My apologies. There are technically three versions; 1) No GUI at all, pure XML editing (free version), 2) Standard GUI, pretty much same as the old one, (temporary donor version), and 3) Advanced GUI, still in design stage at last update with some screen schots, (Future donor GUI). If you were referring to item #3, then that was my mistake. I took it that you were referring to item #2. The advanced GUI they are advertising, or proposing, is the one that is currently still being developed and worked on. I was able to take a look at screen caps of it earlier in the thread. They aren't sure when it will be released yet, so we (the donors) have to make due with the old GUI we've seen before and are used to. Make sure to try and keep your PM box empty enough to get the info from donors guys. I know it'll be hard to do while on a trip, and when you're popular (or have a product out), your inbox tends to fill quickly. Just stating the obvious, lol.
Tested Duna out as arms today, bit dissapointed i must say. 3 sessions of 1 hour on each CC. with my current gear, titanarms came out with a dps of 19k on average duna, yeah 14k, which seems very very low. interrupts was ticked off, everything was double checked, i couldn't change anything to make it better :/
@Wownerds, You need to rethink your priorities, making a pretty gui is a waste of tiime. Focus on the cc itself and get that sorted before you waste time making a good looking interface which no one really cares about.
Our designer is independant from the C# devs. So no one was drawn from the actual coding to take care of the design. Our team grew for getting a one-of-a-kind UI done.
Getting this error when starting HB........ Could not compile CC from C:\Users\Guzzy\Desktop\HebrewNational\CustomClasses\Dunatanks Warrior CC v4.0 BT! File: Class1.cs Line: 24 Error: Type 'Dunatanks3.Warrior' already defines a member called 'CreateBossBehavior' with the same parameter types
I did not have the free version ever. Tried fresh install of HB also. Still getting the same error. Checking out the SVN into the folder "Dunatanks Warrior CC v4.0 BT" so i'm not sure what the problem is. A big frustrating
I mainly have a question. I have the free version (since I don't know how keen my hubby would be about me spending more money even to donate right now lol), but the movement stuff. Now I'm not at all coding savvy mind you, but I looked through the xml and looked for movement to see if there was something I could muddle with to give me freedom to actually move my character around to face mobs a bit better. This cc works great I keep aggro and all, but sometimes the facing is a little odd, and like with Singular if you have movement checked you cannot for the life of ya move around. Thing is, in the xml, anything movement related says disabled. I'm just a bit confused as to what I could change to free up my movement even with it being disabled in the code ... OR if that is uncheckable only for the GUI version? Again, I apologize for the dumb question ... I am not necessarily new to HB but I'm far from understanding xmls Thank you for any help!
If, in your .xml, it says: Code: <DisableMovement>True</DisableMovement> then the CC will neither move nor face. Please note that this is a negative check, i.e. if DisableMovement is true, then it does not move, if it is false, it moves.
i dont use this cc.. because i dont like that.. i use EZarms.. this CC doest do hamstring, heroic leap, and other things, and Ezarms do it..