I'll give that a try when I get back home. I used to use sprint but it kept getting my Barb stuck, is that fixed?
How do you people get so much GF? I got 160% cause I have to leave a few slots with my actual gear to compensate the stats (dps/vit/resists) I'm runnig Hell though.
Dang it. Someone wanna recommend a plugin that exits the game and creates a new one each time the character gets stuck at a spot???
Use the Unstucker plugin: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonb...er-restarts-if-your-character-gets-stuck.html
1.7 restart, 1.8 move. 1.8.1 moves and if fails after a few tries restarts. View attachment Unstucker181.cs <-- My version that waits 5 seconds instead of 40. Should be ....\Plugin\Unstucker\unstucker181 You NEED it in a folder inside of the plugin folder for it to show up.
Plugins started showing. Mind posting/uploading your version? It would help a bunch. 40 seconds is a bit long! View attachment 43977
repeatedly stucking in this exact location on this chest. very few stops but once every few hours on this one and 1 other or bullshit with waypoitns making it go wrong way. (Up north hitting the wall) This spot, and actually the exact spot the poster above is having problems with. happens maybe once every 40 runs i think.
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonbuddy-forum/57053-release-demonbuddy-late-night-build-141-a.html <-- go there and download that version of DB, it seems to be the most stable for me at the moment. View attachment Core of Arreat - NM A3 - 2 unstuck.xml <--Try that profile View attachment Unstucker181.cs <--Download that plugin that I edited to respond faster. Instructions for plugin: 1.) Download 2.) Open ....\demonbuddy\Plugin 3.) Create folder "Unstucker" 4.) Put Unstucker181 in "Unstucker" folder you just made. 5.) Run Demonbuddy 6.) Go to Plugin tab 7.) Click box next to Unstucker to turn it on. 8.) Turn on Demonbuddy profile you just downloaded. 9.) Profit. Currenlty: Gph is down from previous releases. waiting for it to stabilize before I know for sure but floating around 300k Barbarian - Game Guide - Diablo III <-- My Build View attachment Belphegor.cs <-- Replace Belphegor.cs in the Belphegore Routines folder. Stops you from breaking ALL objects. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonb...ot-rules-keep-legendary-sell-blue-yellow.html <--Loot only legendary rules.
Ok, will check out the latest version along with the profile. Mind letting me in on your GF/MF, the gear you're using, etc? EDIT: Your plugin attached isn't showing up. I'll just get the other one you gave me earlier.
Stats are in my sig. Hammer Jammer pants, Unity ring. Everything else I'm going for max gf on that item (25 for everything but neck is 40) boots should be 12 MS, combined MS for Pants, Boots and Ring should be 25 if you can. Other then that I am searching 25 gf, radius and primary stat (in this case strength since I'm a barb) Edit: The profile is not perfect, there are still have issue where a nav point is created through an area that cannot be traveled and infinite loot loops. This is what the plugin does. Tries to move you a few times and if it doesn't get you going it restarts for you. This is what I am currently running.
Stucks at this point or another point after teleporting, selling and teleporting back again.. Then it runs to this spot and stops.
Gotcha. I have to wonder whether pickup radius is as important for DH as my ferrets tend to pick up gold for me too. EDIT: Weird. This time around, it's not detecting either copy of unstucker or any plugins. I have a folder for plugins and for each plugin. Starting to think this version of DB is a bit problematic.
very nice. went from 6k per run to 9k per run with only 176% GF. just need stupid movement speed to make this quicker