more risky than what? More risky than leveling them by hand? Yup, sure. More risky than flying on an airplane? Doubtful.
well, yes it would be wouldn't it? i mean less characters leveling less chance of being found and banned.
^^ this It's probably 3 times as likely to get you banned. That having been said: Chances of getting a ban from leveling a character are less than a million to one. I'm at 36 level 85s now and haven't been permabanned yet.
Its not matter will I bot 3 chars to 85 or not... I will try for sure. Question is only about time... will I risk more if I lvl them one by one or all 3 at same time.
Dude ive leveled 8 charcters botting so far.1 account, 3 accounts. Three character running. All lvling, pvping and raiding. Soon as one character reaches 85 via question it will BG until it has 355 ItLVL then it will do raids. it took me a week and half to get from 1-85. 12-16 hours a day of botting.....Look hopefully i dont get banned soon but these things happen. I might get banned tomorrow i might never get banned. Im ricking it yes. First off three account on same time off one PVP botting highly dangerous (make sure u have a good CC otherwise its even more rickier). and lastly ALL THREE CHARACTERS PVP. just do it. Your either gonna get banned or not. Botting is my life saver. Ive got the insane title because of it Ive got nearly all rare mounts because of it. People who code and make these programs are to some of us GODS. simple as that. If i were millionair they would all have a car now.