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  • DungeonBuddy Working Instances List

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Valkafar, Jun 30, 2012.

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    1. buzzerbeater

      buzzerbeater Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2011
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      Date of Test: 03-07-2012
      Dungeon Name: Maraudon - Foulspore Cavern
      Role Used: Full Group H R T M
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [X]
      Minor Issues? []
      Major Issues? []
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible):
      b)What bot does or does not do?:
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?):
      d)Suggested solution (If any):

      Date of Test: 03-07-2012
      Dungeon Name: Maraudon - Earth song falls
      Role Used: Full Group H R T M
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? []
      Minor Issues? []
      Major Issues? [x]
      Issue Explanation AS TANK:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): whole ini
      b)What bot does or does not do?: no bosses set,
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): tank doesnt know where to go.
      d)Suggested solution (If any): added a fitting profile into the release thread.

      Date of Test: 03-07-2012
      Dungeon Name: Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
      Role Used: Full Group H R T M
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? []
      Minor Issues? []
      Major Issues? [x]
      Issue Explanation TANK ONLY :
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): The huge gate you need to click before the grand cathedral
      b)What bot does or does not do?: tries to attack the mobs behind it before opening the gate
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): stuck
      d)Suggested solution (If any): prio gate over pulling.
      Second Issue, tank again:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): in the cathedral
      b)What bot does or does not do?:attacks the boss without clearing the room
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): death because of a billion adds
      d)Suggested solution (If any): prio adds before boss.
      Third issue, whole group:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): after death in fron of the instance portal
      b)What bot does or does not do?:they dont enter, just stay there half a yard in front of the entrance
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): stuck
      d)Suggested solution (If any):

      Date of Test: 04-07-2012
      Dungeon Name: Uldaman
      Role Used: Full Group H R T M
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? []
      Minor Issues? []
      Major Issues? [x]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): endboss
      b)What bot does or does not do?: doesnt interact properly with the altar
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): stuck
      d)Suggested solution (If any):

      Date of Test: 04-07-2012
      Dungeon Name: DireMaul - warpwood quarters
      Role Used: Full Group H R T M
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? []
      Minor Issues? []
      Major Issues? [x]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): everywhere
      b)What bot does or does not do?: Mesh is broken, tank runs to certain spots and stays there. If i control the tank, the dds cant reach a lot of combat areas because of path issues and just stuck there. People tend to fall down on corners 99% of the time.
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): stuck
      d)Suggested solution (If any):

      Date of Test: 04-07-2012
      Dungeon Name: Scholomance
      Role Used: Full Group H R T M
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? []
      Minor Issues? []
      Major Issues? [x]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): when they die in front of the instance
      b)What bot does or does not do?: doesnt walk into the instance, stays in front of it like a yard away.
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): stuck
      d)Suggested solution (If any):

      Besides this, absolutely flawless.
      Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
    2. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Date of Test: 7-4-12
      Dungeon Name: Hellfire Ramparts
      Role Used: Tank
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [X]
      Minor Issues? [X]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:

      The supplied profile kills Omor first then the dragon. Using this profile fixes that hence the minor issue selection incase people don't change it. Other than that runs like a champ.
    3. S28

      S28 New Member

      Feb 9, 2012
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      Date of Test: 04 - 07 - 2012
      Dungeon Name: Shadowfang Keep Heroic
      Role Used: Tank
      DUNGEON STATUS: Minor Issues
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where: Boss Fights.
      b)What bot does or does not do?: Kept interrupting the first boss, Didn't move on "green phase" on 3rd boss, and didn't move from piston on last boss
      c)Penalty: Didn't wipe, but got 397 ilvl as tank.
      Last edited: Jul 4, 2012
    4. buzzerbeater

      buzzerbeater Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2011
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      I tested a lot of dungeons now and fixed a lot of things, at least a little bit.

      Deadmines sticky bombs and shadowfang keep green aoe at the commander work now way better, but is there a list of ALL script helpers or some guide like PB has inside?

      I wanted to start to code a DS script, but there is nooooo code at all, or at least no overview, only little scraps provided by the profiles already there.

      And we need a dedicated Dungeonbuddy Thread finally.

      This Thread is fine for dungeon reports, but this should be all, not more.
      Last edited: Jul 4, 2012
    5. DeathFromTurds

      DeathFromTurds New Member

      Apr 12, 2012
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      Date of Test: 7/4/12
      Dungeon Name: Utgarde Keep
      Role Used: (Tank, Healer, etc) Healer
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [X]
      Minor Issues? [ ]
      Major Issues? [ ]

      Wonderful will be running full tests today
    6. Bier

      Bier Member

      Sep 6, 2011
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      So working dungeons for 15-80 for full grps are:

      15-21 RFC
      24-30 Gnome
      32-42 Maraudon - Foulspore Cavern

      Nothing more?

      It would be nice to have an extra list for that
    7. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Based on what i have tried/confirmed and reported.

      42-52 - Dire Maul Gordok Commons - AFKable

      42-52 - Strat - Main Gate - Afkable

      44-54 Zul'Farrak - Needs to not mount always, wait for tank to mount. Other than than Afkable. Use my edited one below to not mount at all. Will change it to mount only when tank does wheni figure this shit out.

      46-56 Strat service entrance - Afkable - You *may* have trouble with gates if there is a wipe since gate opening not in yet.

      47 - 57 - Black Depths Detention - Afkable

      57 - 67 - Ramparts - Afkable

      59 - 69 - Blood Furnace - Afkable

      62 - 72 - Mana Tombs - Afkable

      68 - 78 Utgard Keep - Afkable

      71-80 The Old Kingdom - AFkable

      73 - 80 Violet Hold - Afkable

      77 - 80 Utgard pinnacle - Afkable

      So for Maximum totally afk exp gain from 42 at least:

      42 - 44 = Strat Main Gate/Dire Maul Gordok Commons - Healz

      44 - 47 = Zul'Farrak - Healz

      47 - 57 = BlackRock Depths Detention - Healz

      57 - 59 = Ramparts - Healz/Tank

      59 - 62 = Blood Furnace - Healz/Tank

      62 - 68 = Mana Tombs - Healz/Tank

      68 - 71 = Utgard Keep - Healz/Tank

      71 - 73 = Old Kingdom - Healz/Tank

      73 - 77 = Violet Hold - Healz/Tank

      77 - 80 = Utgard Pinnacle Healz/Tank

      Now, I am assuming if it works for tanks then melee deeps should be okay aswell but no guarantees.
      The lower ones i haven't tanked myself yet hence only healz next to them.

      These numbers also don't include protection from being in bad groups when/where tank/deeps don't know what the fuck they are doing.

      Ramparts edit below so it kills in the correct order.

      Also it wont quite run into the instance if you die sometimes. Not always just sometimes which is more annoying because i don't know the reason ;q

      There are also a couple of instances that work but have small problems due to jumping off points, Halls of Stone and Wailing Caverns for instance so i haven't included them. Been looking into it with topOfJumpLoc and dropDownLoc so might have fixes for those pretty soon.

      Once the re-que...issue...has been fixed this will be very nice indeed :)

      Attached Files:

    8. Elderone

      Elderone New Member

      Dec 13, 2011
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      Date of Test: 6/07/2012
      Dungeon Name: Razorfen Kraul
      Role Used: Huntard
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [X]
      Minor Issues? [ ]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible):
      b)What bot does or does not do?:
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?):
      d)Suggested solution (If any):
    9. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      Date of Test: 7/8/2012
      Dungeon Name: Blackrock Caverns Normal
      Role Used: Tank, Healer and DPS (all 3, Specific dungeon queue - Party Mode)
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [X]
      Minor Issues? [X]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): Rock formation near 2nd boss (Corla, Herald of Twilight). If running in Party Mode and anyone disconnects, the tank will path in a circle up and down the ramps on each side of the pathway after Corla is defeated, causing (occasionally) one of the characters to be "stuck" behind the rock formation near the broken ramp and path leading away from the boss. The second "stuck" occurred right before the 3rd boss (Karsh Steelbender), where the portal spawns for teleporting if there is a wipe. One follower got knocked back off the ramp or ran off the ramp (was AFK) and the character got stuck on the side of the ramp, near a pole and disconnected. Other than these issues, the boss fights worked well and it was 100% AFKable.
      b)What bot does or does not do?: A few "stuck" issues that are not guaranteed to happen.
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Stuck
      d)Suggested solution (If any): Blackspots within the server mesh?
    10. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yes but that's not how it was set up. It was set up to kill him last. After the dragon guy

      name="Omor the Unscarred" killOrder="4"
      Killorder 4 is how you shipped it. All i did was change him to killorder 2.

      I see, i typed "The supplied profile kills Omor first then the dragon" meant to write "The supplied profile kills the Dragon first then Omor." Of course, that doesn't change the fact you should already know how the profiles are set up and shipped ;)
      Last edited: Jul 8, 2012
    11. redsector

      redsector Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Date of Test: 7-8-12
      Dungeon Name: Shadofang Keep
      Role Used: Full 5 MAn
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? []
      Minor Issues? [X]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation: Gets Stuck here and there, with bloodelfes, the last boss owned me big time until the toons have been level 22-23. after the first bosskill the guy goes upstairs to open the door the tank runs into the door before it has opened maybe there could be a wait timer added. the main issue is getting stuck
      Last edited: Jul 8, 2012
    12. furyz0r

      furyz0r Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      Date of Test: 09/07/2012
      Dungeon Name: Deadmines
      Role Used: Tank and healer
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [x]
      Minor Issues? [x]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): Second boss, tank got stuck after killing the boss, and healer was running in circles due to sticky bombs.
    13. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Deadmines has had a total rewrite, the one on the next version should have none of these issues :D
    14. klanky

      klanky New Member

      Nov 6, 2010
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      Dungeon Name: Uldaman
      Dungeon Name: Scholomance
      Role Used: Ranged DPS (Hunter - Beast Master, Singular)
      Fully AFKable: Yes

      Last edited: Jul 9, 2012
    15. redsector

      redsector Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Date of Test: 7-9-12
      Dungeon Name: Gnomeregan
      Role Used: Tank Healer Ranged DPS
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [X]
      Minor Issues? [ ]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:

      works very well best implementation so far even wit a level 25 group i went trough with a couple of wipes (not bot related)
    16. redsector

      redsector Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Date of Test: 7-9-12
      Dungeon Name: Scarlet Monastery Cathedral
      Role Used: Tank Healer Ranged DPS (Full 5 Man)
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? []
      Minor Issues? [X]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation: Runs into fences outside gets stuck, targets Rats inside the cathedral wich makes the bot run around like crazy, wont enter the instance after a wipe. other than that good!
    17. jsparrow

      jsparrow New Member

      Oct 28, 2011
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      Just test grim batol as a feral druid 09-07-12 found a few minor issues as melee 3rd boss drake stood in the white bad stuff trying to attack and didnt move into the eye on final 4th boss for shadow gale, other than that did well targeting was good as far as who to attack a few ranged delays switching target transitions but that might be my singlar cc, also still not mounting drakes at the start of the instance but while not fully afkable it is turn it on and leave it on second monitor while watching a movieable lol.
      Fully AFKable? []
      Minor Issues? [X]
      Major Issues? [ ]
    18. redsector

      redsector Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Date of Test: 7-10-12
      Dungeon Name: Scarlet monastery: Library
      Role Used: (Full 5 Man) Tank Healer Ranged DPS
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [X]
      Minor Issues? [ ]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation: None
    19. redsector

      redsector Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Date of Test: 7-10-12
      Dungeon Name: Scarlet monastery: Cathedral
      Role Used: (Full 5 Man) Tank Healer Ranged DPS
      Optional Bosses: ON
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [ ]
      Minor Issues? [X]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation: Does not open the door to the Cathedral, does not enter the instance after a wipe. does not open the door to the optional boss inside the cathedral

      Edit: Did not clear the left wing of the cathedral before pulling the boss, alltho im not sure if its bot related since i had a crash in between and had to restart DB
      Last edited: Jul 10, 2012
    20. BaliOne

      BaliOne Member

      Jun 8, 2012
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      Report Format
      Date of Test: 12/07
      Dungeon Name:Stratholme - Service gate
      Role Used: R
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [X]
      Minor Issues? [ ]
      Major Issues? [ ]
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