Hey, i'm wondering if the profile makers are writing the profiles in some kinda specific program, or just in something like notepad? this has to be the first step towards writing profiles
I, personally, use UltraEdit for it. It's a lightweight enhanced text editor. I know Kick uses Notepad++ which is very comparable. In the end, even Notepad would be able to do the job; it's just basic XML files with custom tags.
I also use Notepad++ have been for years very good program, nice and clean layout. I use it for php / html / css coding etc.
Just.... Whatever you do..... DON'T try using VI for it, you'll die of frustration before your first profile is running.
even tho the dev's are probably busy, they should at some point make a profile writing program that supports HB/BW/DB, that would be sweet ...that can put in tags for us .. i would even pay money for that
Wut!?! SRSLY!?! Why on EARTH would we want the Devs to spend time on something like that? Most of the tools that are already in HB/BW already give you the exact information you need. Have you ever used the Developer Tools in HB? You make your toon pick up the quest Go to Developer tools Select the quest, right click "copy XML" Paste it in your editor of choice Done There is nothing that's going to make that process easier.
Yeah, the tools you'd need to do more is an actual C# editor/compiler at that point. I am pretty good at editing profiles/ccs, but I just can't do them from scratch generally. The big thing is that I can't fix bugs when they show up (like the object reference one) but can, and do, help streamline things when I can.
Me to, However i need to write my own profiles right now as no one has any decent ones atm that provide what i want to do. So im just eagerly waiting todays update on BW so i can start profiling.
actually i think hb and bw have a program that does that already, i just don't think they're for the public and I dunno about d3 but it's simple enough to do But, for anyone who's not a tard... just read my blankqo's and you'll get the hang of it
very much so, yes swtor has soooooo many steps and other crap per quest d3 is simple. moveto and it kills stuff. use an object / portal. talk to someone :|
Yeah, So thats what thru me off when i went to make a profile for swtor for the first time i was like wtfpwned by Buddywing. but i did some research a few hours ago and was reviewing the HB wiki thing and kinda got the idea. When will the patch be ready for BW Kick?
Get writing! i want to read them, Once your done ill even donate you enough money for lunch soon as some more item sales clear from blizzard ^_^;;
It took a while, but here is most of what you need to know: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/buddy-wing-forum/buddy-wing-guides/58165-buddywing-profiles-you.html#post594128 I piggyback taxi's and wonka's a lot... you don't have to, but if you don't, you need to use the me.position.x y z's