Currently I can not run diablo 3 with arelog. Probably my answer is this "DB is out of service". But anyway I present my problem to which I attach a photo. Even if it's a simple answer I'd appreciate a quick and easy. Thanks waiting for the return of DB wishes everyone a good botting
Currently I can not run diablo 3 with arelog. Probably my answer is this "DB is out of service". But anyway I present my problem to which I attach a photo. Even if it's a simple answer I'd appreciate a quick and easy. Thanks waiting for the return of DB wishes everyone a good botting
This program doesn't seem to try to login to D3 after it launches the client and bot. Is this a known issue?
AgRelog doing sems ok but when it has to start bot i get an error message: "Object reference not found" and it doesn't enter account info on relogin
It still won't login for me. I've tried every combination of options and it just starts D3, starts the bot, then sits there.
Yes. And actually, after reading the changelog for this version, none of the things that were supposed to be fixed are actually fixed for me, haha. Movement is really jittery and the identifying bug is still there.
d3 reloggin working without problems had a little problem with it not choosing the right class but that was my fault just trying to figgure out how to make it auto load the plugins or even show the plugins when arelog starts diablo
I think this is what you wanted me to copy <Monitor> <BotType>Demonbuddy</BotType> <AccountEmail>USERNAME</AccountEmail> <AccountPassword>PASS</AccountPassword> <AccountSlot></AccountSlot> <AccountRealm></AccountRealm> <AccountCharacter></AccountCharacter> <AutoStart>true</AutoStart> <GamePath>D:\Diablo III\Diablo III.exe</GamePath> <BuddyPath>D:\DB\Demonbuddy.exe</BuddyPath> <Comment></Comment> <CustomClass>Belphegor All-in-One</CustomClass> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <LoopTasks>false</LoopTasks> <ActSlow>true</ActSlow> <WindowWidth>400</WindowWidth> <WindowHeight>300</WindowHeight> <WindowLocationX>0</WindowLocationX> <WindowLocationY>0</WindowLocationY> <Tasks /> </Monitor> so anyone have any idea how to make it reload the plugins I used last? since if it restarts my unstucker+killwait wont be on and that will really drive down the gph
Got it working now, thanks. There's no way to make it remember your plugins yet, but a lot of people are requesting that functionality so I'm sure it'll be implemented soon.
Seems like it wont load plugins, cant see my plugin list using Arelog, dunno why EDIT : Maybe add a WaitTime before start/stop bot, to let plugins load properly
When launching DB with ARelog.. - Plugins do not show up (Seems to be cause by having DB injected before the login has finished!) Custom class should be named Custom Routine No option for auto-starting the accounts, some need setting up plugin-wise and used plugins are not memorized by the bot yet. (Found this in the monitors file) "Dump running game pos" is broken, doesn't return anything except 1-2-3-4-5-6 When using a schedule|profile it seems to take approx 3-5 minutes for the account to login. When the game encounters a crash, it starts up the client again but doesn't restart DemonBuddy and freezes the EXE of DemonBuddy, so ARelog seems to detect it as already logged in and doing its profile while it's really sitting at the login screen doing nothing. Will post more as I find bug, thanks for your efforts Raph.
Wont work, stats wrong password its under 10 its actually 8 and no symbols. btw this is for demonbuddy.