COLOR=#ff0000]                        where !Unit.HasAura("Spirit of Redemption")[/COLOR]
                              where SpellNames.Contains(Unit.CastingSpell.Name)
                              select Unit).FirstOrDefault();
      Code is in there to ignore if Spirit of Redemption.

      You are doing it wrong. Try to adjust the target weights. Make Lowest Hp a higher target weight.
      Last edited: Jun 6, 2012
    3. palapalapaladuck

      palapalapaladuck New Member

      Apr 14, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      I installed the latest plugin, 1.15 from your website, overall working well however when i click plugins, highlight the suite and try to click the *ultimate pvp suite* to configure it i click but no GUI box opens :/...Am I just herpderping and doing it wrong?

      Just wanna be able to configure the plugin.
    4. Awol

      Awol New Member

      Jan 28, 2012
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      I am not having issues targeting while dead. I've seen it in the past and I believe it is an HB issue because a restart fixed it.
      Last edited: Jun 6, 2012
    5. Phelon

      Phelon Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      GUI is donator only my friend. Other wise it is completely configurable from the Ultimate PvP Suite.cs

      Did ya get my message and hows it workin?

      KARMAKOALA New Member

      May 23, 2012
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      Phelon, i have sent you a message regarding donation.
    7. Phelon

      Phelon Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I know and thank you. I am just busy today so I do not have time to log on the VPS and create users.
    8. Awol

      Awol New Member

      Jan 28, 2012
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      I have not had a chance to test the latest update. I'll do so in approximately 6 hours when I get home from work.

      My previous response was about the targeting while dead issue.
    9. Piraat

      Piraat New Member

      Jun 1, 2012
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      For some reason the bot keeps walks, stops, walks stops the whole time.
      Also doesn't use any of my mounts at all. Really sad, would love to use this to get my alts geared up :(
      Log: View attachment 42813
    10. Phelon

      Phelon Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Probably has a lot to do with:

      19:16:32:297] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:32:297] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:32:370] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:32:370] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:32:442] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:32:442] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:32:513] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:32:513] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:32:585] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:32:585] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:32:661] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:32:661] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:32:732] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:32:732] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:32:804] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:32:804] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:32:876] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:32:876] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:32:947] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:32:947] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:019] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:019] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:091] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:091] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:162] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:162] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:234] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:234] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:305] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:305] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:377] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:377] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:448] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:448] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:534] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:534] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:606] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:606] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:677] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:677] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:748] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:748] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:820] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:820] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:892] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:892] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:33:963] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:33:963] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:035] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:035] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:107] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:107] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:178] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:178] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:250] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:250] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:322] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:322] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:393] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:393] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:464] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:465] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:536] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:536] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:608] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:608] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:686] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:686] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:757] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:757] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:828] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:828] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:899] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:899] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:34:971] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:34:971] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:042] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:042] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:115] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:115] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:186] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:186] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:257] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:257] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:328] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:328] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:399] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:399] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:472] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:472] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:544] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:544] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:615] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:615] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:689] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:689] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:760] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:760] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:831] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:831] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:904] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:904] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:35:975] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:35:975] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:046] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:046] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:117] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:117] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:188] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:188] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:259] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:259] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:332] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:332] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:403] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:403] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:475] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:475] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:546] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:546] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:617] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:617] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:694] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:694] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:766] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:766] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:837] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:837] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:909] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:909] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:36:980] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:36:980] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:051] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:051] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:125] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:125] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:196] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:196] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:267] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:267] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:338] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:339] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:410] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:410] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:482] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:482] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:553] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:553] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:624] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:624] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:697] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:697] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:769] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:769] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:840] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:840] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:912] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:912] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:37:983] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:37:983] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:38:054] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:38:054] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:38:126] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:38:126] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:38:197] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:38:197] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:38:268] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:38:268] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:38:340] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:38:341] [PoD] Precombat: need a soulstone
      [19:16:38:367] [PoD] Casting spell Create Soulstone
      [19:16:38:401] Spell_C::CastSpell(693, 0, 0x0, 0) [2]
      [19:16:38:488] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:38:488] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:38:572] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:38:572] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:38:643] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:38:643] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:38:719] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:38:719] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:38:790] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:38:790] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:38:860] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:38:860] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:38:931] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:38:931] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:003] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:003] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:073] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:073] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:146] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:146] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:217] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:217] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:288] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:288] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:358] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:358] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:430] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:430] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:502] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:502] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:572] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:572] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:642] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:642] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:713] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:713] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:783] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:783] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:855] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:855] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:926] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:926] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:39:997] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:39:997] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:068] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:068] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:139] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:139] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:210] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:210] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:281] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:281] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:353] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:353] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:424] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:424] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:495] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:495] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:566] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:566] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:637] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:637] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:709] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:709] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:784] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:784] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:855] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:855] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:926] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:926] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:40:997] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:40:997] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:41:068] [PoD] Need buffs: creating hearthstone or soulstone
      [19:16:41:068] [PoD] Precombat buffs: do nothing as I'm casting...
      [19:16:41:136] [PoD] Successfully cast Create Soulstone
      [19:16:41:426] [PoD] Failed to cast Create Soulstone
      [19:16:41:550] [PoD] Need buffs: no healthstone or soulsto
    11. Piraat

      Piraat New Member

      Jun 1, 2012
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      Would turning off the use of soulstones fix it? Would that also fix the not mounting up issue?
    12. Phelon

      Phelon Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Probably. I have no idea about the custom class you are using.
    13. Cukie

      Cukie Active Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      Threw a couple bucks your way, not much but all I had available in my Paypal account. Would love the GUI version of this if at all possible =P
    14. Awol

      Awol New Member

      Jan 28, 2012
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      I can report that the newest version is now properly using Draught of War healing potions and Mythical healing potions as well as Health Stones.

      Great fix, this will improve overall performance in BGs substantially.

      Now for the bad news, it is still not using escape trinkets. i.e. ruthless gladiator's medallion of cruelty (sp?)

      I'll post a log in a few, it is still running for the time being.

      also, noticed a new bug, with refreshment table and and soulwell out at the same time but in different locations my character goes crazy trying to get to both at the same time.
    15. Awol

      Awol New Member

      Jan 28, 2012
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      hmm something is wrong with soulwell. I turned off refreshment table to avoid the problem I mentioned before and now it will grab an HS and just stand there endlessly until the table dispersers. It says it is trying to p/u an HS even after it already has one.

      View attachment 42833

      additionally it is doing some weird things mid fight, like running away to drop combat so it can eat. For whatever reason it would not target a draieni shaman last fight at all. It was so buggy that I almost think it was HB acting up and had nothing to do with your plugin at all.

      One more thing adjusting the range for combat buffs in the GUI does not seem to effect the range in game. Mine is set at 4 but my character frequently runs 15+ yards to grab a buff while in the middle of a fight.
      Last edited: Jun 7, 2012
    16. Piraat

      Piraat New Member

      Jun 1, 2012
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      Using Zerfall's warlock cc. Or do you have any other lock cc you'd recommend for bg?

      KARMAKOALA New Member

      May 23, 2012
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      +1. Paypal was almost empty, tho if its good, ill probably donate more.
    18. Piraat

      Piraat New Member

      Jun 1, 2012
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      So now I disabled the use of healthstones. At first it ran without stopping all the time.
      After a minute, it started doing that again, plus it still wasn't using any mounts.
      Could anyone take a look at the log again? :confused: View attachment 42842
    19. Phelon

      Phelon Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      [13:07:39:665] [ZerFall]: Im in Combat But Still Running away, Manualy Stoping to do Combat
      [13:07:39:752] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:39:752] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:39:969] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:39:969] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:39:969] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:39:969] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:40:086] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:40:086] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:40:189] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:40:189] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:40:223] Loading NetherstormBG_28_27
      [13:07:40:353] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:40:353] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:40:573] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:40:573] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:40:573] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:40:573] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:40:688] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:40:688] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:40:822] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:40:822] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:41:038] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:41:038] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:41:038] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:41:038] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:41:254] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:41:254] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:41:254] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:41:254] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:41:470] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:41:470] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:41:470] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:41:470] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:41:572] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:41:572] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:41:687] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:41:687] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:41:791] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:41:791] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:41:904] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:41:904] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:42:121] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:42:121] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:42:121] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:42:121] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:42:355] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:42:355] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:42:355] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:42:355] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:42:574] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:42:574] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:42:574] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:42:574] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:42:688] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:42:688] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:42:905] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:42:905] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:42:905] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:42:905] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:43:038] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:43:038] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:43:139] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:43:139] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:43:394] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:43:394] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:43:394] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:43:394] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:43:505] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:43:505] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:43:607] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:43:607] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:43:723] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:43:723] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:43:940] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:43:940] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:43:940] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:43:940] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:44:056] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:44:056] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:44:157] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:44:157] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:44:374] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:44:374] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:44:374] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:44:374] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:44:593] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:44:593] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:44:593] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:44:593] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:44:707] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:44:707] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:44:923] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:44:923] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:44:923] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:44:923] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:45:041] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:45:041] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:45:157] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:45:157] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:45:258] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:45:258] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:45:374] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:45:374] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:45:590] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:45:590] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:45:590] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:45:590] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:45:691] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:45:691] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:45:794] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:45:794] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:45:926] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:45:926] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:46:041] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:46:041] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:46:143] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:46:143] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:46:358] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:46:358] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:46:358] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:46:358] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:46:492] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:46:492] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:46:593] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:46:593] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:46:809] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:46:809] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:46:809] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:46:809] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:47:025] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:47:025] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:47:025] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:47:025] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:47:242] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:47:242] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:47:242] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:47:242] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:47:458] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:47:458] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:47:458] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:47:458] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:47:675] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:47:675] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:47:675] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:47:675] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:47:777] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:47:777] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      [13:07:47:892] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [13:07:47:892] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
      13rock likes this.
    20. Phelon

      Phelon Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Technically speaking he shouldn't be able to go for both table and soulwell as it is nested in a if/else statement. So not sure whats up with that. As for the trinkets I will take a look. Is it using its hp trinket? And we are sure it isn't using its escape trinket?

      New rev on SVN to fix hopefully for HS up. Range Added to BG PowerUps.
      Last edited: Jun 7, 2012

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