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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Radonic, Jul 25, 2012.

    1. FocusRS

      FocusRS New Member

      Aug 11, 2012
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      They really do hit hard, and yes there is an avoidance option available in .204. My poison resistance is 1095 and they still hurt a fair bit... Anyhow, your avoidance tag is called 'spore' dodging.

      Hope this helps.

      EDIT: All this bicker about copying someone else's code... What is the need!?! As I was taught when I was learning to code - it's difficult to label someone a plagiarist when efficient and effective code should be written in a particular manner. If you have two really good code writers who know what they're doing, then chances are they are going to write very similar, if not identical, code... Moreover, even if segments of code were extracted from other plugins... The saying always goes, 'it doesn't matter where you take it from, it's where you take it to that counts.' :)
      Last edited: Aug 16, 2012
    2. Flyingtoo

      Flyingtoo New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Or you can edit the 3 waypoints that cause this problem like I did. ;)

      I'm at work so I don't have them. I will be home in one hour and I can show you the fix. :eek:)
      Last edited: Aug 16, 2012
    3. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      I owe you an apology. I looked at the code in DBEnhancements, and it is obvious that the similarities that I used as examples were common to that code. I should have researched before I went off the handle, and I'm sorry if I've mislead anyone with my speculation.

      I do still believe that Haley and sfj deserve some credit, as theirs was out first and has identical functionality and method as yours, but that's a matter of debate.

      Anyway, I'm sorry I jumped the gun and accused you of plagiarism. I've deleted my posts so it doesn't clutter up your thread, but you're welcome to leave your responses if you don't want to let it go.
    4. veany

      veany Member

      Aug 2, 2010
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      Working good now. Thx m8 :)
    5. Radonic

      Radonic New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Well i pretty much knew all the time that you havnt looked at superreeens work.
      As for giving them credit for the concept, well the concept where made by 5avage LOOONG time ago. Me and 5avage have talked about it months back and as you may have notice, im not use to code in c#, so nothing was done.
      I woulnt have made this plugin if i didnt miss some features that profilerestarter doesnt have, for my full act leveling profiles. Such as death handling when you are leveling. When you die, if you are leveling. You can simply go to next zone, and you cant simply just restart the profile. So in the process of getting to the point of a leveling death handling, i got this. As for now its a beta, since it doesnt got what i initially wanted to it have. But it works for the farming profiles that ciggarc releasing on the forums.

      Thanks anyway for the apology and im sorry if you felt offended in anyway!
      But i must react when i get falsy accused about something. Especially about something i think is really importent in a open community!
    6. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      Your reaction was totally appropriate, I'd be mad too.

      So what happens if your character can't handle a really tough elite pack? For most in Act 1, it's not much of a concern, but I've run across some in Act 2 that no matter how many times I throw myself at them, its not going to happen. Especially if they're a long way into the profile, and they regen completely before I make it back. By looking at yours, it will just infinitely loop, and you could come home from work to a big waste of time.
    7. Radonic

      Radonic New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Well, in next patch they wont reg xP
      And i simply stated that this is working for this profile now. I will in the future develop it to work both with stucks and deaths!
      I hope you understand that its still a beta.

      Btw it was really big of you to apologize!
    8. Sathiss

      Sathiss New Member

      Aug 16, 2012
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      Bot will TP to town and continue to try and cast TP. The TP animation still plays while in town. Anyone else having this problem?
    9. Rakurai

      Rakurai New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      Heh, it's not the first time I've gone off on a rant and had to eat my foot. You would think I'd learn.
    10. DTrick

      DTrick New Member

      Jun 13, 2012
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      Is it possible to record the name of the mob that kills you? as it lists in chat screen? And say if you die by same mob multi times ssay u get owned by the same boss over and over, it would reset the whole profile? I dont have this problem but was just replying to maybe a solution someone was stating previous posts.
    11. Radonic

      Radonic New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Yes i will be adding, that you skip to next profile and that you also will remake the game if you die too much or get stuck too much.
      But that is in the future!

      Edit: but as it is atm, it can be used for A1 without any problem!
    12. Jackie1234

      Jackie1234 New Member

      Jun 14, 2012
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      OK its happening again almost every time here is the attached log for the runs with it not attacking after it leaves CoTA and warriors rest.

      i added a Diagnostic log as well. its short i started just that profile.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Aug 16, 2012
    13. fuimusbruce

      fuimusbruce New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Hey Rad any idea when we might see more stable random dungeon stuff? Just wondering if you have any insider info ;)
    14. Radonic

      Radonic New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Can see anything is the logs that looks wierd :S Only that you got a massive error in CotA.
      From what i see you attack between the dungeons! I dont actually think you have a problem, i think its that you just down understand what im talking about.
      Its suppose to stop attack when you walk in and walk out of Rest and CotA! Its designed that way.
      If you doesnt attack (which you have) between these dungeons, its either because mobs arnt 13 yards from the center of you character or the you combat routine crashes.
      I will now post a bit of code to show you how it works.
      	<MoveTo questId="1" x="467.8228" y="985.4066" z="20.1" name="Festering Woods #7" pathPrecision="1" /> <---- normal waypoint that the bot walks to outside
      	<MoveTo questId="1" x="433.91" y="965.3154" z="20.1" name="Looking for CotA #2" pathPrecision="1" /> <---- The waypoint to make a safe "check" for the dungeon
      	<If condition="ActorExistsAt(176008, 428.1892, 878.0865, 16.03252, 15)  and Zeta.ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId==71150"> <---- The check
      		<ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="False" looting="False" lootRadius="70" killRadius="30" /> <---- if the dungeon exist it will turn off combat and looting
      		<WaitTimer waitTime="100" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="471.5331" y="928.3871" z="20.1" name="In #1" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="452.0205" y="918.7938" z="20.23692" name="In #2" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="440.5163" y="900.6396" z="16.39473" name="In #3" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="438.1875" y="884.9135" z="15.97724" name="In #4" pathPrecision="1" /> <---- 4 waypoints to walk to the dungeon without stucks
      		<UseObject questId="1" x="434.8253" y="883.5191" z="15.85076" actorId="176008" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="60394" /> <---- it will walk into the portal
      	<If condition="Zeta.ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId==60394">
      		<ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="True" lootRadius="70" killRadius="30" /> <---- when its inside it will turn on combat and looting again
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="318.567" y="228.7159" z="-9.290613" pathPrecision="5" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="236.7522" y="361.2693" z="-16.84969" pathPrecision="5" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="148.5845" y="338.6848" z="-14.60206" pathPrecision="5" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="256.621" y="381.7021" z="-17.75699" pathPrecision="5" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="298.8536" y="379.7181" z="-37.90237" pathPrecision="5" /> <---- the last waypoint the in CotA
      		<While condition="Zeta.ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId==60394">
      			<WaitTimer waitTime="100" />
      			<MoveTo questId="1" x="236.1708" y="376.3336" z="-15.05489" pathPrecision="1" />
      			<MoveTo questId="1" x="297.7783" y="250.1982" z="-10.12247" pathPrecision="1" />
      			<MoveTo questId="1" x="285.0051" y="201.6187" z="-6.497152" pathPrecision="1" /> <---- 3 waypoints to walk back to the entrence portal
      			<WaitTimer waitTime="1000" />
      			<ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="False" looting="False" lootRadius="70" killRadius="30" /> <---- Turning off combat and looting again
      			<UseObject questId="1" x="273.4551" y="184.6861" z="-5.969828" actorId="176008" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="71150" /> <---- using the portal
      			<WaitTimer waitTime="1000" />
      			<MoveTo questId="1" x="442.4449" y="907.395" z="17.05136" name="Anti-Stuck" pathPrecision="2"/> <---- worthless old waypoint that i should remove
      	<If condition="ActorExistsAt(176008, 428.1892, 878.0865, 16.03252, 15)  and Zeta.ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId==71150">
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="438.1875" y="884.9135" z="15.97724" name="Out #1" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="440.5163" y="900.6396" z="16.39473" name="Out #2" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="452.0205" y="918.7938" z="20.23692" name="Out #3" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="471.5331" y="928.3871" z="20.1" name="Out #4" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="433.91" y="965.3154" z="20.1" name="Out #5" pathPrecision="1" /> <---- 5 waypoint to walk away for the dungeon without stucks
      		<ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="True" lootRadius="70" killRadius="30" /> <---- turning on combat and looting once its safe from stucks
      	<MoveTo questId="1" x="364.1513" y="958.4421" z="20.1" name="Festering Woods #9" pathPrecision="1" /> <---- next normal waypoint
      Hope you understand how it all works out now
    15. Radonic

      Radonic New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Nope, im pretty sure we will see it before the D3 patch!
    16. Jackie1234

      Jackie1234 New Member

      Jun 14, 2012
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      i understand what you say its suppose to do. But whats happening is 2 different things. I have 50 mobs chasing me elites included while running the waypoints and its not attacking htem while Running from way point to waypoint. and it eventually dies. Im not dieing at the door im dieing while running waypoints because the bots not attacking.

      ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="True" lootRadius="70" killRadius="30" /> <---- turning on combat and looting once its safe from stucks

      the last line isnt happening it walks past the "unsafe" zone where you can get stuck but combat never turns back on it keeps just walking around with out attacking.
      Last edited: Aug 16, 2012
    17. Radonic

      Radonic New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Then its not the profile :)

      Edit: ask the support for help!
    18. Jackie1234

      Jackie1234 New Member

      Jun 14, 2012
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      ill try that but tony will just say disable your plugins and try again. but this profile wont work with out plugins.
    19. Flyingtoo

      Flyingtoo New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Guys, here is the fix for getting stuck right before the Butcher.

      <!-- Butcher -->
      	<ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="True" lootRadius="40" killRadius="30" />
      	<If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(36) and (Me.IsInTown)"> 
      		<UseWaypoint questId="1" x="2980.667" y="2834.59" z="24.90045" actorId="223757" waypointNumber="14" />
      		<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" /> 
      	<If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(36) and ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 58982">
      		<ExploreArea boxTolerance="0.5" boxSize="10" until="ExitFound" exitNameHash="1241437688" />
      		<UseObject questId="1" actorId="176001" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="87707" />
      	<MoveTo questId="1" name="Cursed Hold" pathPrecision="10" x="213.6774" y="263.5981" z="-25.15802" />
      	<UseObject questId="1" actorId="176001" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="94676" x="213.6774" y="263.5981" z="-25.15802" />
      	<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="3000" /> 
      	<If condition="ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 94676">
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="242.8607" y="600.8318" z="0.1000001" name="CH #1" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="244.4669" y="464.6767" z="0.1" name="CH #2" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="244.9081" y="243.9179" z="0.1000001" name="CH #3" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="476.0362" y="242.7303" z="0.1" name="CH #4" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="477.2295" y="482.4334" z="0.09999988" name="CH #5" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="477.802" y="724.2344" z="0.09999996" name="CH #6" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="479.0203" y="961.919" z="0.1" name="CH #7" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="359.6146" y="963.184" z="0.1" name="CH #8" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="242.7725" y="952.6222" z="0.1" name="CH #9" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="242.595" y="716.2607" z="0.1000001" name="CH #10" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="359.6436" y="712.381" z="0.1000001" name="CH #11" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="361.9736" y="601.6431" z="0.1000001" name="CH #12" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="515.6844" y="581.8513" z="0.1000001" name="CH #13" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="519.7835" y="644.3128" z="0.1000001" name="CH #14" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="674.3" y="640.891" z="0.09999999" name="CH #15" pathPrecision="1" />
      		[B]<MoveTo questId="1" x="680.195" y="577.9349" z="0.1000001" name="CH #16" pathPrecision="1" />[/B]
      		[B]<MoveTo questId="1" x="616.9235" y="580.7195" z="0.1" name="CH #17" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="576.1166" y="576.9247" z="-29.00819" name="CH #18" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="541.5632" y="580.5383" z="-49.87576" name="CH #19" pathPrecision="1" />[/B]
      		<UseObject questId="72801" stepId="36" actorId="175999" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="58983" x="541.0331" y="583.2349" z="-49.85939" />
      		<WaitTimer questId="72801" stepId="36" waitTime="5000" /> 
      	<If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(36) and ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 58983">
      		<ExploreArea boxTolerance="0.6" boxSize="9" until="ExitFound" exitNameHash="356899046" />
      		<UseObject questId="1" actorId="158944" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="78839" />
      		<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="2000" />
      	<If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(7) and ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 78839">
      		<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" />
      		<SkipCutscene questId="1" />
      		<ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="True" lootRadius="90" killRadius="90" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" pathPrecision="1" x="113.3629" y="163.0687" z="0.100001" name="Cross" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" pathPrecision="1" x="155.3759" y="102.0206" z="0.1000011" name="Cross" />
      	<If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(41) and ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 78839">
      		<UseObject questId="72801" stepId="41" actorId="175999" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="135713" x="40.74231" y="41.23431" z="0.1" />
      	<If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(41) and ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 135713">
      		<UseTownPortal questId="1" />
      The problem is here in the original code:

      <!-- Butcher -->
      	<ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="True" lootRadius="40" killRadius="30" />
      	<If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(36) and (Me.IsInTown)"> 
      		<UseWaypoint questId="1" x="2980.667" y="2834.59" z="24.90045" actorId="223757" waypointNumber="14" />
      		<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" /> 
      	<If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(36) and ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 58982">
      		<ExploreArea boxTolerance="0.5" boxSize="10" until="ExitFound" exitNameHash="1241437688" />
      		<UseObject questId="1" actorId="176001" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="87707" />
      	<MoveTo questId="1" name="Cursed Hold" pathPrecision="10" x="213.6774" y="263.5981" z="-25.15802" />
      	<UseObject questId="1" actorId="176001" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="94676" x="213.6774" y="263.5981" z="-25.15802" />
      	<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="3000" /> 
      	<If condition="ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 94676">
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="242.8607" y="600.8318" z="0.1000001" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="244.4669" y="464.6767" z="0.1" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="244.9081" y="243.9179" z="0.1000001" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="476.0362" y="242.7303" z="0.1" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="477.2295" y="482.4334" z="0.09999988" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="477.802" y="724.2344" z="0.09999996" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="479.0203" y="961.919" z="0.1" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="359.6146" y="963.184" z="0.1" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="242.7725" y="952.6222" z="0.1" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="242.595" y="716.2607" z="0.1000001" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="359.6436" y="712.381" z="0.1000001" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="361.9736" y="601.6431" z="0.1000001" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="515.6844" y="581.8513" z="0.1000001" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="519.7835" y="644.3128" z="0.1000001" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      [B]		<MoveTo questId="1" x="674.3" y="640.891" z="0.09999999" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="666.7053" y="581.5468" z="0.1" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" x="615.6891" y="584.2549" z="0.1000001" name="CH #" pathPrecision="1" />[/B]
      		<UseObject questId="72801" stepId="36" actorId="175999" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="58983" x="541.0331" y="583.2349" z="-49.85939" />
      		<WaitTimer questId="72801" stepId="36" waitTime="5000" /> 
      	<If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(36) and ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 58983">
      		<ExploreArea boxTolerance="0.6" boxSize="9" until="ExitFound" exitNameHash="356899046" />
      		<UseObject questId="1" actorId="158944" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="78839" />
      		<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="2000" />
      	<If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(7) and ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 78839">
      		<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" />
      		<SkipCutscene questId="1" />
      		<ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="True" lootRadius="90" killRadius="90" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" pathPrecision="1" x="113.3629" y="163.0687" z="0.100001" name="Cross" />
      		<MoveTo questId="1" pathPrecision="1" x="155.3759" y="102.0206" z="0.1000011" name="Cross" />
      	<If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(41) and ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 78839">
      		<UseObject questId="72801" stepId="41" actorId="175999" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="135713" x="40.74231" y="41.23431" z="0.1" />
      	<If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(41) and ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 135713">
      		<UseTownPortal questId="1" />
      What those 3 bolded lines do is take you to the top of the stairs and then it will wrap back around and try to enter from the top of the stairs.

      I added 4 lines of code to ensure that you stop right before the doorway (CH #16), walk through the doorway (CH #17), to the middle of the stairs (CH #18) and then right to the portal (CH #19). You can verify the change in elevation down the stairs because the z coordinates become increasingly negative.

      I'm posting it here and giving you the new .xml file.

      All code is owner of Radonic and he gets the props for making this.

      Oh, Radonic - I also added the CH #s because for some reason they were not filled out.

      Attached Files:

    20. Radonic

      Radonic New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      The problem is still that it doesnt wanna walk down to butcher xP

      Edit: Thanks anyway :D Glad you wanna help!

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