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  • [Act1][Inferno] Sarkoth Farm Profile

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nesox, Jun 11, 2012.

    1. lathrodectus

      lathrodectus Member

      Sep 13, 2011
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      Trophy Points:
      Is it possible to skip demons outside and kill only the sarkoth& minions inside the Cellar?
    2. Ganjah

      Ganjah Banned

      Nov 18, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Getting the same crash error... Diagnostic log;

    3. stodderkonge

      stodderkonge New Member

      Jan 12, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      well wait abit with this profile is my suggestion its bugged as hell still. let the creator look into it when he gets around
    4. TzmFen

      TzmFen New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Trophy Points:
      Would really like to know how to setup efficently for DH too.. cause the silly tard keeps dying cause it runs to melee :p
    5. AgentOrange01

      AgentOrange01 New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Trophy Points:
      got the same issue with my barbarian.
      also got another issue:
      if interrupted by any mob while teleporting, he's not killing the mob - hes just quiting the game instead.

      Lowers my GPH down to 20k. Hope it will get fixed soon by Nesox :(
      Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
    6. jenovachild

      jenovachild New Member

      Feb 29, 2012
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      Trophy Points:
      Just wondering if the AutoIT script works so well why you're looking for a replacement?
    7. Maxasy

      Maxasy Member

      Sep 19, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Still having the same issue, haven't sorted a way to fix it... some runs works perfect, sometimes it just stops every single time it gets in that cellar.

      I have to assume it is one of the variables in the below chunk of code not being met in certain conditions....

       <If condition="ActorExistsAt(176007, 2059.629, 2478.667, 27.02374, 15)">
            <While condition="Me.CurrentScene is not None and not Me.CurrentScene.Mesh.LevelAreaSNO == 106756">	  
      	    <UseObject questId="1" x="2058.653" y="2476.354" z="26.32902" actorId="176007" interactRange="10" />
      		<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1500" />
      But I do not know enough to fix it. My guess is either the "ActorExists" coords change slightly on certain entrances, or the UseObject is in a different location and one of those is causing a fault and stop.

      .... what the hell do I know, someone who DOES know something, should help.
      Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
    8. Maxasy

      Maxasy Member

      Sep 19, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      And to those who need the info, below pasted in the CODE section is my Diagnostic LOG for a failed run.

      All seems to happen here.... (or at least start there)

      "[19:52:57.634 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f9be06ca-066b-47c8-b3a6-85fe9ef33254
      [19:52:57.667 N] Interacting with object g_Portal_Square_Blue-267
      [19:52:57.906 D] Navigator.Clear
      [19:52:58.522 D] [BotEvents] EventChecker threw exception Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]! in check
      [19:52:58.522 D] System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!"

      [19:51:51.962 D] Response has 9 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
      [19:51:51.962 D] Nav Service path generated.
      [19:51:51.962 D] Generated path to <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001> (Dank cellar portal) with 9 hops.
      [19:51:52.460 V] Destroying loot container trOut_Stump_Chest-22
      [19:51:52.462 V] Blacklisting 77F30015 for 00:00:03
      [19:52:04.246 V] Blacklisting 79B8002C for 00:10:00
      [19:52:06.303 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [19:52:06.376 D] Navigator.Clear
      [19:52:06.376 D] Generating path to to pickup loot - <2049.778, 2552.637, 27.5>
      [19:52:06.376 D] Raycast path generated.
      [19:52:06.376 D] Generated path to <2049.778, 2552.637, 27.5> (to pickup loot) with 1 hops.
      [19:52:06.570 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [19:52:06.787 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [19:52:07.086 D] Navigator.Clear
      [19:52:07.086 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [19:52:07.089 D] Contacting nav server for path.
      [19:52:07.092 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [19:52:07.468 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [19:52:07.468 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [19:52:07.709 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [19:52:07.709 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [19:52:08.026 D] Nav callback called.
      [19:52:08.094 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [19:52:08.094 D] Got response from server, validating.
      [19:52:08.094 D] Response has 5 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
      [19:52:08.094 D] Nav Service path generated.
      [19:52:08.094 D] Generated path to <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001> (Dank cellar portal) with 5 hops.
      [19:52:10.995 V] Destroying loot container trOut_Barrel_Common-607
      [19:52:10.997 V] Blacklisting 79970011 for 00:00:03
      [19:52:11.877 V] Destroying loot container trOut_Barrel_Common-608
      [19:52:11.878 V] Blacklisting 7998002B for 00:00:03
      [19:52:14.621 D] Navigator.Clear
      [19:52:15.970 D] Navigator.Clear
      [19:52:15.970 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] e496f282-362b-450f-a4db-018f9b951cf0
      [19:52:21.050 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 6d488409-6dc2-4453-a65e-b7adae530a10
      [19:52:21.230 N] Leaving game, reason: Run is done
      [19:52:21.230 D] Navigator.Clear
      [19:52:21.230 N] Profile completed
      [19:52:21.500 N] Loaded profile Sarkoth farm profile by Nesox
      [19:52:21.500 N] Number of games completed:2
      [19:52:21.610 N] Last run acquired 105 gold.
      [19:52:21.610 N] Current Gold per Hour: 1820.7
      [19:52:35.310 D] Exception during scheduling Pulse: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at Demonbuddy.Routines.Generic.GenericRoutine.get_DestroyObjectPower() in c:\Users\flats\Downloads\Demonbuddy 1.0.442.84\Routines\Generic\GenericRoutine.cs:line 54
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
      [19:52:35.310 N] Creating new game, Params: <Act:A1 Difficulty:Inferno Quest:72095 QuestStep:51 ResumeFromSave:True IsPrivate:True>
      [19:52:40.492 D] Joined a game!
      [19:52:40.494 D] Joined a game with 9101652
      [19:52:40.528 N] ###################### REPORT ######################
      [19:52:40.529 N] Gold: 9101652
      [19:52:40.535 N] Blues: 12
      [19:52:40.545 N] Yellows: 1
      [19:52:40.550 N] Legendaries: 0
      [19:52:40.555 N] Set items: 0
      [19:52:40.555 N] ####################################################
      [19:52:40.585 D] Generating path to loot container - <1997.352, 2669.892, 40.14499>
      [19:52:40.586 D] Raycast path generated.
      [19:52:40.586 D] Generated path to <1997.352, 2669.892, 40.14499> (loot container) with 1 hops.
      [19:52:40.761 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] a989a559-892f-471a-95de-a84014aeed41
      [19:52:41.446 V] Opening loot container LootType2_OldTristram_Guard_Corpse_01-21
      [19:52:41.880 D] Navigator.Clear
      [19:52:41.880 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [19:52:41.880 D] Contacting nav server for path.
      [19:52:41.882 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [19:52:42.105 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [19:52:42.105 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [19:52:42.215 D] Nav callback called.
      [19:52:42.352 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [19:52:42.355 D] Got response from server, validating.
      [19:52:42.355 D] Response has 8 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
      [19:52:42.355 D] Nav Service path generated.
      [19:52:42.355 D] Generated path to <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001> (Dank cellar portal) with 8 hops.
      [19:52:56.382 D] Navigator.Clear
      [19:52:57.633 D] Navigator.Clear
      [19:52:57.634 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f9be06ca-066b-47c8-b3a6-85fe9ef33254
      [19:52:57.667 N] Interacting with object g_Portal_Square_Blue-267
      [19:52:57.906 D] Navigator.Clear
      [19:52:58.522 D] [BotEvents] EventChecker  threw exception Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]! in check
      [19:52:58.522 D] System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!
         at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
         at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_ACDGuid()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_IsACDBased()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.GetCommonData[T]()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_CommonData()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaActivePlayer.get_NumBackpackSlots()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaActivePlayer.InventoryManager.get_NumBackpackSlots()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
      [19:52:58.525 D] Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "<string>", line 3, in Execute
      SystemError: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!
      [19:52:58.525 N] Stopping the bot.
      [19:52:58.525 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
      [19:52:58.525 D] Navigator.Clear()
      [19:52:58.525 D] Navigator.Clear
      [19:52:58.525 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
      [19:52:58.525 D] OnStop event
      [19:52:58.525 D] OnStop Event Invoking
      [19:52:58.526 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
      [19:52:58.526 D] Resetting current behavior.
      [19:52:58.526 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
      [19:52:58.526 D] Resetting current behavior.
      [19:52:58.526 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
      [19:52:58.526 D] Resetting current behavior.
      [19:52:58.526 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
      [19:52:58.526 D] Resetting current behavior.
      [19:52:58.526 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
      [19:52:58.526 D] Resetting current behavior.
      [19:52:58.526 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
      [19:52:58.526 D] Resetting current behavior.
      [19:52:58.526 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
      [19:52:58.526 D] Resetting current behavior.
      [19:52:58.527 D] Calling OnDone() on current behavior. UseObjectTag: ActorId: 176007, X: 2058.653, Y: 2476.354, Z: 26.32902, InteractRange: 15, Position: <2058.653, 2476.354, 26.32902>, IsDone: True, QuestId: 1, StepId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: 1, IsDoneCache: True, Behavior: Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, 
      [19:52:58.527 D] Exception during scheduling Pulse: System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!
         at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
         at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_SceneId()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_CurrentScene()
         at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.FuncCallInstruction`2.Invoke(Object arg0)
         at IronPython.Runtime.Binding.PythonGetMemberBinder.FastPropertyGet`1.GetProperty(CallSite site, TSelfType target, CodeContext context)
         at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.DynamicInstruction`3.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
         at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
         at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.LightLambda.Run1[T0,TRet](T0 arg0)
         at _Scripting_(Object[] )
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Profile.Composites.IfTag.GetConditionExec()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Profile.Composites.WhileTag.get_IsDone()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Profile.Composites.IfTag.(ProfileBehavior p)
         at System.Linq.Enumerable.All[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Profile.Composites.IfTag.get_IsDone()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Profile.ProfileBehavior.get_IsDoneCache()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.ProfileOrderManager.(IEnumerable`1 behaviors)
         at Zeta.CommonBot.ProfileOrderManager.UpdateCurrentBehavior()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.ProfileManager.UpdateCurrentProfileBehavior()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Logic.OrderBot.(Object sender, EventArgs e)
         at (Object , Object , EventArgs )
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
      [19:52:58.527 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
    9. AgentOrange01

      AgentOrange01 New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      [04:55:51.596 D] Joined a game!
      [04:55:51.598 D] Joined a game with 137335
      [04:55:51.642 N] ###################### REPORT ######################
      [04:55:51.643 N] Gold: 137335
      [04:55:51.645 N] Blues: 1
      [04:55:51.649 N] Yellows: 0
      [04:55:51.651 N] Legendaries: 0
      [04:55:51.654 N] Set items: 0
      [04:55:51.654 N] ####################################################
      [04:55:51.873 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] c3599666-fd3a-4896-9711-b00624fc1cb3
      [04:55:51.903 D] Generating path to loot container - <1997.352, 2669.892, 40.14499>
      [04:55:51.904 D] Raycast path generated.
      [04:55:51.904 D] Generated path to <1997.352, 2669.892, 40.14499> (loot container) with 1 hops.
      [04:55:52.784 V] Opening loot container LootType2_OldTristram_Guard_Corpse_04-23
      [04:55:53.045 V] Opening loot container LootType2_OldTristram_Guard_Corpse_04-23
      [04:55:53.285 D] Navigator.Clear
      [04:55:53.285 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [04:55:53.286 D] Contacting nav server for path.
      [04:55:53.287 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [04:55:53.415 D] Nav callback called.
      [04:55:53.535 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [04:55:53.536 D] Got response from server, validating.
      [04:55:53.536 D] Response has 8 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
      [04:55:53.536 D] Nav Service path generated.
      [04:55:53.536 D] Generated path to <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001> (Dank cellar portal) with 8 hops.
      [04:55:59.648 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:55:59.681 D] Navigator.Clear
      [04:55:59.681 D] Generating path to to pickup loot - <1993.849, 2621.711, 29.49264>
      [04:55:59.682 D] Raycast path generated.
      [04:55:59.682 D] Generated path to <1993.849, 2621.711, 29.49264> (to pickup loot) with 1 hops.
      [04:56:00.028 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:00.280 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:00.437 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:00.562 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:00.795 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:01.050 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:01.183 D] Navigator.Clear
      [04:56:01.183 D] Generating path to to pickup loot - <2070, 2632.5, 40.14716>
      [04:56:01.183 D] Contacting nav server for path.
      [04:56:01.184 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [04:56:01.555 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [04:56:01.556 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [04:56:01.812 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [04:56:01.812 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [04:56:02.052 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [04:56:02.052 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [04:56:02.132 D] Nav callback called.
      [04:56:02.304 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [04:56:02.305 D] Contacting nav server for path.
      [04:56:02.306 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [04:56:02.560 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [04:56:02.560 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [04:56:02.710 D] Nav callback called.
      [04:56:02.814 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal - <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001>
      [04:56:02.814 D] Got response from server, validating.
      [04:56:02.814 D] Response has 8 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
      [04:56:02.814 D] Nav Service path generated.
      [04:56:02.814 D] Generated path to <2067.5, 2480, 27.10001> (Dank cellar portal) with 8 hops.
      [04:56:09.629 V] Destroying loot container trOut_Barrel_Common-326
      [04:56:09.630 V] Blacklisting 7867000E for 00:00:03
      [04:56:09.840 V] Destroying loot container trOut_Barrel_Common-328
      [04:56:09.841 V] Blacklisting 7869000D for 00:00:03
      [04:56:10.737 D] Navigator.Clear
      [04:56:12.030 D] Navigator.Clear
      [04:56:12.031 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 6fcb564b-6e64-412c-b810-20543981d338
      [04:56:12.068 N] Interacting with object g_Portal_Square_Blue-324
      [04:56:12.299 D] Navigator.Clear
      [04:56:12.975 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 0fbb6bce-cf02-4e19-8d98-f35d25960a54
      [04:56:13.038 D] Generating path to UNKNOWN - <117.8131, 103.533, 0.1000004>
      [04:56:13.038 D] Contacting nav server for path.
      [04:56:13.038 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [04:56:13.228 D] Nav callback called.
      [04:56:13.238 D] Generating path to UNKNOWN - <117.8131, 103.533, 0.1000004>
      [04:56:13.238 D] Got response from server, validating.
      [04:56:13.238 D] Response has 6 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
      [04:56:13.238 D] Nav Service path generated.
      [04:56:13.238 D] Generated path to <117.8131, 103.533, 0.1000004> () with 6 hops.
      [04:56:21.510 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:21.510 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:21.520 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:21.820 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:21.820 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:21.820 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.030 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.030 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.040 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.250 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.250 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.260 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.570 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.570 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.580 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.830 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.830 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.840 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.850 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.850 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:22.900 D] Generating path to to pickup loot - <129.7321, 105.9413, 0.5>
      [04:56:22.900 D] Raycast path generated.
      [04:56:22.900 D] Generated path to <129.7321, 105.9413, 0.5> (to pickup loot) with 1 hops.
      [04:56:23.050 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.050 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.060 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.070 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.070 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.340 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.340 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.340 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.350 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.560 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.560 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.570 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.780 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.780 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.790 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.990 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:23.990 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.000 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.170 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.170 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.180 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.400 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.400 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.410 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.590 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.590 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.590 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.850 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.860 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:24.870 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:25.060 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:25.060 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:25.070 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:25.210 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:25.210 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:25.210 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:25.320 D] Navigator.Clear
      [04:56:25.320 D] Generating path to to pickup loot - <111.165, 100.5692, 0.500001>
      [04:56:25.320 D] Raycast path generated.
      [04:56:25.320 D] Generated path to <111.165, 100.5692, 0.500001> (to pickup loot) with 1 hops.
      [04:56:25.500 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:25.500 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:25.500 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:25.510 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:25.530 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:25.590 V] Picking up item GoldSmall-503
      [04:56:26.051 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.051 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.051 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.061 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.061 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.231 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.231 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.231 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.241 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.251 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.331 V] Picking up item GoldMedium-501
      [04:56:26.751 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.751 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.751 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.761 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.941 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.941 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.941 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:26.951 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.151 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.151 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.161 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.161 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.391 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.401 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.401 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.411 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.681 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.681 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.681 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.691 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.911 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.911 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.921 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:27.921 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.141 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.151 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.171 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.181 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.401 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.401 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.411 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.421 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.631 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.651 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.681 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.891 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.891 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.901 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:28.911 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.211 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.211 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.221 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.231 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.521 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.521 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.531 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.531 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.791 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.801 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.801 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.801 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:29.851 V] Picking up item GoldMedium-464
      [04:56:30.431 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:30.431 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:30.441 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:30.511 V] Picking up item GoldCoins-463
      [04:56:31.002 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:31.002 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:31.282 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:31.292 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:31.463 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:31.463 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:31.603 D] Generating path to to pickup loot - <106.2519, 91.3082, 0.500001>
      [04:56:31.603 D] Raycast path generated.
      [04:56:31.603 D] Generated path to <106.2519, 91.3082, 0.500001> (to pickup loot) with 1 hops.
      [04:56:31.783 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:31.793 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:32.003 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:32.003 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:32.203 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:32.203 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:32.473 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:32.483 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:32.690 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:32.690 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:32.908 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:32.908 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:33.098 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:33.098 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:33.328 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:33.338 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:33.438 V] Picking up item GoldSmall-466
      [04:56:33.888 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:34.008 D] Navigator.Clear
      [04:56:34.008 D] Generating path to to pickup loot - <136.9542, 92.08475, 0.5>
      [04:56:34.008 D] Raycast path generated.
      [04:56:34.008 D] Generated path to <136.9542, 92.08475, 0.5> (to pickup loot) with 1 hops.
      [04:56:34.168 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:34.508 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:34.768 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:35.028 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:35.328 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [04:56:35.618 D] Navigator.Clear
      [04:56:35.618 D] Generating path to UNKNOWN - <117.8131, 103.533, 0.1000004>
      [04:56:35.618 D] Raycast path generated.
      [04:56:35.618 D] Generated path to <117.8131, 103.533, 0.1000004> () with 1 hops.
      [04:56:36.740 D] Navigator.Clear
      [04:56:38.070 D] Navigator.Clear
      [04:56:38.070 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 1416077b-1c69-4d59-acf5-333724638bcd
      [04:56:40.040 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
      [04:56:40.040 N] Stopping the bot.
      [04:56:40.040 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
      My Log for a run with finding the cellar but not clearing it!
    10. fifidong

      fifidong Member

      May 31, 2012
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      have you tried increasing the waitTime to 2500?
    11. Maxasy

      Maxasy Member

      Sep 19, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:

      I have now, sadly no help. Thanks for the suggestion.
    12. Squ

      Squ New Member

      Mar 4, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      As far as the problem I was having on my barb where he would port back to town (or logout) while fighting sarkoth, a simple while statement that checks if sarkoth is in the area helped. The problem I found was that during the fight, if I were to step over the waypoint (x="117.8131" y="103.533" z="0.1000004") it would carry on to the next instruction (UseTownPortal) without first killing the baddies!

      <If condition="ActorExistsAt(176007, 2059.629, 2478.667, 27.02374, 15)">
      	<While condition="Me.CurrentScene is not None and not Me.CurrentScene.Mesh.LevelAreaSNO == 106756">	  
      		<UseObject questId="1" x="2058.653" y="2476.354" z="26.32902" actorId="176007" interactRange="10" />
      		<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="2000" />
      	<MoveTo questId="1" x="117.8131" y="103.533" z="0.1000004" />
      [COLOR="#FF0000"]	<!-- Add this while statement! -->
      	<While condition="ActorExistsAt(201878, 99.91951, 148.7125, 0.1000005, 200)">
      		<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" />
      This was just a quick and dirty fix, there is a lack of documentation right now, for instance, I've seen no mention of ActorExistsAt() other than in this XML file, so it's hard to make it work 100%.
      I hope this helps you guys!
    13. unit420

      unit420 New Member

      Dec 7, 2011
      Likes Received:
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      finally got it to work on my wiz :cool:

      lvl 60
      GF 150% (bit low)
      Movement speed 23%
      Damage 21k buffed
      pickup radius 6

      GPH - ranging from 130k-150k/h

      Could be a lot higher if I had more GF but I had to give up about 100GF to bring my dps up so I don't die 1 shot from the zombies.
    14. Maxasy

      Maxasy Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      Tried it, but no luck. Sigh.
    15. Bigbadwolf

      Bigbadwolf New Member

      Sep 14, 2011
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      Trophy Points:
      Having same problem.. any fix? love this profile!
    16. SkyCrown

      SkyCrown New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      Yes it has helped, thank you.

      Managed to up my Enchantress damage to 5k, and with your delays plus some added time we are now able to kill Sarkoth.

      The kicker is after his death, my Barb simply stand still and does not move, leaving avg 1k to 4k gold on the ground, then porting out.

      Below are the wait times I bumped out even further, as for not moving after Sarkoth death and leaving gold on the ground....have no idea what code could be added or where.

      <While condition="ActorExistsAt(201878, 99.91951, 148.7125, 0.1000005, 200)">
      <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="2000" />
      <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="20000" />

      Minus the avg 1k-4k gold left on ground each time from Sarkoth, here is what is being averaged
      [23:23:18.720 N] Number of games completed:17
      [23:23:19.830 N] Last run acquired 4695 gold.
      [23:23:19.830 N] Current Gold per Hour: 117882.8

      Kill Radius 28
      Loot Radius 60
      GF 190

      Enchantress with beefed up Intelligence and nice stick
      Last edited: Jun 12, 2012
    17. HB9508D64

      HB9508D64 Member

      Jul 11, 2011
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      Pretty solid on my Wizard. 150 GF 140 MF... just some typical gear I had laying around at the time. 240-270GPH is what the bots saying after 34 runs.


      Other than getting stuck periodically for no reason and stopping the bot like other people have posted the only issue I'm having is the bot getting killed trying to port to town when the dungeon isn't up.
    18. Dstalker

      Dstalker New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      First it ran well, than it stucks by ignoring Sarkoth and eventually fighting the cow at the entrance to Whimsyshire
    19. botron

      botron New Member

      Jun 3, 2012
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      wouldnt a simple move to waypoint(something very close to quest mob) after the waitTime do the trick?
    20. DieDrossel

      DieDrossel New Member

      Apr 16, 2012
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      Hi there,
      first off, thanks for the profile! works fine 4 me.

      Question: Is it possible to use teleport/wormhole (wiz) to increase the gph? if so, how does it work?


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