Does anybody know exactly how the questing feature will work? I saw someone say that it will indeed pick up quests along the way of the grinding profiles but I have a few questions concerning that... Will it pick them up, go to the areas to complete the quests or just pick them up and grind mobs as the grinding profiles are already set to? Some quests are like "Deliver 'blah' to 'NPC' in Booty Bay." .. I'm just curious if it'll walk your character out to Booty Bay to turn in the quests and then return to grind on mobs. Secondly, does anybody know if the quest function starts at level 1 quests and works upward to the level of your character or does it strictly follow a profile you load into it and stick to that area? For instance, if I load up an STV profile does it stick to doing quests only in STV? Hopefully none of these questions are dumb or a waste of your time to read them. =] Searched forums quite a bit and couldn't find any solid information to answer 'em. Thanks, FienD
It acts quite intelligently. It weighs the objectives to find the best one to complete. Basically it means it will do closest objectives before doing objectives that are farther away. Turn-ins are weighed the same way. Eventually, once the Booty Bay talk-to objective is the closest one, it will go do it. If you do not want to do a quest like that, add it to the quest blacklist. Not with hotspots, but with vendors and mailboxes.
If i have a level 30 which has got no quests, will it know where it should go to pick them up for it's level?
If you have a level 80 and you want it to do all the level 1 quests will it change based on what you put in your profile like zOmg already said?
z0mg, im curios about your role in this. Based on your previous posts, you obviously have a lot of inside info yet you only have posted 9 times in 5 months. Hmmmmm /edit - On another note I hope it'll be able to do class quests such as the shaman ones.
don't be too lazy xD there are just a few Class Quests. So you can take 20 min time to make the quest : D