I threw this together real quik, It starts in org and flys to barrens for the leaping hatchling from Takk's nest then the dartling hatchling from Dart's nest and the Ravasaur Hatchling from Ravasaur Matrich nest in Ungoro. Make sure Your running under Gatherbuddy and have Rare Mob killer plugin turned on.
so what you're saying is that the profile will fly itself to all the designated targets (pet places) kill the mobs, and move on to the next?.. whats the kill/hour rate like?
they shoud be located in dustwalow, ungoro and barens right ? i started in org, then it moved to barens OK and then it keeps patroling in desolace wtf
It should fly to the nest in Barrens then Dustwalow then ungoro. Ill look into that though, I may have some messed up waypoints.
It doesnt kill anything unless it aggros it, The pets it farms arnt drops, they are from nests which are rare spawns.