Hey. Great profile Though sometimes when my toon enters the cellar it stops just before the doorway in to the mobs. When it does this my abilities does not hit the mobs and my toon just stands there shooting in to the brick wall. How can I prevent this? thx
May i ask what stats you need to run this? Like HP: ? DPS: ? Can i do this with my DH (18k Hp) 9k DPS.... (can get higher if needed)
Same here it just stuck my toot out side hiden cellar & does not sell my items once inverntory full SOB SOB
A expreince back to the past Same here it just stuck my toot out side hiden cellar & does not sell my items once inverntory full SOB SOB
is there a way to make my guy move forward a little bit before he TP and then exits. If he could go maybe forward like for 2 more seconds he would probably never die.
I've added an waypoint, now it seems tu run perfect: Code: <Profile> <!-- Steps before loading and running the profie with the bot. * Change quest to "Act1 Legacy of Cain, Explore Cellar", Inferno difficulty. * Start Game * From town take the waypoint to -> "The Old Ruins" * Run west until you reach the checkpoint, ( opposite way of where the cathedral is. ) * Once you are saved load the profile and hit Start! * Enjoy! --> <Name>Sarkoth farm profile by Nesox</Name> <GameParams quest="72095" step="51" act="A1" difficulty="Hell" resumeFromSave="True" isPrivate="True" numGames="-1" /> <Order> <WriteReport /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="2021.738" y="2566.262" z="27.1" name="Dank cellar portal, Scout spot" /> <If condition="ActorExistsAt(176007, 2059.629, 2478.667, 27.02374, 15)"> <MoveTo questId="1" x="2080.076" y="2488.828" z="27.1" name="Dank cellar portal, Scout spot" /> <UseObject questId="1" x="2058.653" y="2476.354" z="26.32902" actorId="176007" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="106746" /> <MoveTo questId="1" x="117.8131" y="103.533" z="0.1000004" /> </If> <UseTownPortal questId="1" /> <LeaveGame reason="Run is done" /> </Order> <KillMonsters>True</KillMonsters> <PickupLoot>True</PickupLoot> </Profile>
Even runnign this one I can't get the "check point" to the west of the WP spot so when I run the bot it just resets to the town on "Resume Game" and obviously it doesn't work right. Any hints guys? I have been running Core and getting ~270kgph but I have heard larger number on this profile so I wanted to try it out.
Try starting a fresh different quest, entering the game, leaving the game, changing back to 'Explore the Cellar' Go get the checkpoint manually, exit the game, start the bot
uarg, you have to change this: Code: difficulty="Hell" into Code: difficulty="Inferno" if you want to bot Inferno.
Any chance in getting the profile to teleport from hte last spot for gold instead of runing back to the middle to teleport out. Some times i kill the boss on one side of the room but there is loot on the other side from adds. So the profile loots boss then runs all the way to the other side to finish picking up loot then runs to the middle to teleport out. Could save some time just TPing out from where it looted the last drop. Also when the cellar isnt there can the bot run forward just a few more steps before it TPS out the mobs often from behind it get to me before i teleport out and they hit me stopping the TP.
bot gets stuck when ever dank cellar is open and just runs on the spot Code: [12:09:54.484 N] Loaded profile Sarkoth farm profile by Nesox [12:09:54.484 D] Starting bot Order Bot [12:09:54.484 D] Added new hook [OutOfGame] a7aaf325-b7f7-49ec-91c3-70793863dd20 [12:09:54.484 D] Added new hook [Death] 3cb95583-5a33-42dc-8278-625e94b392fd [12:09:54.484 D] Added new hook [RoutineBuffs] 085ec4aa-3882-4a23-a5ad-04ab13a2ad4a [12:09:54.484 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 868f97e3-b8e4-4024-ad9e-57c500ba4821 [12:09:54.484 D] Added new hook [Combat] 648e77f1-461c-46c2-b2bb-b728716c6690 [12:09:54.484 D] Added new hook [VendorRun] 8dacf943-e897-49ee-91c0-59ab29eb871d [12:09:54.484 D] Added new hook [Loot] 6d90967c-0ecc-425b-9289-925ea542965e [12:09:54.484 D] Replaced hook [BotBehavior] 54b66788-d826-4198-bcb8-da303810d447 [12:09:54.484 D] Spooling up bot thread. [12:09:54.484 D] Bot thread started. [12:09:54.640 N] ###################### REPORT ###################### [12:09:54.640 N] Gold: 17314222 [12:09:54.656 N] Blues: 8 [12:09:54.656 N] Yellows: 1 [12:09:54.656 N] Legendaries: 0 [12:09:54.656 N] Set items: 0 [12:09:54.656 N] #################################################### [12:09:54.812 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 507c3bf9-9927-41bf-801a-f9869a3bbf1e [12:09:54.843 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal, Scout spot - <2021.738, 2566.262, 27.1> [12:09:54.875 D] Raycast path generated. [12:09:54.875 D] Generated path to <2021.738, 2566.262, 27.1> (Dank cellar portal, Scout spot) with 1 hops. [12:09:54.875 D] [Stuck Handler] We're stuck at <2060.01, 2520, 27.1> [12:09:54.875 D] Navigator.Clear [12:09:54.875 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2070.01, 2520, 27.1> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [12:09:55.031 D] Generating path to Dank cellar portal, Scout spot - <2021.738, 2566.262, 27.1> [12:09:55.062 D] Raycast path generated. [12:09:55.062 D] Generated path to <2021.738, 2566.262, 27.1> (Dank cellar portal, Scout spot) with 1 hops. [12:09:55.062 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2021.738, 2566.262, 27.1> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [12:09:56.640 D] Generating path to Moving towards unit - <2013.27, 2569.291, 27.1> [12:09:56.640 D] Raycast path generated. [12:09:56.640 D] Generated path to <2013.27, 2569.291, 27.1> (Moving towards unit) with 1 hops. [12:09:56.640 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2013.27, 2569.291, 27.1> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [12:09:57.140 D] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaUnit.get_SummonedByACDId() at Belphegor.Routines.Monk.<>c__DisplayClass45.<get_HasMysticAlly>b__44(DiaUnit u) at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) at Belphegor.Routines.Monk.get_HasMysticAlly() at Belphegor.Routines.Monk.<MonkBuff>b__0(Object extra) at Belphegor.Helpers.Spell.<>c__DisplayClass2.<Cast>b__0(Object ret) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Decorator..MoveNext() at (Object ) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext() at (Object ) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext() at (Object ) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext() at (Object ) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext() at (Object ) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext() at (Object ) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Zeta.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..MoveNext() at (Object ) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext() at (Object ) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext() at (Object ) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Zeta.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..MoveNext() at (Object ) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext() at (Object ) at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Zeta.CommonBot.BotMain.() [12:09:57.343 V] Using power Monk_MantraOfConviction clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [12:09:57.343 V] Using power: Monk_MantraOfConviction [12:09:57.531 V] Using power Monk_FistsofThunder clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:2009137157 [12:09:57.531 V] Using power: Monk_FistsofThunder [12:09:58.078 V] Using power Monk_FistsofThunder clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:2009137157 [12:09:58.078 V] Using power: Monk_FistsofThunder [12:09:58.281 V] Using power Monk_FistsofThunder clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:2009137157 [12:09:58.281 V] Using power: Monk_FistsofThunder [12:09:58.765 D] Navigator.Clear [12:09:58.890 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 84370ba0-9835-4639-8f30-cc4a3cb3b9a8 [12:09:58.953 V] Using power Monk_FistsofThunder clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:2009137157 [12:09:58.953 V] Using power: Monk_FistsofThunder [12:09:59.375 V] Using power Monk_FistsofThunder clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:2009137157 [12:09:59.375 V] Using power: Monk_FistsofThunder [12:09:59.921 V] Using power Monk_FistsofThunder clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:2009071620 [12:09:59.921 V] Using power: Monk_FistsofThunder [12:10:00.218 D] Generating path to Interact with object - <2061.332, 2477.899, 27.31482> [12:10:00.343 D] Successfully generated path from {X=1026,Y=806} to {X=991,Y=824} in 00:00:00.0178565 with 19(2) hops [12:10:00.343 D] Client path generated. [12:10:00.343 D] Generated path to <2061.332, 2477.899, 27.31482> (Interact with object) with 2 hops. [12:10:00.343 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2060, 2520, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [12:10:00.531 V] Using power Monk_FistsofThunder clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:2009071620 [12:10:00.546 V] Using power: Monk_FistsofThunder [12:10:00.984 V] Using power Monk_FistsofThunder clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:2009071620 [12:10:00.984 V] Using power: Monk_FistsofThunder [12:10:01.375 V] Using power Monk_FistsofThunder clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:2009071620 [12:10:01.375 V] Using power: Monk_FistsofThunder [12:10:01.671 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2060, 2520, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [12:10:04.328 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 42.26728 [12:10:04.328 D] Navigator.Clear [12:10:04.484 D] Generating path to Interact with object - <2061.332, 2477.899, 27.31482> [12:10:04.578 D] Successfully generated path from {X=1008,Y=823} to {X=991,Y=824} in 00:00:00.0170162 with 2(2) hops [12:10:04.578 D] Client path generated. [12:10:04.578 D] Generated path to <2061.332, 2477.899, 27.31482> (Interact with object) with 2 hops. [12:10:04.578 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2060, 2520, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [12:10:06.703 D] [Stuck Handler] We're stuck at <2059.885, 2520.141, 27.1> [12:10:06.750 D] Navigator.Clear [12:10:06.750 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2069.885, 2520.141, 27.1> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [12:10:06.890 D] Generating path to Interact with object - <2061.332, 2477.899, 27.31482> [12:10:07.015 D] Successfully generated path from {X=1008,Y=825} to {X=991,Y=824} in 00:00:00.0171044 with 2(2) hops [12:10:07.015 D] Client path generated. [12:10:07.015 D] Generated path to <2061.332, 2477.899, 27.31482> (Interact with object) with 2 hops. [12:10:07.015 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2060, 2520, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [12:10:11.265 D] [Stuck Handler] We're stuck at <2060.01, 2520, 27.1> [12:10:11.312 D] Navigator.Clear [12:10:11.312 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2070.01, 2520, 27.1> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [12:10:11.453 D] Generating path to Interact with object - <2061.332, 2477.899, 27.31482> [12:10:11.578 D] Successfully generated path from {X=1008,Y=826} to {X=991,Y=824} in 00:00:00.0178058 with 3(2) hops [12:10:11.578 D] Client path generated. [12:10:11.578 D] Generated path to <2061.332, 2477.899, 27.31482> (Interact with object) with 2 hops. [12:10:11.578 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2060, 2520, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [12:10:13.140 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked! [12:10:13.140 N] Stopping the bot. [12:10:13.140 D] CurrentBot.Stop() [12:10:13.140 D] Navigator.Clear() [12:10:13.140 D] Navigator.Clear [12:10:13.140 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll() [12:10:13.140 D] OnStop event [12:10:13.140 D] OnStop Event Invoking [12:10:13.140 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches. [12:10:13.140 D] Resetting current behavior. [12:10:13.140 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches. [12:10:13.140 D] Resetting current behavior. [12:10:13.140 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches. [12:10:13.140 D] Resetting current behavior. [12:10:13.140 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches. [12:10:13.140 D] Resetting current behavior. [12:10:13.140 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches. [12:10:13.140 D] Resetting current behavior. [12:10:13.140 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches. [12:10:13.140 D] Resetting current behavior. [12:10:13.140 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches. [12:10:13.140 D] Resetting current behavior. [12:10:13.140 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches. [12:10:13.140 D] Resetting current behavior. [12:10:13.140 D] Calling OnDone() on current behavior. UseObjectTag: IsDone: False, ActorId: 176007, X: 2058.653, Y: 2476.354, Z: 26.32902, InteractRange: 10, IsPortal: True, DestinationWorld: 106746, Position: <2058.653, 2476.354, 26.32902>, QuestId: 1, StepId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: 1, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, [12:10:13.171 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested? Attack radius: 35 Loot radius: 60 Using a monk if that makes a differance