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  • SPD - Shadow Priests Delight

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Venus112, Jun 12, 2012.

    1. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      SPD - Shadow Priests Delight
      Here to help you level/grind

      Hey there boys and girls. Today when i was leveling my shadow priest i noticed that leveling as shadow was great, but there was some fundamental flaws in the process that i honestly thought needed fixing.

      So what's the up tempo beat about SPD?
      SPD is a plugin that will help you level faster by trying to:

      * Use Dispersion outside of combat
      * Use Shadow Word: Death more often for spirit tab procs
      * Cast Renew on you when at 75 or less % health
      * Heal you when out of combat and lower or at 60 % health
      * Stop the player from moving when casting Mind Spike at 81 +

      When listing it up it does not sound like a lot, however if you look at the things you'll see that what is being optimized by SPD is mana and health regen.

      So how do you suggest i go around setting up my bot?
      Download the plugin and place it into the Plugins folder (SPD.cs), then when you open up HB remember to click "Plugins" and activate it.

      Second thing i would suggest is for you to download the attached .cs file and replace the singular one. The CC was edited by Pasterke and then changed by me to fit my leveling needs better
      - CustomClasses -> Singular -> Class Specific -> Priest -> Shadow.cs

      Next thing is to set up the CC, this is what i have used for leveling:

      CC config.jpg

      Further more i suggest you to set your min. health to 60 % and your min. mana to 10 % in the singular configuration

      Please note
      The plugin has only been tested for levels 77-81 at its current time and was only made to help alleviate certain problems as having to have food and water with you while leveling. It might not work very good on lower levels with above configuration

      I hope you find this useful, i felt it helped me level

      This does not mean that i am back making CCs or programs for the HB community, i simply thought i would share my work as i am soon done with using it anyways and perhaps this could help the leveling experience for some


      Due to issues with stopping the bot from moving when healing, i have decided to upload a new version that only uses Renew (going on vacation for a month, so i wont spend any time on this). Both versions do work, but the version that does heal out of combat will have problems with moving around when it's trying to heal (can look a bit odd)
      To use this version, delete SPD.cs from your Plugins folder, download SPDNoHealing.cs and you should be good to go.

      Remember to not have both in your folder when starting the bot


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      Last edited: Aug 9, 2012
      dezaint likes this.
    2. Battler624

      Battler624 Member

      Feb 9, 2012
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      never created a priest.. i will after the rogue , lock and hunter :p
    3. adzb

      adzb New Member

      Apr 20, 2012
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      Hey there was two bugs I found in your plugin, first you was incorrectly checking for shadowform causing it to spam press it and secondly you wasn't checking if dispersion existed (as you was leveling over the level) anyways heres the fixes

      View attachment SPD.cs
    4. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      Thanks bro, your work is amazing as ever!
    5. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Hi there, i dont belive there's any problems.

      You should get Dispersion the moment you get to lvl 69, meaning it's ok to not check to see if we have the spell - i'm already checking that you have to be minimum lvl 69 for it anyways.
      The shadowform thing is irrelevant, you're using a bot to level so there shouldn't be any frustrations that the bot is spamming a button

      I don't see any reason to change the things posted as it doesn't improve anything leveling wise.
      For a future reference, it's better to post the code snippet you suggest being changed. This is a small plugin, but when working with big files it's frustrating having to look through what exactly someone has changed :)

      @ Dagradt: Thanks man, always a pleasure doing business with you ;)
    6. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      People using SPD
      Please Redownload

      CC now uses Darkflight if you're worgen
      Now checks that you are priest and you have mind flay before doing anything
      Should no longer move if trying to heal

      So far priest is level 84 with 3 days, 9 hours /played so overall i'm satisfied.

      Just noticed that the plugin does not correctly stop the character from moving when casting.
      Apparently using Navigator.PlayerMover.MoveStop() isn't the ideal thing for this
      Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
    7. adzb

      adzb New Member

      Apr 20, 2012
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      Mate I'm not trying to take anything away from you, just some minor improvements..
      and if you dont have dispersion then it IS a bit of a problem when you gain 30mb logs because of this:

      you see the issue? kind of a pain in the ass!
      And as for the shadowform issue, no it's not a big problem however.. it was just a pain in the ass

      All I done really was show you the correct way to check for it and make your profile/plugin more low level friends, sorry if that's an issue
    8. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      I see what you're getting at then.
      Now i'll agree with ya, cause now you've proven to me there's a problem :)

      Uploaded to my newest fixes
      Thank you adzb for pointing out (CC was created after me being lvl 69)

      If/when someone tells me how to make HB not take any actions while casting, that'll most likely be the last update to SPD - cause then it should be doing exactly what it's supposed to.
      Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
    9. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Due to me not being able to find a proper way of halting the bot from moving, i have uploaded a new version which only uses Renew - called SPDNoHealing.

      Please look at the original post for more information
    10. Damiendx1

      Damiendx1 New Member

      Aug 7, 2012
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      Hi. Help me plz. Can you reconfigure rotation or tell me how for making my char cast 2(not 3) spikes then mb instead of casting MB at first and for preventing using shield. It all is really draining mana. I set "Shield healt percent" to 0 but it casts it anyway on full HP (inspite of the fact that default HP percent is 60) Im 85 good gear SP and if i could to configure it this way my char wouldnt need to drink at all. Thank you.
    11. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Hi there.
      In the settings, have you tried disabling shield prepull?
      Under the class configuration in singular, under Shadow you will find "Shield Health Percent". Set that to what you like

      Can you try with the attached file and the SPDNoHeal version?

      If that doesn't work, we can still try a dirty fix


      Version is ready to be tested.
      - Another attempt to fix the moving while trying to cast a spell :)

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      Last edited: Aug 9, 2012
    12. Scattered

      Scattered New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hi. As requested I'm posting all my settings and results for you.

      Settings are exactly as per your OP and using the v0.0.0.4 version.

      So far I'm level 60 and attacking level 60 mobs. The bot tends to go through around 1/4 of his mana per mob at the moment so he's drinking like a fish! I'm off to my trainer to learn SWDeath as I don't have that yet and the log file complains massively so could be that helps sort things out. Log is attached. Will post another log after I've trained to see if there's a marked improvement and will keep my eye out for the movement/healing issue.

      EDIT: I've upgraded my gear, trained a few more spells and we seem to be able to kill 8 or so before we drink now instead of 4. I reckon it's just a low level thing as you've tested from 77-81. XP/Hr now around 185k(ish)

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Aug 16, 2012
    13. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Quick question though m8:

      What Glyphs do you have?
      If you dont have Glyph of Spirit Tap - i strongly suggest you do get that one.
      + when Glyph of Dispersion :)

      You need Shadow Word: Death, Glyph of Spirit Tap and Glyph of Dispersion (when you can use it)

      This is how SPD maximises your mana:

      When a mob is about to die SPD uses Shadow Word: Death combined with Glyph of Spirit Tap to give you 12 % mana back over 12 seconds.

      It will use Dispersion everytime you are under a certain mana value, so that even though you are mounted or whatever it will still regenerate mana for you
      Last edited: Aug 16, 2012
    14. Scattered

      Scattered New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      When upgrading my gear I made sure I now use:

      - SW: Death
      - Mind Flay
      - Spirit Tap
      - Inner Fire
      - Fortitude
      - Levitate

      I don't have Dispersion as a talent yet so no need for the glyph :)
    15. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Good lad, that should increase your mana regen :)
      Give it a go and tell me how it goes
    16. Scattered

      Scattered New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Reporting in. :)

      I've been trawling through the log while it's running and it seems to be that the bot's casting:

      1. 17 (Power Word: Shield)
      2. 589 (Shadow Word: Pain)
      3. 34914 (Vampiric Touch)
      4. 8092 (Mind Blast)
      5. 15407 (Mind Flay)
      6. 15407 (Mind Flay)

      (or similar depending on the fight)

      Then it goes into mass-Dispersion-spam mode even if the spell isn't known.

      There's no mention in the log of "Death" or "32379" so I'm not sure it's using SW: Death at all. Could it be missing it because of the Dispersion errors?

      I do see the Glyph of Spirit Tap buffs though.
    17. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      If you see the spirit tap proc, its working :) since you don't have dispersion, you can edit the plugin by looking for dispersion and changing Me.ManaPercent to 0 now instead of 60 or what it is saying. I cant upload a fix the next days
    18. Scattered

      Scattered New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Actually been noseying at the code and I can't see why it's even trying to cast it as there's a level clause in the function AND a spellbook check:

      public void Dispersion()
                  if (!StyxWoW.Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Dispersion") && 
                      StyxWoW.Me.ManaPercent <= 65 && 
                      !SpellManager.Spells["Dispersion"].Cooldown &&
                      StyxWoW.Me.Level >= 69 &&
                      Logging.Write(">>Dispersion time: ");
                      Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/Cast Dispersion');");
      Bizarre :)
    19. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Yearh, a bit confused there too, I never noticed a problem, cause I was over 69 when i created the plugin :p

      But about you not seeing it use Shadow word: death - it could be due to your addons not detecting it being cast as much of the time it doesn't deal any damage, but rather just being used for the buff to become active. You can simply ignore the dispersion errors, the cc will still work.
      Hope its decreasing your downtime
    20. Scattered

      Scattered New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      How much do you love me? :D

      I was just looking at your code again for Dispersion and it dawned on me that the log spam is caused by the order of the commands, e.g. the code says:

      If we have a "Dispersion" aura
      And our mana is less than or equal to 65%
      And "Dispersion" is not on cooldown
      And my level is equal to or greater than 69
      And I have the spell "Dispersion"

      The spam comes from checking whether we have an aura that we can't have. By simply re-ordering the commands to:

      If our level is equal to or greater than 69
      And we have the spell "Dispersion"
      And "Dispersion" is not on cooldown
      And we don't have a "Dispersion" aura
      And if our mana is less than or equal to 65%

      public void Dispersion()        {
                  if (StyxWoW.Me.Level >= 69 &&
                      SpellManager.HasSpell("Dispersion") &&
                      !SpellManager.Spells["Dispersion"].Cooldown &&
                      !StyxWoW.Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Dispersion") &&
                      StyxWoW.Me.ManaPercent <= 65)
                      Logging.Write(">>Dispersion time: ");
                      Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/Cast Dispersion');");
      We eliminate all Dispersion spam because it then checks in logical order and stops as soon as one of the AND statements is false. In my case it says, "Nope, you're not >= level 69" and doesn't check anything else in that section. If I was >= level 69 it would then check if I'd learned "Dispersion" and if not it would stop checking. :eek:

      That then leaves us with nice clean logs such as:

      [23:16:44:676] Cleared POI
      [23:16:44:885] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Bleeding Hollow Necrolyte
      [23:16:45:554] [Singular-DEBUG] Switched targets!
      [23:16:45:554] [Singular-DEBUG] Melee Distance: 5
      [23:16:45:554] [Singular-DEBUG] Health: 3984
      [23:16:45:554] [Singular-DEBUG] Level: 60
      [23:16:45:555] Changed POI to:Type: Kill, Name: Bleeding Hollow Necrolyte
      [23:16:45:762] [Singular] Casting Shadow Word: Pain on Bleeding Hollow Necrolyte
      [23:16:45:763] Spell_C::CastSpell(589, 0, 0xF1304BDE001E7CE7, 0) [52]
      [23:16:47:187] [Singular] Casting Vampiric Touch on Bleeding Hollow Necrolyte
      [23:16:47:188] Spell_C::CastSpell(34914, 0, 0xF1304BDE001E7CE7, 0) [53]
      [23:16:48:833] [Singular] Casting Mind Blast on Bleeding Hollow Necrolyte
      [23:16:48:834] Spell_C::CastSpell(8092, 0, 0xF1304BDE001E7CE7, 0) [54]
      [23:16:50:600] [Singular] Casting Power Word: Shield on Myself
      [23:16:50:600] Spell_C::CastSpell(17, 0, 0x1000000030BBC37, 0) [55]
      [23:16:51:921] [Singular] Casting Mind Flay on Bleeding Hollow Necrolyte
      [23:16:51:922] Spell_C::CastSpell(15407, 0, 0xF1304BDE001E7CE7, 0) [56]
      [23:16:55:725] [Singular] [B]Casting Shadow Word: Death[/B] on Bleeding Hollow Necrolyte
      [23:16:55:726] Spell_C::CastSpell(32379, 0, 0xF1304BDE001E7CE7, 0) [57]
      [23:16:58:031] Cleared POI - Reason POI is dead from Combat
      [23:16:58:031] Cleared POI
      [23:16:58:231] Drinking Filtered Draenic Water
      Also notice the SW: Death in there?

      Last edited: Aug 17, 2012

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