atm im testing a version where he checks for the "cave under the well". the problem is i dont know if its actually worth it in terms of gold as it spawns pretty rarely. anyone interested?
New version, this one should fix the problem with not taking the portal sometimes. Updated attachment too, it also doesn't run all the way to the portal it runs just enough so it can check if the object exists so it's alot faster too Note: only works with build .87+ PHP: <Profile> <!-- Steps before loading and running the profie with the bot. * Change quest to "Act1 Legacy of Cain, Explore Cellar", Inferno difficulty. * Start Game * From town take the waypoint to -> "The Old Ruins" * Run west until you reach the checkpoint, ( opposite way of where the cathedral is. ) * Once you are saved load the profile and hit Start! * Enjoy! --> <Name>Sarkoth farm profile by Nesox</Name> <GameParams quest="72095" step="51" act="A1" difficulty="Inferno" resumeFromSave="True" isPrivate="True" numGames="-1" /> <Order> <WriteReport /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="2021.738" y="2566.262" z="27.1" name="Dank cellar portal, Scout spot" /> <If condition="ActorExistsAt(176007, 2059.629, 2478.667, 27.02374, 15)"> <UseObject questId="1" x="2058.653" y="2476.354" z="26.32902" actorId="176007" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="106746" /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="117.8131" y="103.533" z="0.1000004" /> </If> <UseTownPortal questId="1" /> <LeaveGame reason="Run is done" /> </Order> <KillMonsters>True</KillMonsters> <PickupLoot>True</PickupLoot></Profile>
Downloaded the new file, and updateded the DB. He runs kills 2 zombies and loggs off and inn again, he does this over and over. Playing monk btw
still tp's out with main mob alive. Sigh. Also monk btw. Monk seems completly bugged with db atm edit: I think DB has a general problem with unique mobs. Not only Sarkoth. Been watching this on Arreat too, my monk runs from uniques away like a chicken, then he turns back and runs again doing zero dmg no matter what skills I use.
Well anyway, i hope Nesox can fix this, i really just want 1 profile that can farm "ok". And btw thank you Nesox for trying to make this work for all us
I would be interested in trying it, the place it spawns is just south of the cellar. I'm not sure if it'd net more GPH though- it'd be worth checking though- the only thing I wish I could figure out how to do was to ignore most monsters on the way to various places.
had it running but tbh its not worth it in terms of gp/h(worse than normal) so i just went back to basic one again.
how the hell can u kill on inferno with 200+ GF% ??? my monk dies in nightmare with 32k hp - 150+ resists & 180 GF % because he stands in fire/lasers etc now i have to run nightmare in my normal gear, with 0 GF %
u are not killing elite packs with this profile, so no worries about that. btw, i made a version working better for monks: link
Edit: Working fine if I turn looting off. Is it possible to skip looting the corpse at the start point? Always getting stuck there. I want to have looting enabled though...
has problems here Code: [17:49:36.603 N] Using shrine Shrine_Global_Fortune-1550 [17:52:51.606 N] Stopping the bot. Code: [18:07:47.462 N] Using shrine Shrine_Global_Enlightened-7073 at the shrine, it runs into the map or wall. I think there really needs to be a distance check when the bot goes to interact with it, because it seems that there is no distance check.
It's supposed to stop on the road there, it checks if the portal exists from there so it avoids running all the way over there. Found a small bug with UseObject so it might take a shit after a few games will be fixed in the next version tho.
Interacting with object g_Portal_Square_Blue-252 Stopping the bot. Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested? same prob on all versions tnks anyway Nesox