I know this is a lvl 85 disc CC, but I am lvl 28, and it doesn't use smite or holy fire or anything.. any idea why??
I got the archangel talent and the atonement talent.. still doesn't use the abilties I know it didn't heal without it, but the CC didn't use the abilities =)
There is no "ArchAngel option in the Class Config.. I see a Detect Stacks, and I've clicked that on 4.. but no archangel
If you are seeing and option for stack evangelism, then the CC thinks you are a Holy Priest. If you have the ability "Chakra" it loads up holy priest, then it checks for "Archangel". I you have neither, it will load up regular Disc priest. Holy Priests can be talented in "Archangel", but can't actually heal with atonement.
Smite Heal is at 96, Keep Smiting is set to True, and Detect Stacks is set to 4 (Don't know which stacks it's detecting btw, but it's there ), atm I'm lvl 33 with these talents: 2/2 imp PW:S, 3/3 Twin Disciplines, 3/3 MEntal Agility, 2/2 Evangalism, 1/1 Archangel, 2/2 Atonement.. Can you tell me which thing should be in the class config and which value it should have to use Archangel ? Was just in 2 SM GY's and it didn't use it. Didn't run low on mana and no1 ran low on health though..
Which version are you using? "Detect Stacks" sounds familiar, but i dont see it in the settings. It may be from an old version.
Try deleting the noobrage settings files and make sure you have a clean noobrage install. detect stacks is not a setting currently used.
I tried deleting the DiscCow and atonement settings, update the SVN and drag them into the settings folder again.. it still shows detect stacks under the follow tab
oh... Following really isnt supported at the moment. That is alpha stuff that I havent finished. If you can post a log, Ill have a look.
Well, it was more when it was coded to use Archangel like when ppl got below 20% health?? or when I'm low on mana or?? My rotation is Holy fire > Smite when ppl are above 50%, and keep shield on tank. Below 50% it's Penance > Flash Heal
I'm curious and I'm not at home to give it a try so ill just ask here. I want to increase shield usage but I dont want it to end up spamming shields instead of healing. At what %setting would it cast shields but not override the smiting/healing
There are a few things that could be done to get more shields in... Currently, we are throwing a shield on if the player that has the lowest health if they have aggro and then checking again for a raw percent. The downside of this is that we are only considering the player with the lowest health. If you look at the Holy class, you will see this in the tank section. PHP: WoWPlayer aggro = Helpers.GetLowestAggro(); if (aggro != null) Cast.Buff("Renew", aggro); What that does is finds an aggro player and throws renew on them and *continues* the rotation. That was my way of keeping renew on the offtank. That is an issue about putting instant cast abilities higher in you rotation is that during times of heavy damage, you may see your guy just throwing shields on everyone. One solution could be to throw up a shield and continue the priority, but that would give you a shield on every other cast. I think seeking out someone with aggro and shielding them would be a good solution to slightly increase the use of PW:Shield.