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  • [A1 - Inferno] Champion-Farming

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by 5avage, Jul 3, 2012.

    1. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Chests are absolutely worthless, and also ignore magic find gear totally (MF and NV stacks only affect monster drops). If you use my world object handler plugin, it'll ignore chests unless you run like RIGHT next to them (as in, almost walking into them). I really wouldn't bother changing it - chests add a decent delay and most "real" inferno farmers (not bots) would also ignore all chests unless they happened to run right by them, too.
    2. Thirdi

      Thirdi New Member

      Jul 10, 2012
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      this sounds awesome! I cant wait to see your post about it. I plan on getting 3 more cdkeys and botting on 4 barbs instead of 1 next week. (want to make sure I dont get banned this week before I spend that much money and time on it)

      I really appreciate your work on this profile, it is awesome!
    3. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Looking forward to this, my barb builds are pretty poor really and could do with improvements. Would like to go MF heavy (or at least 150+ MF), but find MF gear with really good vitality, strength and all resist just too expensive (plus it's a pain in the ass searching for 4-5 slots when the AH only allows 3... what the FUDGE is wrong with Diablo's god-awful AH filter limits... did you see the videos pre-release of the game? They showed the AH with 6 filters, changeable sortable columns, all-sorts of nice stuff!). 2 handers eh? I assumed 1h and shield was the way for botting! Also just grabbed v 1.7 off the 1st page, nice work you & 5avage ;D
    4. 5avage

      5avage New Member

      Jul 3, 2012
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      I didnt work on 1.7 :(
      ...its all Radonics work! Thx @ Radonix :)
    5. Fama_Sicura

      Fama_Sicura New Member

      Jun 19, 2012
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      Using all required plugins. Following instructions to the T.
      Before the Ban-o-rama I ran 16 bots, so it's not like I don't know anything about this bot thing called Demonbuddy.
      I was getting stuck in the exact same places everyone else claims to get stuck.
      I've fixed the profile for myself, as altering profile data is extremely simple. I input about 50-100 new paths that smooths out the bot, but that doesn't make the loot any less worthless (re: the point of botting is to generate lots of gold or many high level items for turning a profit, therefore 1-2 decent pieces a day and/or 70k gold an hour isn't worth the inevitable ban).
      I stated that I know random dungeon botting doesn't exist, so I don't know where your rant is coming from; you probably didn't actually read my post (much like you say I don't read the forums).
      I can literally stand still with my eyes closed and hold down the left mouse button without using any other skill and beat the Butcher with my Barb; the fire hits and it is literally a stream of "absorbed/blocked/dodged/(red)500", but the healthbar literally never moves.

      *Perhaps rather than posting long winded reply's to try and be condescending* irony is hilarious...
      I'm not trying to troll. Just making the point that the lack of randomized dungeon crawling effects good profiles.
      But, I suppose the concept of "implication" is beyond some people.
    6. Reflex11

      Reflex11 New Member

      Jun 23, 2012
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      Anyone else's DB crashing sometimes? I sometimes come back to it with a diablo crash report and DB is mysteriously closed TT
    7. 5avage

      5avage New Member

      Jul 3, 2012
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      Sry, but i dont get your point :(
      ...you wanna tell us this profile is shit and you manged to do butcher runs?

      My Barb did more Gold then my other two toons together (and they got banned -.- )

      => My profile is a win for myself (and others too), and if limited game-creation is reenabled................. i dont have to write more
    8. 5avage

      5avage New Member

      Jul 3, 2012
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      Don't know why
    9. xenohadden

      xenohadden New Member

      Jul 30, 2011
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      Why does how many accounts you've had banned show experience? Why talk about a stuck and complaint it not being fixed and yet not upload a log so other can help you get it fixed?

      If you know it doesn't exist why even bring it up again?

      Although both me and you have the gear to stand in fire and not avoid stuff on butcher, I'm fairly sure the majority of people don't. Profile are designed for the many not the few, but if the coding is so 'simple' as you put it, I'm sure we'd all love you to design a route for butcher :)!

      Not trolling? Then why post stuff to do with demon buddies functionality on a profile which the creator has no control over?

      And once again, lol, at you and your condescending tone and use of emphasis for implication.

      Going to end it here as not point getting into an argument :) Just bare in mind the purpose of the forums is to help improve the bot and its profiles not just have a whine about what doesn't work ;)
      Last edited: Jul 22, 2012
    10. Thirdi

      Thirdi New Member

      Jul 10, 2012
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      same happens to me :(
    11. sojufiend

      sojufiend New Member

      Jul 5, 2012
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      im running 1h/shield with following spec. and never die. 20k dps unbuff. 600loh, 40k hp, 10.5k armor with enchantress buff, 1k res all with buff. 270mf with follower
      spec: overpower(crushing advance) revenge(provocation) battle rage(bloodshed) warcry (impunity) Frenzy(sidearm) Leap(iron impact)
      passive: Nerves of steel, tough as nails, superstition.

      gear prob cost around 50mill total.

      unless the bot gets stuck and does nothing.. it ll never ever die to any champ pack combo. in a1.

      with 270mf.. i get soooooo many rares and legendaries... but warriors rest farming > this tho with this much mf.. but since its probably more detectable.. im doing a1 champ farm.

      its worth the investment to get over at least 200mf.. u will see the huge difference.
    12. Fama_Sicura

      Fama_Sicura New Member

      Jun 19, 2012
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      "Just making the point that the lack of randomized dungeon crawling effects GOOD PROFILES."
      Jesus Christ... I said the profile was good.

      The point is, it's all well and good but if the DB team added the random dungeon crawling things would be worth their time to bot again.
      That's the whole point. From the beginning, but here I am spelling it out.
    13. Radonic

      Radonic New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Ive never been stuck since 1.6 xP How do even manage? Hehe.

      Well as i see it you are pretty frustrated that a good way to make money is pretty much gone... Im too, so thats why im working so hard on this.
      I make my work public because ive always leeched from the HB community and ive been hating on ppl that have all these great private profiles.
      So the choice is easy.

      I just bought things for a barb for 1mil gold and manage to run this profile successful. ATM i would probably say that all the stucks are gone,
      if you are not counting when you char follows a goblin to the other side of the map, but thats nothing we cant really do anything about.
      If you are as good as you say, you should know this.

      But i hope that you in the future dont state the obvious. I would be great if we could keep the positivity up and look for way to develop
      and beat blizzard, so we never have to get banned again.
    14. Fama_Sicura

      Fama_Sicura New Member

      Jun 19, 2012
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      It doesn't. But I've used 16 botting accounts since day 1 (not a single ban btw... *knocks on wood* just laying low with longer profs now).
      You accused me of not knowing after I mentioned knowing, so I said it again? o_O

      Agreed, but then again, if you can survive the entire act 1 run I'm pretty sure you're fine with what the act can throw at you. Just say'n.
      But, if we think about areas like the Butcher... aren't they not truly random? I've been toying with essentially an "if" statement that is able to move the toon (sometimes) in random areas like the butchers dungeon. There are only like 3-4 combos of how that area is arranged, so if we're able to discern the layout all of a sudden we know how to path. I can get the bot to run around and kill stuff about 20% of the time, but obviously... that's bogus as of now. Now if the Butcher was entirely random (alternate rooms and all kinds of extra crap) then my method wouldn't work (or maybe it is truly random, and I've just gotten extremely lucky with the layouts, lol; feel free to flame if I'm wrong).

      My initial comment was an idle comment. I was lamenting at the fact that something as simple as the butcher couldn't be killed to add to our lootz which is absurd at this point.

      And you're somewhat right. I was being patronizing, but only because what was being said was so obvious.

      I turned this profile back on since I figured, hey maybe these guys are actually right and something has been fixed. It seems like enough people are actually claiming it runs effectively.
      Then on the first run... Here's 2 stuck pics, and the third run another stuck pic, and the fourth run another stuck pic (no I didn't die, I changed skills so it reset the NV). It's rarely the same spot the toon gets stuck, but it's always because the bot can't activate the doorways, and then finds his way into a wall until the profile restarter kicks in and the whole thing restarts. The funny part is it's usually with 5 stacks, or so it seems. Which is obviously the frustrating part.

      And no... I'm not running etc., etc., etc.. Only what the instructions say to run, the exact way they say to run it (albeit tweaks to the toon ability build; not a fan of sprint).
      Stuck_Barb 2.jpg Stuck_Barb.jpg Stuck_Barb 3.jpg Stuck_Barb 4.jpg
    15. Radonic

      Radonic New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Those are all stucks after you died :D Just set Death handling to Logout and they are fine :D

      Edit: I know this and ive been taking ALOT of screenshot of the butcher dungeons, but the problem is the they have like 4-9 different layouts. BUT thing move around...
      But if you could have a system that could work around that, it would be possible. Another this is Warden. It would with the current DB to make a profile that could find a click all those skeletons :(
      Last edited: Jul 22, 2012
    16. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Diablo 3 crashes a fair bit with DemonBuddy attached. As of one of the .17x versions, DemonBuddy process automatically exits when it is no longer attached to Diablo 3 (eg when Diablo 3 crashes), which is why DB disappears when Diablo 3 has crashed.
    17. 5avage

      5avage New Member

      Jul 3, 2012
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      Radonic is right...
      ...and i tried to do a butcher run too, its not possible :(

      (I could manage it, BUT it would take so fuckin long, that the run wouldnt be worth it...)
    18. Fama_Sicura

      Fama_Sicura New Member

      Jun 19, 2012
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      After looking through the logs, on another stuck here in the trees that the profile restarter couldn't dislodge I'm not seeing any deaths whatsoever in this entire session.
      I'm just going to chalk it up as bad luck.

      I'm intrigued though... explain in better detail what you mean when you say this "Another this is Warden. It would with the current DB to make a profile that could find a click all those skeletons".
      I don't exactly know what you mean. It may help me increase the rate in which I'm getting that random area to complete.
    19. sojufiend

      sojufiend New Member

      Jul 5, 2012
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      im never stuck dude.. its u fama.. stucks only happen for me if i die.. so i fixed it by not dying and putting it to leave game on first death for safety measure
      edit: and death thing is a db issue i think
    20. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      I don't know if you've already tried it or not - but personally I only use DB built-in unstucker now, and with all the work from Radonic & 5avage, this profile is (almost) perfect - I've seen one stuck on all my bots in the last 48 hours, and I forgot to screenshot it (I think it was probably bad luck - my bot probably followed a tough mob very far away). The only plugins I have are, rather egotistically, my own - MonsterPriorityChanger (v1.3), Stash Replacer (v1.6) and World Object Handler (1.2.2). In DemonBuddy settings tab, I have Death Handling set to "Logout", and Inactivity Time set to 1 (just one - 1 minute that is).

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