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  • CLU (Codified Likeness Utility)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by wulf, Feb 18, 2012.

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    1. KonataIzumi

      KonataIzumi New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thank you <3
    2. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      I had seen this when testing Disc priest but I assumed I had hit my key-bind for pause rotation, or lazyraiders pause rotation key. I have done many LFR's and heroics and not seen it since <shrug>
    3. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Rest behaviour (which is what CLU is using to heal outside of combat) always had a never dismount applied so that left Combat behaviour/Pull behaviour which I have now added a toggle setting in the GUI for you :)

      I will see what I can do for AutoAttack, Crusader. Hammer of Justice should be easy now I have created CastSpellOnCurrentTargetsTarget :D
    4. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Hi TheGuv! Thank you for your kind words, I have tested AA Disc priest rotation with this spec

      Have fun! :D
    5. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Yes, I recommend LazyRaider but tick the "Run without tank option" and make sure auto targeting is off.

      Drop DnD on the pull first, you shouldn't have a problem after that.
      CLU has been tested with this spec for Blood Tanking.

      Thanks xcodesx and Have fun with your DK tanking :)
    6. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      I did notice this with AA Disc priest not using smite, will have to check and get back to you...has the problem gone with version 2.6.8?
    7. xcodesx

      xcodesx New Member

      Mar 3, 2012
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      Hey thanks for the response. Im capped on valor and lfrs already done for the week, ill be testing this further on tuesday when it all resets. Many thanks for this cc i can use it on all my characters. It really makes life easier when doing dungeons over and over. Next time i have a problem i will post a log for ya just incase.
    8. 15outland

      15outland New Member

      Mar 27, 2011
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      I tried using this CC to heal DS, It seems very slowish, and hardly uses any of the more powerful healing spells, well, it seemed that way..

      View attachment DSHEAL.txt
      Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
    9. infozeta

      infozeta Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      will test spine again in some hours tell u then =)
    10. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      hi wulf,

      i've encountered the same problem like outland, with both speccs holy and discipline.
      - Holy doesn't switch chakra for AOE_Healing
      - CLU decides to heal single target
      - maybe some options / settings would be nice were we as users could set the values for specific healings (how many people have to be injured and how much they have to be injured for entering AOE healing) and things like that (for all healing classes setting values by hand for healing spells, oh shit buttons and so on ... some priests want to have shadow fiend on CD or want it to be casted above 50%, resto druids sometimes want to inervate at 80% or 70% and not on 50. Paladins wanna bubble himself much earlier, use Haste-Buff earlier and so on).

      I know it is much work to the user the abilitie to adjust the settings themself and finding good defaultvalues, but for raiding, it is very important to adjust these settings (and to blacklist players from healing^^)
      Same for dispelling (haven't checked the code atm), it is important that the CC can a) distinguish between normal and hardmode or b) that some debuffs aren't dispelled (Disrupting Shadows).

      For healing there are many improvents to do, for topping the healing charts (and this is not only healing like hell, this is healing,dispelling, using CDs)

      noobrage does well on AOE healing but wastes many mana (so topping the healing charts is okay with noobrage but very inefficent on normal Raids or heroic raids)

      if u need more suggestions or help to improve the healclasses, i could give u some support, just pm me :)
    11. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Thanks Stormchasing,

      Holy Priest is my worst rotation at the moment as I have not spent enough time on it...AA/DISC took a lot of time.
      I had forgotten to apply the single targeting logic to the AoE Targeting logic which left the AoE very frantic, this now feels more deliberate in its actions.
      Disc was not healing low healthers very well so I increased the low value for healing from 25% to 40% across all specs and rotations this should greatly increase the responiveness.

      CLU is *EXTREME* with mana effeciency, but can also (with some healing rotations) top the charts easily with a well geared healer....BUT..my goal here is to heal the raid as best we can with all of the tools the healer has and not blindly spamming big AoE heals to pad the meters :D (We don't want to look like a bot!!!)

      CLU is dispelling everything (except for ignored dispells) Magic, Curses, Diseases, Poisons...if the class has a spell for it and they have the proper talents (which CLU detects automaticly). CLU will ignore "Blackout", "Toxic Torment", "Frostburn Formula", "Burning Blood and any others that are reported can be added easy enough. CLU also prioritises Dispels for the following:

      "Disrupting Shadows", // magic
      "Boulder Smash", // ??
      "Chains of Ice", // Magic
      "Freezing Trap", // Magic
      "Tentacle Smash", // Magic
      "Shackles of Ice", // Magic
      "Righteous Shear", // Magic
      "Twilight Shear", // Magic
      "Molten Blast", // Magic
      "Temporal Vortex", // Magic
      "Earth and Moon", // Magic
      "Arcane Bomb", // Magic
      "Shriek of the Highborne", // Magic
      "Frost Corruption" // Magic

      I love all your suggestions and will try to address them one at a time until complete :) and yes I may need your help with some party healing logic I can not seem to return GroupNumbers properly..once this is fixed priest healing will be even more efficient!

      In the end I wanted the end user to simply open CLU up for his raid night, change a couple of minor settings and it would heal flawlessly without the need for intervention or tweaking (I know sometimes this is not possible.) that's why I ask for everyone's input :)

      Check the latest SVN it has much improved AoE targeting and seems more responsive. (Holy Priest needs work on chakra healing.)

      Updated 25/06/2012:
      Sending wulfdev\trunk\CLU\Classes\Druid\Restoration.cs
      Sending wulfdev\trunk\CLU\Classes\Paladin\Holy.cs
      Sending wulfdev\trunk\CLU\Classes\Priest\Discipline.cs
      Sending wulfdev\trunk\CLU\Classes\Priest\Holy.cs
      Sending wulfdev\trunk\CLU\Classes\Shaman\Restoration.cs
      Sending wulfdev\trunk\CLU\Helpers\TargetBase.cs

      What I do need is a really easy to configure GUI that takes settings and adds them automagicly :D]
      Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
    12. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Hi wulf,

      i'll test your changes later this day (i kept lfr part two for this^^)
      For the SubGroup-Problem, i have a bad solution (building an array / list / hastable / whatever by using a for each / for to loop and determining the groupnumber of each player by executing some lua.) This would slowdown CLU, so i do not suggest this solution, but i'll have a look into the HB API, maybe we can get these numbers much easier (the bad solution is from far far away where much things weren't supported by default from HB, most of my hackish solutions are supported atm, so it should be much easier, maybe a framelock can compensate the slowdown, i'll test this)

      but something like that should help to check if there are
              public static List<WoWPartyMember> GroupMembersOfPlayer(string NameOfMemberToCheck, int _healtPercent)
                  var raidinfo = StyxWoW.Me.RaidMemberInfos;
                  var raidMember = StyxWoW.Me.RaidMemberInfos.Where(p => p.ToPlayer().Name == NameOfMemberToCheck && p.ToPlayer().HealthPercent <= _healtPercent).FirstOrDefault();
                  if (StyxWoW.Me.IsInRaid)
                      if (raidMember != null)
                          return raidinfo.Where(p => p.GroupNumber == raidMember.GroupNumber).ToList<WoWPartyMember>();
                          return null;
                  return null;
              public static bool shouldAOE(int GroupMemberCount, WoWPlayer unit, int _healthPercent)
                  return GroupMembersOfPlayer(unit.Name, _healthPercent).Count() >= GroupMemberCount;
      and the call should be someting like that, this should make sure that the AOE-Spells are only used when enough partymembers are in range
      (there'S atm no range check, this must be added, theres atm no return value if we are in a Party ... this works only with raids)
                              Spells.CastSelfSpell("Circle of Healing", a => shouldAOE((Me.IsInRaid ? 4 : 3), Me.CurrentTarget, (Me.IsInRaid ? 60 : 50)), "Circle of Healing"),
                              Spells.CastSelfSpell("Prayer of Healing", a => shouldAOE((Me.IsInRaid ? 4 : 3), Me.CurrentTarget, (Me.IsInRaid ? 60 : 50)), "Prayer of healing")

      The snippet is done very fast, so u need to tweak it for your needs.

      If u need to have a separate List of Players, which u can query for the GroupNumber than u have to look at the first part "GroupMembersOfPlayer" this should give u an idea how to do it :)
    13. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      a small bugfix from me ...
      There's an calculation issue with TimeToDeath which causes the CC to partially stop working
      a small improvement from me ...
      Class: Warlock
      Talenttree: Affliction
      - Moved Multidotting down in the tree, we do want to have it later :)
      - Added Shadow Bolt before applying dots (changed the Priorities to elitistjerks optimal opener -> now we apply Shadow Embrace and / or Shadow and Flame first, if we have the Talent(s))

      This should increase the Damage a little bit, we apply this first (and moved multidotting, cause this part causes CLU to apply Corr and UA first) cause some spells aren't updated while already ticking

      However ... patches and complete CS file provided as attachment :)
      The unit patch is critical
      the Affliction patch is improvement / nice to have

      Attached Files:

    14. Megser

      Megser Well-Known Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      Having problems on Spine, everything works fine but when I get to the tendron it just wont cast any attacks. Range issue (Frost DK)?
    15. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      Did you had these on Ultraxion too?
      If it's an range issue you should have had it on Ultraxion too.


    16. Megser

      Megser Well-Known Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      Unfortunately I haven't ran it on Ultraxion.
    17. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      That's meh, but I guess it would.
      But if Wulf has any range checks within his castspell method like 'iswithinmeleerange' then HB fucks up.


    18. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Works fine on Ultraxion (no range issue)
      im doin atm 2nd time spine and have same issues, all works fine till the point i take Tendrons as target.
      Issues exists on DK (Unholy) and Warlock (Affliction) so i assume this is an issue with all classes.
      Atm i'm looking at the log

      log sais, all fine and attacking, but toon does nothing.
      Some Area effects are not working

      i think the override is wrong

      doin now madness, mutated corruption and arm tentacle, blistering tetns are working fine

      also encountered pet attack issues sometimes, not in every fight -.-

      Deathwings head not attacked all the time (after killing fragments, toon stopped attacking)
      i do not shortened the log, i'll provide timestamps to look for

      first exception at [21:44:21:192] - Amalgamation died (should be checked^^)
      next exception at [21:44:28:729] - Never casted

      [22:07:17:491] - stopped casting anything on Deathwing

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
    19. Ama

      Ama New Member

      Jun 6, 2011
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      I'm not feeling the AA rotation. You gotta treat it like its own spec, like Cats and Bears. Looks like it is only building stacks for bosses? This is ok, i guess.

      Not a huge fan of Healing CCs that change your current target, but when I was messing around with Treesharp, I couldn't get around it.

      Didn't I post this in here?

    20. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Patch committed thanks Stormchasing!

      With the groupnumbers, could you take a look at TargetBase.cs (Specificly FindPartySubroutine()) as I am doing basicly the same thing except it is part of CLU's targeting routine EDIT Just made some changes but havnt tested it.. you can test it by calling FindParty() instead of FindAreaHeal().
      Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
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