All opinions are welcome I am just wondering what Battleground will net you the most HK'S I am assuming warsong gulch because its 10 on 10 and your basically killing nonstop but idk
I personally love the capture the flag bg's because of what you mentioned above. However a good IoC or AV can rack up some serious HK's as well. I find them to be a bit more hit and miss than WSG/TP. I like the consistency of WSG/TP myself.
Yes, but is in Alterac Valley zerg Bgs maybe 1 in 5 Bg. I recommend Arathi Basin Warsong or. Because there with me at least every 50-70 Honorable Kills. And in the past Verh?tlniss faster than Alterac Valley. More worth it.
I am confused why so many vote for av. I get maybe 10 kills in an AV. Its 90% Zerg to the other side and cap towers on the way. Most of the time we skip galv. Sometimes a few stop there. 1 in 5 avs will be a turtle because someone did something stupid to force a turtle. 1 in 10 is actual open warfare most are just zerg kill boss get bonus honor for towers and boss and win. I love AV because it favors the alliance and it has the highest win ratio for me. If your just looking for quick honor its the best. Farming HKs? Semi-premade WSG.
In AV you get around 20-40 HK/h in SotA you can get around 200 HK/h without an premade group because as defense you mostly zerg in front of the golden gate
I noticed the been doing these AV turtles getting like 300-600 HK'S a run anyone know more about these?