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  • [Guide] Making Gold With Jewelcrafting & Enchanting

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Liferose, Jul 22, 2012.

    1. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      Some people have asked me "How do you make gold?" Well simply put, I am not a fountain of infinite knowledge, nor do I own one in pdf format. However, I make private profiles to sell accounts with moderate amounts of achievements and reputations to make them more desirable. This means I don't have time to sit in front of the auction house crunching numbers, plotting total realm domination. It's simply not in my schedule, and I won't fight the extremists who actually do that on my realm.

      A common mistake I see people make is that they assume selling Ore or Herbs will give them the most profit. They just assume this, and it may be the case in some situations, however on many realms it is not. I'm going to show you how to Gem Shuffle, but what is it you ask? You're basically prospecting Obsidium and Elementium and cutting the resulting gems, or making the shards into things and then disenchanting them. If you haven't figured it out from the title, you need a Jewelcrafter and an Enchanter. Or at least a friend who has one/both. [Everything below doesn't apply to Milling, although the technique applies if you have common sense]


      What does this elaborate picture I stole from here mean exactly? You either buy (or bot in our case) some Elementium/Obsidium. Prospect them, or make them into whatever that blacksmithing thing is (this method usually doesn't recommend it and I don't have one), then you cut the gems into ones that sell the most, and turn the shards into JC misc rings and then disenchant them. From then on you can turn them into Enchants, tailoring bags, or sell the materials raw. I usually sell the Celestials raw, sell cut gems, and turn the dust into enchants because it doesn't sell on my realm. You can vendor or try to auction Zephyrites, they don't make rings and are the exception.

      There's a catch though. Unless your realm has the sudden urge for Celestials, you can easily flood the AH if you stick to one item too much. This can cause you to get undercut like crazy, causing you to lose gold having to undercut them. That's why you can take other approaches and tackle different parts of the AH. This includes, Heavenly Shards, Greater Celestials, Lesser Celestials (some realms are this bad), Cut Gems, Uncut Gems, and the Uncut Shards.

      You may ask however, how do you know what route to take? When should you buy Obsidium or Elementium? How should I know if this isn't right for me and I should just sell the ores/go a different route? If only there was some magical spreadsheet that knew everthing.

      Go to that link above, follow the mans directions, and you will then have a spreadsheet that knows your entire AH and will tell you what to do. Literally, it will tell you what to do with the stuff you get. If your Profit Per Stack is negative, that simply means your realm is broken and you can't do this. You can buy out your AH and try to fix it for yourself, but I won't help you with that. Here is what mine looks like...


      You really should take the "Gold Per Hour - Estimated" with a grain of salt. You will make roughly half that at most if you have a really awesome server. Also keep in mind this is all chance based. Your entire realm could be out to get you, and they're having secret meetings to not buy your stuff. You could also prospect 15 Carnelians and get 5x(2 or 3 roughly) Celestials and make bank. As you can see, one Obsidium costs about 53g. Lets say you get a couple bad gems, 1 red gem, 2 Carnelians, and some other shards. Chances are you will get either Hypnotic Dust, maybe some Shard fragments, and couple lesser celetstials from disenchanting on average. If you get 1 red gem no matter what, you have payed off the ore cost. If you are farming ore, great, you just doubled your income. Celestials you can see are roughly the same cost as my Obsidium ore. Basically if you get a red gem, you're making money, if you get enough Carnelians to make Carnelian spikes, you will most likely get a couple Greater Celestials and pay off the ore anyway. This may not apply to you, this spreadsheet is just my realm as an example. Yours might say selling them raw is more profitable.

      I won't respond to help questions regarding the spreadsheet, but if you have some general questions about the process or needing some advice you can go ahead. My best advice is keep in mind Obsidium tends to give more shards (duh) and will result in more enchanting mats. If you get a bad gem from Elementium, you're kinda screwed.

      Everything shamelessly stolen from Consortium Cataclysm Shuffling Spreadsheet v4.5

      You can ask them about help with the spreadsheet, they don't like botters though.
      Last edited: Jul 22, 2012
      Xume likes this.
    2. InLikeFlint

      InLikeFlint New Member

      May 30, 2011
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      Great guide, I hope this clears up the million "How do I make 10k gold a day" threads!!
    3. Vladdan

      Vladdan New Member

      Jun 15, 2012
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      +1 !!!
    4. TheMaff

      TheMaff New Member

      May 15, 2012
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      this looks a bit like the guide on Elvinmods stream or w/e he's called :)
    5. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      No clue who that is, but it's simple and makes money so I hope that means his was good.
    6. diablofan

      diablofan Member

      Apr 27, 2012
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      this guide doesnt work for me, cuz of my tarded realm.Medium pop with many boters doing this , results in joke low AH prices, undercutting in AH within 60seconds :(
    7. wanted31

      wanted31 New Member

      Aug 8, 2011
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      Only problem is getting the shit sold..
    8. blubb0r87

      blubb0r87 New Member

      May 10, 2012
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      It's a nice guide!, but in the wrong forum.
      Ben's Shuffle is the same but way older and a lot of decent botter use his profil and even modified it.

      This guide is perfect for wow players without a bot.

      Good for you that you updated the source.
      Post is from 13. Jan 2011 ...

      The problem are the botters posting 100x 1 piece per item auctions and flooding the market. Keeps me busy reporting all the idiots with countless accounts. They have well earned the banhammer.
      Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
    9. Sidalol

      Sidalol Member

      Jul 1, 2010
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      You can also use the following website for a quick estimate on whether this is profitable or not. It only considers uncut gems and shit, so if it returns profitable then you can be sure you can rise the number even further for cutting your gems and transmuting etc.

      Wow Prospector - World of Warcraft (WoW) Prospecting Calculator
    10. hbaioni

      hbaioni New Member

      Oct 17, 2011
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      This guide doesn't work for botters. Let me explain

      1) I can collect about 200 elementium stacks per day. I would flood the AH if i posted all enchanting materials and gems for that amount of stacks. (If i wanted to keep a steady profit amout)
      2) Things in AH sell SLOOOOOOOOOW as hell. Bots gather mats so fast, that AH can not keep up with them. (Even if you're using one account).
      3) We're at the end of the expansion. Few people buy enchant mats or jewels at this point.
      4) AH Undercutters will be your undoing. Especially people using the bot to undercut every 2 minutes...

      IMO, shuffle is dead.
    11. Gandalf

      Gandalf Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      Sorry hbaioni, but thats crap.

      I do it with my bot for months! The addon is nearly finish, that means weeks ago i made 25k a day, now i make 10-15k a day. Prices on AH are going down BUT it still works.
    12. Sidalol

      Sidalol Member

      Jul 1, 2010
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      So you sell all the ore to a private buyer right? What do you think they do, vendor it?
    13. BillEEEh

      BillEEEh New Member

      Aug 28, 2011
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      Huge props to the OP for making this, now a herbalism - inscription one and noobs are gone from thebuddyforum! P.S. to all the posters here, quit fucking complaining that you cant sell your shit, we cant help it either.
    14. Sidalol

      Sidalol Member

      Jul 1, 2010
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      Here's my inscription guide:

    15. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      I did say there was a problem with people flooding the AH. This is part of the basics in AH economy, posting 200 elementium worth of enchanting mats would be your fault, because you can do other things with that. Bags, Gems, Shards, Heavenly Shards, Celestials, and even straight up ore. That's enough diversity for any realm. And once more, I also said in this guide that it's not for everyone, the spreadsheet will even tell you if it doesn't work.

      My response to your "Few people buy enchant mats or jewels at this point." You seem to forget that every expansion theres a slight price increase for gems and materials around new expansions for leveling it on new characters people rolled, gearing, ..etc.

      There's a milling tab of the spreadsheet, it's actually cut off just to make a picture. They claim it's an unsupported side project though. :/

      Also to the guy who told me this is the wrong section, you can't post in [Guides]. They get moved.
    16. hbaioni

      hbaioni New Member

      Oct 17, 2011
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      The spreadsheet will not tell you if it's going to work or not, the spreadsheet will tell you the expected price for the shuffle... It doesn't mean you're going to sell it at that price...
      If you have to deal with undercutters, you'll sell it for much less, and it 'll take you a lot of time... that's a fact.
      I'm not saying this just because, i have tried every possible way to make gold. In the past I used to sell my ore, but not anymore. The prices are not worth the effort. Then I tried the shuffle, and it didn't work. Best thing you can do atm is pet farming. On a good night, i gather 2 or 3 pets. Depending on the pet itself, i sell them for 20-30K... On an average week, i make 100K+. And the best thing is that i don't have to deal with undercutters, server economy, and i don't lose time crafting, disenchanting, posting multiple items, etc. (Yes, I know, you're gonna tell me the bot does all these tasks... but you still have to be there, log in with the character that has the profession you need, mail the items to other characters, etc). IMHO... Not worthy.
    17. Gatherit

      Gatherit New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 28, 2010
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      If your a gold maker, this is nothing new. The shuffle has been around for years, everyone just does it differently and this just so happens to be the way I do it.
    18. blubb0r87

      blubb0r87 New Member

      May 10, 2012
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      Just use your bot properly.
      I shuffle with mutiple bots and all I do per hand is goldselling.

      Just hit the Arelog button once per month.

      Shuffling is still worth it.
    19. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      The spreadsheet will tell you based on prices for things if it should work I guess is how to word it. However, I've never dealt with a server that has a bad market in both ore, enchant, and gemming areas. People have already released gem shuffling profiles that have been out for a while, like blubb said, Arelog. If it doesn't work on your realm that's unfortunate, but don't bash on it because it works well on others.

      I expect the Sha Crystal and whatever it's shard form is will be taking a hit in MoP because you can convert them back and forth. I have plenty of idiots on my server that will sell really cheap because of that. Yet the spreadsheet and everything will get upgraded for MoP, I can't imagine it will be entirely different, just need to take into consideration the converter and new items w/ respective formulas.
      Last edited: Jul 24, 2012
    20. Gatherit

      Gatherit New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 28, 2010
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      lol people still use spreadsheets. this is all stuff you should be able to do in your head.

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