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  • [Release] Demonbuddy - Friday partay build (#176)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nesox, Jul 13, 2012.

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    1. Nesox

      Nesox Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      is our bot for Diablo III

      • Grinding
      • Stashing Items
      • Repairing your equipment
      • Selling items to vendors
      • Salvaging items
      • Ability to logout when your inventory is full or stop the bot
      • Setting up protected stash pages and bag slots
      • Configurable loot and kill radius
      • Ability to change what % the bot repairs at
      • Item rules for picking up, selling, stashing, and salvaging, as simple as you'd like, or as complex as you'd like
      • Plugins ( none included but there will be eventually. )
      • Full support for custom combat routines as you'd expect from the Buddy Team
      • Built-in updater
      • Command line arguments for easy creation of shortcuts.

      This will not work in Germany for legal reasons.

      Download From: Demonbuddy the 3rd party Farming and Leveling Tool for the amazing Diablo 3 Game


      Reporting Bugs
      When reporting a bug, please include your full log file (found in your bot folder under the "Logs" directory, sort by creation date to find it easier), a full and detailed explanation of the bug, as well as any screenshots that may be useful in tracking down the bug. Also include your class, level, act, difficulty in any bug reports to help us quickly reproduce bugs. (We cannot hunt down bugs with no information, its just not feasible).

      Changelog .176
      • InactivityDetector added. Can be set in the settings tab ( Inactivity Time ) how many minutes it should wait before leaving game if standing still in the same spot.
      • Added "DemonVoiceover" to the combat ignore list.
      • Will no longer attempt to attack the projection of Maghda or any of the other un-attackable units in the command outpost in the Khasim outpost
      • Monk and Witch Doctor should no longer cause extreme game lag when using Belphegor
      • Temporarily disabled the stuck handler.
      Changelog .173
      • Updated DefaultItemRules
      • Logs out your sessions before closing Demonbuddy if the process Demonbuddy is attached to is closed.
      • Changed UseObject a little, should work better now.
      Changelog .171

      • Updated for
      • Should no longer hug walls or cut corners as much when generating shorter paths using the local navigation.
      • Bot will take some chests and other objects into account when generating paths to avoid them.
      • ignoreLooting, ignoreCombat attributes removed from ProfileBehavior ( all tags ) use the new tag below.
      • ToggleTargetingTag added. allows you to set kill/loot radius in profiles also let's you toggle looting and combat.
        example: "<ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="False" lootRadius="0" killRadius="10" />"
      • UseObject - shouldn't wait as long after taking portals.
      • Alot of item stats fixed.
      • Added LifeSteal, LifeOnHit and PickUpRadius to Stat types for item rules.
      • Demonbuddy now closes if the D3 process it's attached to is terminated.
      • When in town if vendor or stash can't be found it will move towards where they usally are.
      • Stashing, vendoring and salvaging should work fine in Act2 again.
      • Should no longer get stuck on the training dummy to the right of the stash in Act2 when going to vendor.
      • Updated default item rules.
      Changelog .169

      • Stashing more or less reworked, should work alot better and faster now.
      • DeathHandling added. Set to Logout to make the bot Logout when you die, Ignore will make it click the revive button like normal.
      • UseTownPortal tag now aborts casting tp if there's anything to loot or kill, will also move a little if taking damage while casting ( fixes problem with getting stuck on forges in core of arreat )
      • Stuckhandler now kicks in if you stand still in the the same place for too long, eg; when requesting a path but no path can be created.
      • Should always identify items now on town runs.
      • Fixed stats shown on UI
      • Negative gold per hour is not possible anymore
      • Belphegor - Fixes for all classes.
      • Belphegor - Settings added, No gui yet tho.
      • Process selector now displays, "[WindowTitle] Battletag: BATTLETAG Hero: CURRENTHERO"
      • Added attribute "oneHanded" to item rules
      • -windowTitle added. example: -windowTitle="MyBTag #1337 " will set the title of the Demonbuddy window to the string provided.
      • -attachTitle command line argument added. Looks for the window title of all d3 processes that starts with the provided string eg; "is4" will make the bot attach to the first d3 process it finds that starts with the window title "is4"
      API Changes .169

      • DiaActivePlayer - Added CurrentExperience
      • Zeta.Common.MathEx - GetPointAt added.
      • DiaActivePlayer - LoopingAnimationStartTime and LoopingAnimationEndTime added.
      • Added ACDItem.IsOneHand
      • CreateUseTownPortal added in CommonBehaviors.
      Changelog .160

      • Reloads the profile instead of resetting the caches now when joining games. ( should fix the "cellar" problem )
      Changelog .158
      • Wizard - Archon works with the Generic routine
      • More error checking in OrderBot, HandleSchedulingEvent
      • Reset the order caches when you join a game now instead of reloading the profile when it's completed.
      • Old code for waiting after creating games re added. ( fixes problems with leaving the game immediately etc. )
      Changelog .155
      • GameJoined should no longer be fired before entering games
      • Increased the time it wait after using waypoint by 1 second
      Changelog .154
      • Waits 2 seconds after entering a game to avoid any "confusion"
      • Decreased the time it waits after taking portals with UseObject.
      • Commented the extra fluff in the belphegor player mover ( DH vaul, Wizard Teleport)
      Changelog .153
      • Moved NumGamesCompleted from ZetaDia to GameStats, "NumGamesJoined" property.
      • Now reset the order cache when the player dies. (Fixes running to adria's hut when dieing in the cellar if doing Sarkoth runs among other stuff.)
      • Should no longer sometimes fail to create games and just idle at the character screen
      • Added an overload for UsePower, will be removed eventually.
      • Auto updater should work after patches now.
      • Decreased the distance for client paths
      • Renamed "User Defined Abilities" back to the original name "Generic"
      • Belphegor updated.
      Changelog .151
      • Updated for
      Changelog .149

      • Moved the salvage shortcut loc in A1 and increased the interact distance some.
      • Possible fix for getting stuck in locks every now and then.
      • Bot should now once again, click any error notifications that get's in the way.
      • Demonbuddy should be less prone to error and throw exception after clicking the revive button if the world changes.
      • Removed the powerType argument on UsePower.
      • Now displays the Battletag in the process selector.
      • Should no longer attempt to attack "friendly" npc's in Khasim Outpost.
      • Taking portals with the UseObject tag should be less error prone now.
      • Decreased the time it pauses the bot after taking town portals.
      • Should no longer throw exception when pulsing the loottargetingi when ure out of game.
      • Added ResumeGame to BnetGames
      • Added NumPlayersInParty to BnetParty
      Changelog .146
      • Identification will no longer DC/crash D3.
      • Blacklist timer has been added to loot behavior. It will blacklist loots that have been unreachable for 10 seconds now.
      • Vendoring will be reset upon bot stop.
      • All sub windows (Process selector, routine selector, etc.) shows up in the center of the Demonbuddy main window now.
      • Plugin are properly initialized when DB logs into the game itself. (Issues with ARelog)
      • Belphegor has been updated.

      • Getting stuck while interacting should be fixed. This build have been tested for 50 runs with Nesox's sarkoth profile and 50 runs with a ZK profile and there were no issues. That doesn't mean there may not any. Please provide us a full log in case of stucks to help us fix issues quickly.
      Changelog .125

      • Belphegor improvements for most of the classes
      • Added IsPlayingCutscene to ZetaDia
      • Changed SkipCutsceneTag to check if a cutscene is playing, before skipping it.
      • Logs everything to file now.
      • GameEvents -> OnPlayerDied event added.
      • Targeting problem with witchdoctor fixed.
      • Fixed a bug with loading rule sets. Should no longer even attempt to load a set of rules if the file doesn't exist.
      • Bugfix in ItemManager for quality-based rules.
      • Added DiaActivePlayer.SkipCutscene and SkipConversation methods. (SkipConversation will skip bubble dialog from NPCs)
      • Added the UIElements class, which will hold references to commonly used UI elements.
      • Added the "Unique" monster affix.
      • Fixed DecoratorContinue. We should be checking if we *can't* run, then return success first. It was originally if we can't run, then do w/e.
      • Moved the OnStart event to occur after CurrentBot.Start() to ensure plugins and other 3rd party things can actually hook behaviors on the tree before they're cleared.
      • Added a bunch of new hook locations to the brain. Death, Combat, VendorRun, and Loot. These should give developers an easy way to import logic into their own stuff.
      • UseObject tag now uses the specified object closest to the given x, y, z
      • ItemStat members are now cached where appropriate.
      • Added DiaGizmo.HasBeenOperated
      • Looting no longer even looks at used shrines. Yay!
      • Added UseWaypoint to GizmoWaypoint.
      • Changed "UseWaypointTag" to use the new function.
      Changelog .99

      • Nav service moved to new server
      • Changed the scoring of combat targets.
      • Destroying barricades fixed.
      • Combat and loot Targeting should be alot faster.
      • Only generates paths via raycast if destination is shorter than 70 units away.
      • Buff composite added to ICombat.
      • ReloadRoutinesOnFileChange & Plugins setting fixed
      • Added "caOut_Raven_Perched_A" to the combat targeting ignore list.
      • GenericRoutine's "AgainstElites" skill option should actually work now! Zomg!
      • Bot now wait half a second after opening loot containers.
      • Belphegor - Added "Nuok's" Monk routine
      • Belphegor - Melee classes should have no problem destroying objects anymore.
      • Belphegor - Added support for Buff composites.
      Changelog .95

      • Should no longer make the GUI stop responding if you press "Dump RActors" when the bot is running.
      • "Demonbuddy dependency installer.exe" added.
      • Fixed a bug that would make it error if you start the bot at the act4 bnet screen.
      Changelog .91

      • Updated for
      • UseObject should work better with portals now.
      Changelog .87

      • Added "trOut_Wilderness_Scarecrow_A" to the ignore lootables list
      • TakePortalTag removed.
      • UseObjectTag now supports taking portals better.
      • User-manual added.
      • FindDungeonExit diabled temporarily.
      • Removed the rounding for gph.
      • Added World to the Info dump, shows WorldId and Name.
      • Waiting longer fo IDing items.
    2. shadows

      shadows New Member

      Jan 22, 2011
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      I like tacos.
    3. swolbyn

      swolbyn New Member

      Apr 24, 2010
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      yum yum. beavers are good
    4. Mr Ekko

      Mr Ekko New Member

      Jun 1, 2012
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      To afraid to test. Each new release is ruining the previews... :))
    5. mntndew

      mntndew New Member

      Aug 27, 2011
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      woot! im excited :D
    6. xsol

      xsol Member

      Nov 7, 2011
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      not sticky?
    7. Out

      Out Active Member Buddy Core Dev Buddy Store Developer

      Jun 2, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      hell yeah!
    8. siferxxx

      siferxxx Banned

      Apr 22, 2012
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      How about an update on random dungeons please?
    9. swolbyn

      swolbyn New Member

      Apr 24, 2010
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      how about somebody ban this guy please? ;p
    10. Mr Ekko

      Mr Ekko New Member

      Jun 1, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      how about you test this and cut the crap! :)
    11. siferxxx

      siferxxx Banned

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Whats wrong with me asking that question?
    12. Mr Ekko

      Mr Ekko New Member

      Jun 1, 2012
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      Ups, game crashed after 5 mins of boting. Cool.

      [21:10:21.484 N] Loaded profile Fast Sarkoth Barbarian by Slippy Pete
      [21:10:23.646 D] [NotificationOKClick Plugin0.9] Check for Notification UI
      [21:10:23.646 D] [NotificationOKClick Plugin0.9] Bot Thread = True, IsRunning = True, IsInGame = True
      [21:10:24.856 D] Tried to start a bot, when one is already running.
      [21:10:26.584 N] Creating new game, Params: <Act:A1 Difficulty:Inferno Quest:72095 QuestStep:51 ResumeFromSave:True IsPrivate:True>
      [21:10:26.885 D] Tried to start a bot, when one is already running.
      [21:10:31.506 D] Joined a game!
      [21:10:31.506 N] Game joined, Reloading profile.
      [21:10:31.832 N] Loaded profile Fast Sarkoth Barbarian by Slippy Pete
      [21:10:31.832 N] [Icool's Sarkoth Kill Wait1.4] Joined Game
      [21:10:31.838 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 2d253eb3-092c-4746-843b-4ee7501ec1dd
      [21:10:31.877 V] Using power Barbarian_Leap clickPos:<2001.494, 2585.677, 27.1> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:32.003 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] e3622beb-53bc-47a1-9e20-50221707deb6
      [21:10:32.155 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] afda2586-3a51-4069-8ec3-56c006f68feb
      [21:10:32.178 V] Using power Barbarian_WrathOfTheBerserker clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:32.310 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] c758213a-3779-421b-91aa-afc78f0d2953
      [21:10:32.331 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:32.332 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:32.462 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 2c1894b0-deca-4b08-baa7-a74e1a420b7f
      [21:10:32.475 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:32.476 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:32.599 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:32.600 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:32.744 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:32.744 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:32.889 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:32.890 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:33.033 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:33.033 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:33.170 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:33.170 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:33.312 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:33.313 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:33.437 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:33.437 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:33.558 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:33.558 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:33.646 D] [NotificationOKClick Plugin0.9] Check for Notification UI
      [21:10:33.646 D] [NotificationOKClick Plugin0.9] Bot Thread = True, IsRunning = True, IsInGame = True
      [21:10:33.682 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:33.683 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:33.824 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:33.824 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:33.968 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:33.968 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:34.090 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:34.091 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:34.231 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:34.231 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:34.354 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:34.354 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:34.500 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:34.500 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_WarCry
      [21:10:34.632 V] Using power Barbarian_Sprint clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:34.747 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f65d3571-4abb-4827-b670-51fe73d644e8
      [21:10:34.774 D] Generating path to UNKNOWN - <2017.869, 2570.223, 27.1>
      [21:10:34.774 D] Raycast path generated.
      [21:10:34.774 D] Generated path to <2017.869, 2570.223, 27.1> () with 1 hops.
      [21:10:34.774 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2017.869, 2570.223, 27.1> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:37.012 D] Navigator.Clear
      [21:10:37.141 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 48734738-daeb-4cff-97b5-377ba1c7694c
      [21:10:37.162 D] Generating path to UNKNOWN - <2078.229, 2489.414, 27.1>
      [21:10:37.162 D] Raycast path generated.
      [21:10:37.162 D] Generated path to <2078.229, 2489.414, 27.1> () with 1 hops.
      [21:10:37.163 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2078.229, 2489.414, 27.1> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:37.733 N] [Icool's Sarkoth Kill Wait1.4] Cellar found within 90y
      [21:10:37.766 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2078.229, 2489.414, 27.1> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:39.795 V] Using power Barbarian_Sprint clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:39.795 V] [Belphegor] Using power: Barbarian_Sprint
      [21:10:39.927 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<2078.229, 2489.414, 27.1> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1
      [21:10:40.060 N] Closing error dialog
      [21:10:40.066 N] [Relogger v1.0.3] Pressing OK Button
      [21:10:43.109 D] Tried to start a bot, when one is already running.
      [21:10:43.647 D] [NotificationOKClick Plugin0.9] Check for Notification UI
      [21:10:43.647 D] [NotificationOKClick Plugin0.9] Bot Thread = True, IsRunning = True, IsInGame = False
      [21:10:43.647 N] [NotificationOKClick Plugin0.9] Start/Resume button found!!! Wait for next time
      [21:10:44.122 D] Tried to start a bot, when one is already running.
      [21:10:44.322 N] Diablo III Exited, Demonbuddy terminating
      Last edited: Jul 13, 2012
    13. Boom Fish

      Boom Fish Member

      Oct 12, 2011
      Likes Received:
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      Damn don't you think there is more important issues to fix other than random dungeons, Death to the trolls.
    14. Nab

      Nab Member

      May 31, 2010
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      Y u no sticky? Thanks for the release btw.
    15. siferxxx

      siferxxx Banned

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Not gonna bot until random dungeons are fixed. And that is the more important issue! Because the sarkoth thing is now very detectable pattern!
    16. Boom Fish

      Boom Fish Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Certainly death to the troll...
    17. Mr Ekko

      Mr Ekko New Member

      Jun 1, 2012
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      don't be paranoid.
    18. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      giving it a whirl now, will report back shortly.

    19. kvich

      kvich New Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      Ignore sifferixxx. He's been a troll for awhile now.
    20. termite

      termite New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      We have the technology!
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