Wow you guys are quick Is it the same cc except for the GUI to make changing settings easy or is it a slimmed down version or perhaps a previous build Cheers
For those of you who want top Arms DPS: We've added an 85 Arms only version of the CC to our SVN trunk. Just replace your Class1.cs with the one provided. THIS WILL CAUSE THE CC TO ONLY WORK FOR 85 ARMS WARRIOR!!! If you want to use it with other Speccs, just revert back to the shipped Class1.cs!!!
MMm this is not working well at all for some reason only doing 17k dps , rotation very rarely uses mortal strike log attached
Everyone that's reporting issues with the CC, please include logs and what configuration you're using. They can't just go off of "This doesn't work..." or whatever. If you want it to work, you have to provide the correct feedback with details. No log snippits either. If the log is larger than 1mb in size, then use a zip program to compress it and upload it. It's not hard.
I will. I?m leveling a toon to tank in my DungeonBuddy party (its just 1 heal 1 dd and then the tank)
disabled sunder but still only knocking out 23-25 k dps as oppossed to 33k with titan arms so somethings slipping in the rotation
Just tanked a regular 85 instance on a fresh 85 Warrior in greens and had absolutely no problem holding aggro on anything. Wasn't sure if it was supposed to be taunting AoE targets that didn't happen to get caught in the initial AoE load-blowing but was pretty easy to just charge them or taunt them manually. I didn't mess with the settings too much at all besides turning off movement. Amazing work! Time to gear him up and try out this bad boy in heroics and raids.
Did it make use of the blood and thunder talent? I've seen that my warr tends to have some problems at low lvl(sub 60) with using thunderclap to spread rend instantly. Will post log if there's more than me with the problem
Just realized that sometimes when questing my warr dosn't charge but simply decides to shoot at it instead, kinda pointless Log applied Edit: seems to be right after a dismount.
If I remember correctly, Wownerds states that this is just a default option, you can set it to charge. The reason it is set to shoot/throw is because it reduces the chances while leveling/using DungeonBuddy/Questing/Grinding so on so forth, to constantly get the error "can not find a path" or whatever (It would definitely look very bot-like, unfortunately so does not using charge when you have the ability to.) Once I test the profile for myself today, I will try to add logs, suggestions and many other things to help people past bugs and stuff. Just so it is said, I am not speaking on Wownerds behalf, I am simply giving my details on things you can do to fix things. I hope I can point out other bugs/ help fix other peoples problems by testing the profile myself.
Under advanced->pull It has been set to charge from "day 1" unless there's anywhere else i can set it to that?
You have set the CC to use non-usable trinkets. Disable trinket usage! Maybe also extend your AoE Range under Advanced. Right settings are the key to success here.