Thumb up for those plugin and profile writer. Use 1.4 profile, ok notification 0.7 version, emc behaviour, msfix 1.22. Run very well, took a nap for 3 hrs and wake up bot is still running. 400k GPH Thank you.
cant help but to notice that i am using 1.4 12ms and sometimes after kill sarkoth the bot has slight delay in moving to picking up the golds
I feel this way to Ive been testing both, 1.3c seems to yeild me more gold per hour but it could be just RNG While running 1.3c I noticed he gets stuck near the barrels at the cellar for about 5-10sec then goes in and i get this log in DB while his doing it [18:43:12.925 N] Interacting with object g_Portal_Square_Blue-173 over and over anyone know whats going on with this part?
ok change your loot rules to the no trash loot rules found here in the forums killing mobs make sure you have sarkothkillwait plugin installed and the box checked reread the instructions on how to use the demonhunter.cs and make sure you are doing it properly it works great for me
Hey guys. Is anyone of you running sarkoth with heavy MF instead of GF? My bot only runs at about 50MF but still i get at least 1 or 2 legendary items per day. Is it worth trying to do this with 300MF? Edit: Oh and don't say: "just get both". Im not gonna invest 40m into my bot account that gets banned sooner or later anyway
theres only a few legendaries that are actually worth anything. so unless you configure your loot to keep rares with the stats you want id say that focussing on mf is bad
Yep thats for sure. Theres actually just a hand full of legendarys worth selling. But for example just 1 Natalya's Mark makes up for 2-3 days of gold farming tho .... At least on EU those are selling for 20m-40m atm. But yes, i have to admit that the best item i found on sarkoth was at about 1,5m right now. :\
well if it helps, from my testing it appears that any instance with emc enabled gets affected by any combat/loot changes. right now i have one running emc and 1.4 profile and one running icool's and 1.3 profile and its running fine. great job on the plugin btw.
this was my problem as well... running multiple dbs... had to revert back to old version of icool sarkoth helper and carguy profile... when running new profile with your behaviors my guys would start attacking stuff at random going through the run, trying to teleport to town in random places... and if by offchance they did make it to sarkoth they would just run right infront of him and teleport (or try to)
funny, my char never died in cellar with 1.3c. started using 1.4, went to sleep and woke up in adria's hut. 7 hours wasted sigh.
Carguy the only modification I would like to see on this is to summon ferrets when their is no cellar and you are killing mobs so you can teleport.
Adria's hut is a bug in all the profiles atm. You will encounter it one way or another eventually. Any ways, I am working on fixing some issues, which should make things a lot smoother/faster. Sorry for the troubles.
Carguy, can y update the faq? like i said i?m using 1.3c shall i use EMC plugin with it or it?s only for 1.4? i?m currently using 1.3c with icools and msfix... with 1.4 i find myself dying fighting sarkoth .. never died with 1.3c thx in advance
1.3 doesnt have any interaction with emc so it wont do anything. if youre dying fighting sarkoth (outside of any kind of bug in the profile/plugin) you need better gear