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  • Handy little trick I found

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by nojabscorp, Jan 29, 2010.

    1. nojabscorp

      nojabscorp New Member

      Jan 22, 2010
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      Right, so while botting I tend to check up on the botting character in question every so often, mostly to see if any player is following me around (meaning he's trying to determine if i'm a bot or not) to some of you it may sound silly but imo if I can prevent mass reports on my character then all the better since I won't have to level a new one if the account is closed and seeing as time = money I'm doing myself a favor on the long run.

      So obviously I check my surroundings to see if there's anyone close to me or targeting me and whatnot.

      The other day I was using MrFishit and noticed the "Trackit" tab the bot has, in short you can specify what you want to track while the bot is active and it'll do that on your minimap, things like beasts, humanoids, demons, nodes etc., the thing that I found remarkable is that AFTER closing MrFishIt so technically having the bot shut off, it resumes tracking whatever you tracked while it was active.

      After this I simply start up GB and voila, and no matter what class you are you can determine if anyone is following you within 1/2 seconds with having track humanoids/beasts enabled instead of looking around and losing precious botting time.

      Perhaps this isn't an intended way to use these 2 bots together but man does it ever work.

      Obviously there are tons of handy uses from being able to track every possible thing of all classes and professions combined on one character so have fun and be creative, let me know how it turns out for you or what interesting uses you've found for this feature
      Last edited: Jan 29, 2010
    2. x11r6

      x11r6 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Carbonite does the exact same thing :)

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