let me know if you would like this moved and stickyed to the developers section. or the guides section, its your choice.
This seems awsome! As soon as I wake up i'll check them out =] Maybe I can finally convert my pqr profile(s) to a HB CC.
@CodenameG, That would be great, I am not sure which would be the best place of use for this, I will leave that up to you. Umm, will I still have access to edit the post? Like add more video links?
@CodenameG, Then that would be perfect, whichever area would be most beneficial for the guide to reside.
Thanks for the tutorial. If you know how, can you make a video on how to add ComboBoxes in the GUI? Again, thanks for putting the effort to help the community
Pretty much the entire process, I can add the ComboBox in the GUI but I get lost at how exactly to convert the different values into strings and save and store them in the settings. Haven't found a good example of how to do this anywhere.
There you go. This is pretty simple and basic! This does: Save instantly when you change the selected index and prompts you with a message box. Save the settings when you close it to the file. Yeah...that's it^^ greetz Weischbier
Thanks a lot! Seems to be working great. I'd +rep you if I could I'll credit you in my thread and in the code
Just watched your guide and it's awesome. I have a little option request if it's ok. You're including code letting player to specify at what percentage of HP bot should use defensive cd (like IB). Would it be possible to include similar option for CC breakables (lichborne, trinket) so they're triggered if CC durations are higher than specified number of seconds? It would make bot break from full durations of cc's and let player decide if they should break from DR'ed CC's. Bot using cc breakers is awesome but at higher ratings it's a waste to pop trinket on 1-2 sec cc.
Epic thread that needs to be stickied. Nice initial posting and the help other CC developers have shared is the way it used to be and i would like so say should be. Not everyone is a class A coder but with a little, or in this case alot, of help it will spur some people to try stuff they just couldn't wrap their heads around. Major Kudos to Dag and again also the other Devs posting snippets and helpful comments.
In CC Guide #6 @38:10 You've picked wrong Death and Decay - Death and Decay - Spell - World of Warcraft it actually costs 1 unholy rune. Also, Unholy Frenzy can be used to break many CC's of friendly target (usually healer) because of it's ticking damage. Would be cool to add it but not a slightest idea how to code
@everyone above, I will look into CC duration times, also I will add a check to cast UF on your focus if your focus is friendly...
Hey Dagradt, I see you checking for heals (Recup and GotN). Here's a simple check to do that without names. Code: public static bool HasAuraWithMechanic(this WoWUnit unit, params WoWSpellMechanic[] mechanics) { WoWAuraCollection auras = unit.GetAllAuras(); return auras.Any(a => mechanics.Contains(a.Spell.Mechanic)); } and is used like this: Code: public static bool HasHealingSpellAura { get { return StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.HasAuraWithMechanic(WoWSpellMechanic.Healing); } } greetz Weischbier
@Weischbier, Well that indeed is much simpler! TY. Edit: The second code should look like this instead: public static bool HasHealingSpellAura { get { return HasAuraWithMechanic(StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget, WoWSpellMechanic.Healing); } }
Nope^^ Code: [LEFT] public static bool HasAuraWithMechanic([COLOR=#ff0000]this [/COLOR]WoWUnit unit, params WoWSpellMechanic[] mechanics) { WoWAuraCollection auras = unit.GetAllAuras(); return auras.Any(a => mechanics.Contains(a.Spell.Mechanic)); }[/LEFT] "this" is the whole magic try it! Type Styx.StyxWoW.Me or Styx.StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.'IntelliSense' => HasAurawithMeachanic
@Weischbier, I tried that and it gives me an error, but if I swap it around it works... I'll recheck to see if I copied it wrong or if I am missing a Syntax..