I noticed that my Monk doesn't get health globes, ever. This is the log: Code: [05:00:28.677 V] Using power Monk_FistsofThunder clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:-2026110818 [05:00:28.794 V] Using power Walk clickPos:<4113.664, 4570.776, 100.5> worldDynamicId:1999568897 targetACDGuid:-1 [05:00:28.796 N] [Belphegor All-in-One] Moving to Health Globe, set to use below 80% [05:00:28.796 V] [Belphegor All-in-One] Health Globe, Found one at <4113.664, 4570.776, 100.5>, Distance = 10,57881 [05:00:28.880 V] Using power Monk_FistsofThunder clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:-2025848668 It checks that I need a globe - it sees the globe, it sends "power Walk" to the position - but it starts attacking again within 1/1th of a second before I've reached it. I noticed that Giles World object handler blacklists healthglobes as "lootables" so I removed that from the blacklist but the only difference that made was that my character would loot all health globes once the fight was over Anyone else have this issue? Could it be because I have 0 gold pickup range??
Its not tied to gold pick-up range, but I have noticed that it fails sometimes too. Ill look into it.
Thank you! And thanks for the prompt fix of the AccessViolation error for Monk and Barb. Do you know if the issue caused any functional error, ie. did the fix change the behavior in any way or was it just the error message?
Still seems to be a problem with getting out of arcane. it seems that when ti is unable to generate a path to a safe spot it freezes, it wasn't attacking back or healing, even though it was well below the hp mark I have set for BoH. As soon as it was able to move to a safe spot it healed and started attacking again. Log attached.
when bot chases a monster thats running away.. why does it stutterstep and not attack? when i left click and hold on the monster, it never does that... any fix for this?
feature request : can you add an option to make bot not to use long CD skill on low hp elite/champion (ie 10 - 15 % ) . Sometime my WOTB CD is up when fighting elite at 5% so I don't want the bot waste the skill CD on nearly death monster and save it for next. This is a huge plus for someone farming champion file like me.
@Nuok: Is this backwards compatible with .199 Demonbuddy? It doesn't seem to want to compile for me with .199 (log attached). If the error is actually due to it not being backwards compatible what is the last version that was compatible with .199? Thanks! Anon
howdy,, not sure if you have already added this in this test release, but here is a suggestion for the avoidences for barbs. watching my barb in act 2, he seems to survive pretty well untill he gets cornered or surrounded by mobs.. he seems to stand there doing nothing trying to find a path to "walk" out of. if i happen to catch it at the time, i hit the keyboard and use the skill leap to get clear of mobs/bad. is there any way to code the avoidance routine to use leap or charge when there is no path to walk,, would save quite a few deaths i would think. and great work btw,, thanks
OK so I was working on leveling up my DH using the act1 questing profile. Everything seems to work find until I get to the cathedral. Once it gets in there it stops to try and fire at mobs that are behind closed doors that you have to click on to open. I'm not sure if this is a problem in the profile or in the combat routine so I've posted in that thread as well. Log attached.
When using Rend on a Barb it will sometimes spam the hell out of it since there's no option like WotB or Earthquake. I also noticed that even though WotB was off cooldown it would still spam other abilities and not save up the 50 rage required to use WotB, which can be slightly hindering at times.
not sure why but sometimes when my barb is surrounded, he ll just stand still and not attack.. only after leaping, he ll start attacking agian.
Version 237: An experimental kiting behavior has been added - You need to enable it in the setting's - It functions only for ranged hero's - The kiting distance is based on Minimum Range & Maximum Range in your class settings tab (Subject to change). Avoidance is should now run away from things closest too you. - Should now be able to avoid belials bomb's. Fixed a possible NullReferenceException in the IsElite check. Fixed the rend timer SEVERAL FILES RELOCATED, DELETE EVERYTHING INSIDE YOUR BELPHEGOR FOLDER BEFORE YOU UPDATE OR IT WILL NOT COMPILE