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  • [Plugin] ArchaeologyBuddy - Hearthomatic

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by anything, Jan 23, 2012.

    1. YiZZo17

      YiZZo17 New Member

      Apr 27, 2012
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      Hey anything thanks for keeping up with this. I will make sure to get some coordinates for you when I get stuck to make this plugin work flawlessly!
    2. anything

      anything Member

      May 8, 2011
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      imo its all about the most efficient use of time.

      you have approx a 25% chance of an uldum site spawning.
      by prioritizing uldum and digging it right away you are increasing your chance for another uldum site to spawn by approx 1.5%, awesome!
      but at what cost?
      instead of going to the closest digsite, you wasted extra time to gain a very small % increase. not to mention the extra travel time required when leaving uldum again.
      in that same time frame you could have cleared the closer digsite, giving you a 23% chance for a 2nd uldum digsite instead.
      23% vs 1.5%?
      on top of this, these two digsites in uldum are conveniently close together. even more time saved!

      the only reason i implemented blacklist support in hearthomatic is because its worthwhile if you're targeting night elf digsites, as they spawn in more than one zone (important!) and represent more than 1/2 the digsites in kalimdor.
      Last edited: Jul 27, 2012
    3. diablofan

      diablofan Member

      Apr 27, 2012
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      that sounds good,will try it. Anyway thanks for this whole plugin

      can you pls look at the potion of deepholm for horde.It really never use it for me, log says
      [hearthomatic]: todo: horde deepholm portals
      [hearthomatic]: portal Potion of Deepholm. ready=True

      is it implemented for horde ? :confused:
      Last edited: Jul 27, 2012
    4. anything

      anything Member

      May 8, 2011
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      lol, nope :p

      added Orgrimmar -> Deepholm Portal
      added Deepholm -> Orgrimmar Portal

      ^ untested, so plz let me know how it goes

      there's also a 4000 yard penalty for potion of deepholm. otherwise it will use them like candy (no cooldown).
      if you think its not using it enough, or using it too much, let me know

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jul 27, 2012
    5. diablofan

      diablofan Member

      Apr 27, 2012
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      lol great, i checked the code myself before, wanted to change that it would use potion everytime when HS is on cd but didnt know what 4000 penalty mean lol. Thanks will test it now

      ok new horde news:
      just bought tol barad teleport tabard, when it used it, in horde tolbarad area again error and stoping all--> loop(coudnt find that portal to ogrimar in TB which was in 20yards range)

      potion of deepholme failed to use 2x (at least it tried it to use lol)
      [hearthomatic]: portal path: from -> portal(Potion of Deepholm) -> portal(Deepholm -> Orgrimmar Portal) -> portal(Orgrimmar -> Uldum Portal) -> to
      [hearthomatic]: something went wrong with the portal! cancel everything!
      Stopping the bot!
      Last edited: Jul 28, 2012
    6. Zorker

      Zorker New Member

      Aug 5, 2010
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      Thanks to this addon my char maxxed Archeology in 2 days, and not one time got stuck.
    7. ega

      ega New Member

      May 12, 2012
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      I dont think the bot can find it's way out of the dk place, mine just flys up and stays there, is there anyway to fix this?
    8. Battler624

      Battler624 Member

      Feb 9, 2012
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      Dalaran > org?
    9. diablofan

      diablofan Member

      Apr 27, 2012
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      ok, so tested it for another 12+hours, potion of deepholme for horde just does not work. Acording to logic in log he tries to use it, but it just wont use that item, even i have it in inventory.
      [hearthomatic]: portal path: from -> portal(Potion of Deepholm) -> portal(Deepholm -> Orgrimmar Portal) -> portal(Orgrimmar -> Blasted Lands Portal) -> to
      [hearthomatic]: something went wrong with the portal! cancel everything!
      Stopping the bot!
    10. anything

      anything Member

      May 8, 2011
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      unfortunately I still don't have a horde char to test on.

      fix bug with horde unable to use non-equippable items (potion of deepholm)
      increase 'wrong zone id' check from 3 to 5 tries
      added Twilight Highlands -> Orgrimmar entry path (untested)
      added Dalaran -> Orgrimmar entry path (untested)
      added Argent Crusader's Tabard escape path
      new click to move feature for entry and escape portal paths (added specifically because of flightor + ironforge = fail)
      replaced ironforge escape path again. now using click to move instead. seriously?!

      Attached Files:

    11. diablofan

      diablofan Member

      Apr 27, 2012
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      Horde potion of deepholme finally works OK
      there is still half of the time fail when toon wants to "click" on the ogrimar portal in hyjal.That retarded landing navigation goes randomly too far from portal lol.
    12. GroundZero2k2

      GroundZero2k2 Member

      Apr 18, 2012
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      Some probs with the alliance "Teleport: Tol Barad" spell. Toon Ports to TB, and loops with this error:

      [16:25:09:957] [hearthomatic]:   portal path: from -> portal(Teleport: Tol Barad) -> to
      [16:25:09:957] [hearthomatic]: _process_status()
      [16:25:10:964] Activity: Moving to the digsite
      [16:25:11:194] Spell_C::CastSpell(98727, 0, 0x0, 0) [117]
      [16:25:13:373] [hearthomatic]: _process_status()
      [16:25:13:436] [hearthomatic]: landing so we can port
      [16:25:13:502] [hearthomatic]: dismount
      [16:25:14:213] [hearthomatic]: casting Teleport: Tol Barad
      [16:25:14:215] Spell_C::CastSpell(88342, 0, 0x0, 0) [118]
      [16:25:14:996] [hearthomatic]: Teleport: Tol Barad is casting, waiting
      [16:25:24:996] [hearthomatic]: waiting for load
      [16:25:30:435] Spell_C::CastSpell(98727, 0, 0x0, 0) [119]
      [16:25:32:545] Inserting Basislagerkoordinator Brack [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
      [16:25:32:579] Inserting R?stmeister Brazie [Vendor] into the database!
      [16:25:32:610] Inserting Leutnant Farnswert [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
      [16:25:32:642] Inserting Kapit?n Jake Sones [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
      [16:25:32:677] Inserting Kommandant Marcus Johnson [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
      [16:25:32:708] Inserting Major Marsden [Questgiver] into the database!
      [16:25:32:741] Inserting Unteroffizier Grau [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
      [16:25:32:774] Inserting Kevin Geissler [Vendor, Repair] into the database!
      [16:25:32:792] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [16:25:34:136] Downloaded tilemap TolBarad
      [16:25:34:200] Changed tilemap to TolBarad, Tiled: True
      [16:25:34:206] [hearthomatic]: _process_status()
      [16:25:34:207] [hearthomatic]: Restarting ArchBuddy....
      [16:25:34:207] [hearthomatic]: Restarting ArchBuddy....
      [16:25:34:214] Activity: Downloading Mesh...
      [16:25:35:340] Downloaded TolBarad_30_32
      [16:25:35:342] Activity: Moving to the digsite
      [16:25:35:342] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [16:25:35:342] Loading TolBarad_30_32
      [16:25:35:376] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
      [16:25:35:376] Activity: Searching for digsites...
      [16:25:35:392] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte des unteren Viertels von Jintha'Alor
      [16:25:35:392] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte von Ziata'jai
      [16:25:35:392] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte am Altar von Zul
      [16:25:35:393] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Fossilienbank von Andorhal
      [16:25:35:393] [ArchBuddy]: No digsites on the map
      [16:25:35:502] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
      [16:25:35:523] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte des unteren Viertels von Jintha'Alor
      [16:25:35:523] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte von Ziata'jai
      [16:25:35:523] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte am Altar von Zul
      [16:25:35:523] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Fossilienbank von Andorhal
      [16:25:35:523] [ArchBuddy]: No digsites on the map
      [16:25:35:628] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
      [16:25:35:653] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte des unteren Viertels von Jintha'Alor
      [16:25:35:654] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte von Ziata'jai
      [16:25:35:654] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte am Altar von Zul
      [16:25:35:654] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Fossilienbank von Andorhal
      [16:25:35:654] [ArchBuddy]: No digsites on the map
      [16:25:35:760] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
      [16:25:35:785] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte des unteren Viertels von Jintha'Alor
      [16:25:35:785] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte von Ziata'jai
      [16:25:35:785] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte am Altar von Zul
      [16:25:35:785] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Fossilienbank von Andorhal
      [16:25:35:785] [ArchBuddy]: No digsites on the map
      [16:25:35:890] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
      [16:25:35:915] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte des unteren Viertels von Jintha'Alor
      [16:25:35:915] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte von Ziata'jai
      [16:25:35:915] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte am Altar von Zul
      [16:25:35:915] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Fossilienbank von Andorhal
      [16:25:35:915] [ArchBuddy]: No digsites on the map
      [16:25:36:020] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
      edit: i've removed the tol barad portals from the plugin. now it works :)
      Last edited: Aug 2, 2012
    13. anything

      anything Member

      May 8, 2011
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      need the debug just before it chose to go via the portal
      I suspect hearthomatic think's it can fly from Tol Barad island to Western Plaguelands (Andorhal)
    14. GroundZero2k2

      GroundZero2k2 Member

      Apr 18, 2012
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      here is the log:

      the bot was on Grimsilt Digsite. After clearing the digsite, the bot chooses Andorhal and stuck on Tol Barad and loops.

      [16:22:30:132] [hearthomatic]: checking if Grimsilt Digsite is really the best digsite (1745.37 yards)
      [16:22:30:253] [hearthomatic]: comparing other options for the digsite Ausgrabungsst?tte des unteren Viertels von Jintha'Alor (6125.648 yards)
      [16:22:30:283] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 9307.399 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> to
      [16:22:30:283] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:  2    ) found new best portal path 5452.01 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> portal(Stormwind -> Twilight Highlands Portal) -> to
      [16:22:30:285] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 5441.797 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Ironforge) -> to
      [16:22:30:285] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 5274.828 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Tol Barad) -> to
      [16:22:30:285] [hearthomatic]: comparing other options for the digsite Grimmsilts Ausgrabungsst?tte (1765.623 yards)
      [16:22:30:285] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 2687.964 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> to
      [16:22:30:286] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 2614.531 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Ironforge) -> to
      [16:22:30:286] [hearthomatic]: comparing other options for the digsite Ausgrabungsst?tte am Altar von Zul (6178.34 yards)
      [16:22:30:286] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 9052.488 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> to
      [16:22:30:286] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:  2    ) found new best portal path 5911.687 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> portal(Stormwind -> Twilight Highlands Portal) -> to
      [16:22:30:286] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 5129.352 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Ironforge) -> to
      [16:22:30:287] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 4560.572 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Tol Barad) -> to
      [16:22:30:287] [hearthomatic]: comparing other options for the digsite Fossilienbank von Andorhal (8030.783 yards)
      [16:22:30:287] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 9756.489 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> to
      [16:22:30:287] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:  2    ) found new best portal path 8567.755 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> portal(Stormwind -> Twilight Highlands Portal) -> to
      [16:22:30:287] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 5970.753 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Ironforge) -> to
      [16:22:30:288] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 2743.369 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Tol Barad) -> to
      [16:22:31:281] Activity: Moving to the digsite
      [16:22:31:475] Spell_C::CastSpell(98727, 0, 0x0, 0) [98]
      [16:22:34:875] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, JumpAscend
      [16:23:36:406] Unloading tiles!
      [16:23:36:408] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [16:23:36:408] Loading Azeroth_35_45
      [16:23:36:696] Activity: Surveying
      [16:23:36:697] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [99]
      [16:23:38:953] [Singular] Casting Ice Barrier on Myself
      [16:23:38:955] Spell_C::CastSpell(11426, 0, 0x2800000024C6F15, 0) [100]
      [16:23:39:118] Activity: Downloading Mesh...
      [16:23:40:781] Downloaded Azeroth_35_44
      [16:23:40:782] Activity: Surveying
      [16:23:40:782] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [16:23:40:782] Loading Azeroth_35_44
      [16:23:40:863] Loading Azeroth_34_45
      [16:23:40:964] Loading Azeroth_34_44
      [16:23:41:551] Activity: Surveying
      [16:23:41:552] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [101]
      [16:23:43:860] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (no db): <-7029.787, -1736.535, 243.5417>
      [16:23:44:059] Mounting: Herz der Aspekte
      [16:23:44:289] Spell_C::CastSpell(110051, 0, 0x0, 0) [102]
      [16:23:46:423] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [16:23:47:283] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (no db): <-7029.787, -1736.535, 243.5417>
      [16:23:49:475] [Singular-DEBUG] Switched targets!
      [16:23:49:475] [Singular-DEBUG] Melee Distance: 5
      [16:23:49:476] [Singular-DEBUG] Health: 1990
      [16:23:49:476] [Singular-DEBUG] Level: 47
      [16:23:54:046] Activity: Surveying
      [16:23:54:047] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0xF13021BD001283DA, 0) [103]
      [16:23:56:428] [Singular] [Pet] Casting Freeze
      [16:23:56:892] [Singular] Casting Flame Orb on Myself
      [16:23:56:893] Spell_C::CastSpell(82731, 0, 0x2800000024C6F15, 0) [104]
      [16:23:57:217] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (db): <-7040.6, -1734.96, 244.795>
      [16:23:57:217] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [16:24:00:986] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Wachmann der Dunkeleisenzwerge
      [16:24:01:216] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Wachmann der Dunkeleisenzwerge
      [16:24:02:322] InteractDebug:238171960
      [16:24:02:340] Interact Done:238171960
      [16:24:03:295] Looting Wachmann der Dunkeleisenzwerge Guid:0xF13021BD001283DA
      [16:24:03:358] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
      [16:24:03:358] Cleared POI
      [16:24:03:822] [Singular-DEBUG] Switched targets!
      [16:24:03:822] [Singular-DEBUG] Melee Distance: 5
      [16:24:03:822] [Singular-DEBUG] Health: 1990
      [16:24:03:822] [Singular-DEBUG] Level: 47
      [16:24:03:854] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Wachmann der Dunkeleisenzwerge
      [16:24:04:020] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
      [16:24:04:020] Cleared POI
      [16:24:06:552] Activity: Surveying
      [16:24:06:554] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [105]
      [16:24:08:993] [ArchBuddy]: Collecting Arch?ologischer zwergischer Fund #1
      [16:24:09:026] Activity: Looting Archaeology Find
      [16:24:09:026] InteractDebug:682792320
      [16:24:09:059] Interact Done:682792320
      [16:24:10:876] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [12g98s75c]
      [16:24:11:032] InteractDebug:682792320
      [16:24:11:063] Interact Done:682792320
      [16:24:11:841] Activity: Surveying
      [16:24:11:845] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [106]
      [16:24:14:103] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (db): <-7016.67, -1735.03, 234.098>
      [16:24:14:103] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [16:24:14:280] Spell_C::CastSpell(98727, 0, 0x0, 0) [107]
      [16:24:17:740] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, JumpAscend
      [16:24:19:132] Activity: Surveying
      [16:24:19:134] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [108]
      [16:24:21:431] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (db): <-6989.25, -1738.02, 240.901>
      [16:24:21:431] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [16:24:26:297] Activity: Surveying
      [16:24:26:298] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [109]
      [16:24:28:655] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (no db): <-6979.307, -1743.467, 243.1241>
      [16:24:28:655] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [16:24:30:099] [Singular] Currect target is invalid. Switching to Wachmann der Dunkeleisenzwerge!
      [16:24:30:557] [Singular-DEBUG] Switched targets!
      [16:24:30:557] [Singular-DEBUG] Melee Distance: 5
      [16:24:30:557] [Singular-DEBUG] Health: 1919
      [16:24:30:557] [Singular-DEBUG] Level: 46
      [16:24:30:725] [Singular] [Pet] Casting Freeze
      [16:24:31:188] [Singular] Casting Frost Nova on Myself
      [16:24:31:190] Spell_C::CastSpell(122, 0, 0x2800000024C6F15, 0) [110]
      [16:24:33:830] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Wachmann der Dunkeleisenzwerge
      [16:24:34:056] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Wachmann der Dunkeleisenzwerge
      [16:24:34:598] InteractDebug:238369160
      [16:24:34:609] Interact Done:238369160
      [16:24:35:420] Looting Wachmann der Dunkeleisenzwerge Guid:0xF13021BD00127310
      [16:24:35:515] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
      [16:24:35:515] Cleared POI
      [16:24:35:940] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Wachmann der Dunkeleisenzwerge
      [16:24:36:133] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
      [16:24:36:133] Cleared POI
      [16:24:36:295] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Wachmann der Dunkeleisenzwerge
      [16:24:36:457] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
      [16:24:36:457] Cleared POI
      [16:24:36:858] Activity: Surveying
      [16:24:36:860] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [111]
      [16:24:39:448] [Singular] Casting Ice Barrier on Myself
      [16:24:39:449] Spell_C::CastSpell(11426, 0, 0x2800000024C6F15, 0) [112]
      [16:24:39:807] [ArchBuddy]: Collecting Arch?ologischer zwergischer Fund #2
      [16:24:39:839] Activity: Looting Archaeology Find
      [16:24:39:839] InteractDebug:682790432
      [16:24:39:871] Interact Done:682790432
      [16:24:42:585] Activity: Surveying
      [16:24:42:587] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [113]
      [16:24:44:838] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (db): <-6989.33, -1717.02, 242.965>
      [16:24:44:838] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [16:24:50:285] Activity: Surveying
      [16:24:50:287] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [114]
      [16:24:52:525] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (db): <-6998.77, -1706.84, 241.694>
      [16:24:52:525] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [16:24:54:670] Activity: Surveying
      [16:24:54:671] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [115]
      [16:24:56:938] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (db): <-7010.8, -1693.43, 241.667>
      [16:24:56:938] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [16:24:59:710] Activity: Surveying
      [16:24:59:711] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [116]
      [16:25:02:103] [ArchBuddy]: Collecting Arch?ologischer zwergischer Fund #3
      [16:25:02:136] Activity: Looting Archaeology Find
      [16:25:02:136] InteractDebug:682815920
      [16:25:02:168] Interact Done:682815920
      [16:25:04:489] InteractDebug:682815920
      [16:25:04:518] Interact Done:682815920
      [16:25:05:115] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
      [16:25:05:115] Activity: Searching for digsites...
      [16:25:05:132] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [16:25:05:132] Loading Azeroth_39_32
      [16:25:05:243] [ArchBuddy]: Found digsite JinthaAlor Lower City Digsite  [Distance: 7039.437 yards]
      [16:25:05:244] Loading Azeroth_32_55
      [16:25:05:338] [ArchBuddy]: Found digsite Ziatajai Digsite  [Distance: 5779.74 yards]
      [16:25:05:338] Loading Azeroth_38_32
      [16:25:05:436] [ArchBuddy]: Found digsite Altar of Zul Digsite  [Distance: 7029.333 yards]
      [16:25:05:436] Loading Azeroth_33_29
      [16:25:05:517] [ArchBuddy]: Found digsite Andorhal Fossil Bank  [Distance: 8323.637 yards]
      [16:25:05:517] [ArchBuddy]: Selected "Ziatajai Digsite" as the next digsite.
      [16:25:05:591] Activity: Solving artifact
      [16:25:05:591] [ArchBuddy]: Solving "Abgenutztes Jagdmesser"
      [16:25:09:793] [hearthomatic]: checking if Ziatajai Digsite is really the best digsite (5775.568 yards)
      [16:25:09:922] [hearthomatic]: comparing other options for the digsite Ausgrabungsst?tte des unteren Viertels von Jintha'Alor (7099.156 yards)
      [16:25:09:953] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 9307.399 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> to
      [16:25:09:953] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:  2    ) found new best portal path 5452.01 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> portal(Stormwind -> Twilight Highlands Portal) -> to
      [16:25:09:954] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 5441.797 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Ironforge) -> to
      [16:25:09:954] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 5274.828 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Tol Barad) -> to
      [16:25:09:954] [hearthomatic]: comparing other options for the digsite Ausgrabungsst?tte von Ziata'jai (5804.668 yards)
      [16:25:09:954] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 4443.154 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> to
      [16:25:09:954] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:  2    ) found new best portal path 3503.77 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> portal(Stormwind -> Blasted Lands Portal) -> to
      [16:25:09:955] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:  2    ) found new best portal path 3044.502 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Stormwind) -> portal(Stormwind -> Blasted Lands Portal) -> to
      [16:25:09:955] [hearthomatic]: digsite Ausgrabungsst?tte von Ziata'jai (3044.502 yards) is a better option. portal path: from -> portal(Teleport: Stormwind) -> portal(Stormwind -> Blasted Lands Portal) -> to
      [16:25:09:955] [hearthomatic]: comparing other options for the digsite Ausgrabungsst?tte am Altar von Zul (6980.897 yards)
      [16:25:09:955] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 9052.488 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> to
      [16:25:09:955] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:  2    ) found new best portal path 5911.687 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> portal(Stormwind -> Twilight Highlands Portal) -> to
      [16:25:09:956] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 5129.352 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Ironforge) -> to
      [16:25:09:956] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 4560.572 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Tol Barad) -> to
      [16:25:09:956] [hearthomatic]: comparing other options for the digsite Fossilienbank von Andorhal (8293.194 yards)
      [16:25:09:956] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 9756.489 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> to
      [16:25:09:956] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:  2    ) found new best portal path 8567.755 yards - from -> portal(Hearthstone (Stormwind Dwarven District)) -> portal(Stormwind -> Twilight Highlands Portal) -> to
      [16:25:09:957] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 5970.753 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Ironforge) -> to
      [16:25:09:957] [hearthomatic]: _find_portal_path(depth:3      ) found new best portal path 2743.369 yards - from -> portal(Teleport: Tol Barad) -> to
      [16:25:09:957] [hearthomatic]: digsite Fossilienbank von Andorhal (2743.369 yards) is a better option. portal path: from -> portal(Teleport: Tol Barad) -> to
      [16:25:09:957] [hearthomatic]: hearthomatic has chose a better digsite - Fossilienbank von Andorhal (2643.369 yards) vs Ziatajai Digsite (5775.568 yards)
      [16:25:09:957] [hearthomatic]: hearthomatic has chose a better digsite - Fossilienbank von Andorhal (2643.369 yards) vs Ziatajai Digsite (5775.568 yards)
      [16:25:09:957] [hearthomatic]:   portal path: from -> portal(Teleport: Tol Barad) -> to
      [16:25:09:957] [hearthomatic]:   portal path: from -> portal(Teleport: Tol Barad) -> to
      [16:25:09:957] [hearthomatic]: _process_status()
      [16:25:10:964] Activity: Moving to the digsite
      [16:25:11:194] Spell_C::CastSpell(98727, 0, 0x0, 0) [117]
      [16:25:13:373] [hearthomatic]: _process_status()
      [16:25:13:436] [hearthomatic]: landing so we can port
      [16:25:13:502] [hearthomatic]: dismount
      [16:25:14:213] [hearthomatic]: casting Teleport: Tol Barad
      [16:25:14:215] Spell_C::CastSpell(88342, 0, 0x0, 0) [118]
      [16:25:14:996] [hearthomatic]: Teleport: Tol Barad is casting, waiting
      [16:25:24:996] [hearthomatic]: waiting for load
      [16:25:30:435] Spell_C::CastSpell(98727, 0, 0x0, 0) [119]
      [16:25:32:545] Inserting Basislagerkoordinator Brack [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
      [16:25:32:579] Inserting R?stmeister Brazie [Vendor] into the database!
      [16:25:32:610] Inserting Leutnant Farnswert [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
      [16:25:32:642] Inserting Kapit?n Jake Sones [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
      [16:25:32:677] Inserting Kommandant Marcus Johnson [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
      [16:25:32:708] Inserting Major Marsden [Questgiver] into the database!
      [16:25:32:741] Inserting Unteroffizier Grau [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
      [16:25:32:774] Inserting Kevin Geissler [Vendor, Repair] into the database!
      [16:25:32:792] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
      [16:25:34:136] Downloaded tilemap TolBarad
      [16:25:34:200] Changed tilemap to TolBarad, Tiled: True
      [16:25:34:206] [hearthomatic]: _process_status()
      [16:25:34:207] [hearthomatic]: Restarting ArchBuddy....
      [16:25:34:207] [hearthomatic]: Restarting ArchBuddy....
      [16:25:34:207] [ArchBuddy]: Stopped Archaeologybuddy after clearing 5 digsites in 0h 14m 23s.
      [16:25:34:207] [ArchBuddy]: Solve Report:
      [16:25:34:207] [ArchBuddy]: ---------------------------
      [16:25:34:207] [ArchBuddy]: Schwarzer Trilobit: 1
      [16:25:34:207] [ArchBuddy]: Zwergische Babys?ckchen: 1
      [16:25:34:207] [ArchBuddy]: Abgenutztes Jagdmesser: 1
      [16:25:34:214] Activity: Downloading Mesh...
      [16:25:35:340] Downloaded TolBarad_30_32
      [16:25:35:342] Activity: Moving to the digsite
      [16:25:35:342] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [16:25:35:342] Loading TolBarad_30_32
      [16:25:35:376] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
      [16:25:35:376] Activity: Searching for digsites...
      [16:25:35:392] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte des unteren Viertels von Jintha'Alor
      [16:25:35:392] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte von Ziata'jai
      [16:25:35:392] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte am Altar von Zul
      [16:25:35:393] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Fossilienbank von Andorhal
      [16:25:35:393] [ArchBuddy]: No digsites on the map
      [16:25:35:502] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
      [16:25:35:523] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte des unteren Viertels von Jintha'Alor
      [16:25:35:523] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte von Ziata'jai
      [16:25:35:523] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte am Altar von Zul
      [16:25:35:523] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Fossilienbank von Andorhal
      [16:25:35:523] [ArchBuddy]: No digsites on the map
      [16:25:35:628] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
      [16:25:35:653] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte des unteren Viertels von Jintha'Alor
      [16:25:35:654] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte von Ziata'jai
      [16:25:35:654] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Ausgrabungsst?tte am Altar von Zul
      [16:25:35:654] [ArchBuddy]: Couldn't find a valid landing point at Fossilienbank von Andorhal
      [16:25:35:654] [ArchBuddy]: No digsites on the map
      [16:25:35:760] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
    15. anything

      anything Member

      May 8, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      lol, yeah its choosing it for andorhal.

      intermediary_only option added for portals, to prevent certain portals from beeing the last one (tol barad)

      Attached Files:

    16. GroundZero2k2

      GroundZero2k2 Member

      Apr 18, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      thx for the fix.

      testing now :)
    17. soussi

      soussi Member

      May 4, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      My heartstone is set in dalaran and when it wants to go to to hyjal/... it will get stuck after using the portal to orgrimmar in dalaran.
      So it will fly against the seeling in the cave in orgrimmar.

      Should i set my heart to orgrimmar or is that stuck issue solvable?
      thank u for this great plugin!
      Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
    18. anything

      anything Member

      May 8, 2011
      Likes Received:
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      Orgrimmar portal room exit path replaced (using click to move)(requires flying)
      Teleport: Undercity exit path added (using click to move)(requires flying)
      Undercity -> Blasted Lands Portal entry path added (using click to move)(requires flying)

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
    19. Keptoknight

      Keptoknight New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      How is this working for everyone?
    20. anything

      anything Member

      May 8, 2011
      Likes Received:
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      that it's suddenly quiet down after I uploaded the latest version suggests that its working a lot better for horde now.
      virtually no change has been done for alliance users in quite some time.

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