First and foremost, I would like to point you in the direction of: THIS This is good basic instruction of how the bot works from a profile writers PoV. Furthering on and getting a little bit more advanced u can find some nice tips in here. HonorBuddy: Getting Started as a Profile Writer - Buddy Wiki As for some personal tips. Use some of the default prebuilt profiles that ship w/ the bot. Next, Just tinker. Try to make up your own code to get ur character to go from point a to point b. Baby steps! The rest will come to you as you practice. I will try to add some more to this as I think of it. But between these few things I was patching in my own profile code in a matter of hours. Oh, and one last pro-tip.... You get your questID #'s and locations and all that from the handy info dumping tab built into BW.
I have tryed to write profiles but I just had to accept I dont possess the brains to make the stuff work..
one thing i cant seem to find is a list of rules so i dont run into the same problem... i keep getting messages that lines dont match up start lines dont match end there a list of rules somewhere?
If you're having problems matching XML tags, get a lightweight but powerful editor like Notepad++ (there are many others also, but this one has been my favorite for years, and more importantly, its what Kick uses!). How Notepad++ helps... It colorizes the text, this helps you instantly recognize when you've missed silly things like closing quotes and such. Placing your I-beam cursor within an XML tag will automatically highlights the corresponding opening/closing XML tag It opens files in tabs, so you can rapidly pop between example files and cut-n-paste into the profile under construction. dozens of other intuitive features that help prevent mistakes when working with XML cheers & good luck with your endeavors! chinajade
so for me too make a good profile i have to do the quest myself then make a note of quest ids and then write a profile is that right or am i missing something
How Im making profile. Use 1 toon to run through to get quest IDs, moveto spots, so on. Then use that one or another to run through make sure all ok. If say, quest that you can only do once. You will need a 2nd one to run through behind to test. If you want to make sure all good. Once you do few times it gets easier.