Hello fellow DemonBuddy users. If your browsing this, like me you've struggled with leveling by yourself so you can turn on your goldbots after or you just want to afk level your new char? Well i have some good news for you my friend, you can do it fast and easy. I've looked around the fast leveling profiles, studied then and improved Mylo's ZoltunKule leveling script. [Developer notes to the user]: [Settings]: [Imporant Notes]: [Additional]: [Profile changelog]: v1.0: Initial release. v1.1: Fixed some minor bugs and improved speed. v1.2: Fixed the issue of getting stuck next to soul stone and at the top of the map. v1.2a: Added a small wait timer after exiting from ZK's chaimber. v1.3 FINAL: It now teleports right after grabbing the soulstone - FASTER RUNS !
Works well. Running on 41 hc monk - I watched it for a few runs and it didn't have any problems picking up the wps after killing kulle. Thank you! Just after posting this it got stuck just after taking the portal out from ZK's room. You might need to add a slight delay for slower computers before TP back to base.
Either from the menus or in town, it doesn't resume the game, it creates a new game and walks from town. I will add the info, thank you for the reminder
Tried it, its bugged. After you loot the Soulstone and gets out of chamber... he goes straight to the front and doesn't TP back to town!
i actually added a wait timer of 500ms right before i saw your post Upcomming for tonight: Will add more checks to make sure it does not get stucks while teleporting anywhere + maybe it will speed up the process a bit more.
I've ran into some pop-up messages where the bot wanted to start a game too quick after logging out - perhaps that could be fixed with a wait timer too? Also, three times (out of 200 runs) it has gotten stuck not being able to get to a WP. It happened directly on top of where ZT spawns.
What do you mean not being able to get a WP ? And as far as the game start issue i'm not sure if it can start it slower but all will come with a later build
It doesn't work properly, it keeps not teleporting after having killed the boss. Even with the 99dsimonp version.
Strange, it worked all day for me. Could it be your bot, pc settings ? I mean with a slower pc maybe a bit buggy, i will release a slow pc version soon.
My lowbie just turned lvl 20, and hasn't completed act 1 yet. Is there a way to skip him to act 2 and have him save waypoint for zoltan kills.