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  • SarkothFarmer - Farms Sarkoth with the best possible speed!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Inrego, Jun 24, 2012.

    1. El_Zilcho

      El_Zilcho New Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Overall, latest plugin only loots half of the time. Did you nerf it? :(
    2. doedelmann

      doedelmann New Member

      Jun 15, 2012
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      great work! my succesful run time decreased by 5 seconds! well done
    3. 010101

      010101 New Member

      Jun 15, 2012
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      Any idea of this? the last version dont work for me :(
    4. sfj

      sfj New Member

      Jun 13, 2012
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      With latest version of your plugin and DB 160 my Monk sometimes sticks in the cellar. He doesn't loot and also not TP. If I loot 1 Item manually it continues normally. Any Ideas?

      EDIT: After about one minute it TPs out & starts a new run without looting Gold/Items
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2012
    5. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Is it just me? I've tried re-downloading the attachment for the latest Sarkoth (1.5.3) but keep getting "SarkothFarmer 1.5.3.zip: The archive is corrupt", can't extract anything from it :(

      Edit: Apparently Winrar didn't like it. 7zip handled it fine. Never had that before!
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2012
    6. MrWizard516

      MrWizard516 Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      I noticed that with the newest build of DB bot does nothing when I use your profile+plugin. It just goes into game and stands there. It was working fine with .146 If you need a log let me know and I will run it again to get you one.
    7. anosbisch

      anosbisch New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      Im running with my 337% GF Monk, w/ Templar 11kDPS
      and im getting 9 secs without cellar, and 31Sec Avg with celar!

      Any clue why my with celar time is taking so long? Im pulling around 450-500k GPH but i think if i can get my with cellar time down to 20Secs I could easily make that a 550-600k GPH.

      I think its the looting speed.

      when he loots its not very smooth. like a bunch of mouse clicks on each gold?

      I dont have a great extra pick up radius, maybe like 15 so im running
      100Loot Radius
      and 20Kill Radius.

      Any ideas!

      Thanks again for the awesome profile
    8. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      New loot method seems to really confuse DB (using latest 1.6 DB, your plugin & profile, a fairly basic loot ruleset, and unstucker). Bot is very frequently either ignoring multiple loot items if it manages to pick all gold up first (because of a high radius), or getting stuck trying to decide what to loot if there's gold and items both on the floor, as per the log below (gets stuck in an infinite loot);
      [21:10:24.551 V] QuillDemon_A_Unique_LootHoarderLeader-353 Is a Unique Mob
      [21:10:24.560 V] Using power Monk_FistsofThunder clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:2025586891
      [21:10:24.561 V] Using power: Monk_FistsofThunder
      [21:10:25.096 V] Using power Monk_SevenSidedStrike clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999568897 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:25.097 V] Using power: Monk_SevenSidedStrike
      [21:10:26.163 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:26.167 V] Using power UseStoneOfRecall clickPos:<118.526, 105.6447, 0.100001> worldDynamicId:1999568897 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:26.376 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:26.454 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<119.5225, 105.6585, 0.1820157> worldDynamicId:1999568897 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:26.505 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:26.508 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:26.521 D] Exception while pulsing plugin Sarkoth Farmer 1.5.3: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaUnit.get_SummonedByACDId()
         at SarkothFarmer.Helpers.Objects.<get_Units>b__8(DiaUnit x)
         at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereListIterator`1.MoveNext()
         at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
         at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1.<GetEnumerator>d__0.MoveNext()
         at System.Linq.Enumerable.Any[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
         at SarkothFarmer.Helpers.Composites.IsUnitNear(Int32 yards)
         at SarkothFarmer.Helpers.StateManager.StateSarkoth()
         at SarkothFarmer.Helpers.StateManager.RunState()
         at SarkothFarmer.Main.OnPulse()
         at Zeta.Common.Plugins.PluginManager.PulsePlugin(IPlugin plugin)
      [21:10:26.535 D] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaUnit.get_SummonedByACDId()
         at Belphegor.Routines.Monk.<>c__DisplayClass49.<get_HasMysticAlly>b__48(DiaUnit u)
         at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
         at Belphegor.Routines.Monk.get_HasMysticAlly()
         at Belphegor.Routines.Monk.<MonkBuff>b__2(Object extra)
         at Belphegor.Helpers.Spell.<>c__DisplayClass2.<Cast>b__0(Object ret)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Decorator..MoveNext()
         at (Object )
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
         at (Object )
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
         at (Object )
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
         at (Object )
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
         at (Object )
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
         at (Object )
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..MoveNext()
         at (Object )
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
         at (Object )
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
         at (Object )
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..MoveNext()
         at (Object )
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
         at (Object )
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.CommonBot.BotMain.()
      [21:10:26.673 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:26.810 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:26.810 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:27.078 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:27.079 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:27.314 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:27.314 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:27.551 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:27.552 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:27.779 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:27.780 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:28.012 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:28.012 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:28.244 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:28.244 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:28.476 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:28.476 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:28.707 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:28.707 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:28.943 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:28.943 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:29.175 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:29.176 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:29.408 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:29.408 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:29.642 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:29.643 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:29.876 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:29.876 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:30.105 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:30.106 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:30.342 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:30.343 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:30.575 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:30.576 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:30.809 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:30.809 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:31.038 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:31.039 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:31.275 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:31.275 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:31.507 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:31.508 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:31.743 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:31.743 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:31.976 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:31.976 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:32.205 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:32.205 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:32.442 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:32.442 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:32.677 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:32.677 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:32.910 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:32.910 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:33.139 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:33.140 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:33.376 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:33.377 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:33.607 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:33.608 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:33.839 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:33.840 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:34.076 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:34.076 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:34.308 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:34.308 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:34.542 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:34.543 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:34.774 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:34.775 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:35.005 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:35.006 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:35.239 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:35.239 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:35.476 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:35.476 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:35.706 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:35.706 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:35.937 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:35.938 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:36.174 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:36.174 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:36.407 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:36.407 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:36.637 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:36.638 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:36.874 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:36.874 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:37.107 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:37.108 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:37.339 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:37.339 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      [21:10:37.574 V] [ItemRules] Matched Renewing Balor Pauldrons of Barbs with rule: :PickUp
      [21:10:37.574 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLY:PickUp
      Seems to want to teleport and exit the moment there is no gold on the floor (regardless of any other drops) which only happens if you have a high pickup radius to get all the gold in one go... or if you have a lower pickup radius it can just stand there forever unable to decide between a specific gold pile and a specific item :(
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2012
    9. IeU

      IeU Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      1.2.6 was really fast with my barb and perfect for me.

      Now, with 1.53, he is missing the leap every time, looting seems a bit slower and it sometimes misses loot (gold).

      With DH, is getting too near to Sarkoth, should shoot from far, from door entrance to Sarkoth.
    10. NomNom

      NomNom New Member

      Jun 15, 2012
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      can someone please explain how i install a plugin? noob question but I can't find an actual helpful guide anywhere. where do i put this classspecifics and Helpers folder?

      sigh, 10 years of rmt experience and no idea what i'm doing with this bot ;[

      thanks for the help guys
    11. wr9966

      wr9966 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Using the latest release (1.5.3) and the recommended monk 15k+ dps build, I am getting pretty good GPH.

      However, one thing I have noticed is that the bot now only seems to do Tempest Rush for the first part of the instance. Once it enters the cellar, it does a simple "run" over to Sarkoth. Previous versions it kept doing the Tempest Rush, so now I am getting fewer games per hour than before.

      Any ideas? Or was this a change?
    12. GordonGekko

      GordonGekko New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      not looting any gold when killing Sarkoth
    13. 3r4z3r

      3r4z3r New Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      I can confirm this. Sometimes when there is an item that matches the pickup rule and gold on the ground, he has problems with demonbuddy.
      I also use DB r648 Build 160.

      Apart from that, very good job. Running your profile on my monk and barb. Works always very well!
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2012
    14. brandony

      brandony Member

      Dec 14, 2011
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      i am getting the same on my WD, but on Monk looting works just fine for me ;p strange
    15. Kowpye

      Kowpye Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      FIRST off -- huuge props to Inrego for putting this together and updating it!! +1 !!!
      many thanks on that!

      I am currently experiencing a few things with 1.5.3

      1. As mentioned before -- my monk no longer continues to tempest rush once entered into the cellar.
      2. I stand still on top of gold and items which never happened in previous versions (in my experience)
      3. I have to manually click on the items and THEN my monk will sometimes teleport -- but almost never picks up the loot.

      any tips/guidance would be awesome here -- again - thanks for all the hard work!
    16. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      I fixed that on SVN right after posting new version here :p
      I'll put a new one up here on forums soon.
    17. MrWizard516

      MrWizard516 Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      You create a folder called "Plugins" in your DB folder then make a folder inside of your new plugins folder called "MonkHelper" or whatever name you choose and put it in there.
      Then when you start the bot you go to your plugins tab and check the box to enable it.

      ALL of your plugins need to be in their OWN folders within your plugins folder.
    18. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      That was an intented change to have enough spirit to one-shot them all :p
    19. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Those who had problems with leap and loots. Please try 1.5.4 (up in a minute)
    20. Kowpye

      Kowpye Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      ah good call on that! very efficient!

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