Just wondering - did you not have an issue where it was trying to read your lootrule.xml? I had to do another work around which involved pointing the plugin directly to a set folder with profiles and then creating a dummy profile to load with using drelog
After everything is dead in Leoric's manner, my character just keeps running and doesn't stop to fight the mobs. Any ideas?
its what loads the next profile after you finish the first one> and if you die during a profile isntead of loading from the very start it loads the current profile you are on. So its death support.
Radonic, with the death handling, it now loads the current profile it is running when the character dies, but does it have a set amount of tries for it to run the current profile? I am asking because sometimes my character will die to some very strong combo elites (or 2 packs of elites), then it loads the current profile again, runs to the same spot, die again, rinse and repeat. thanks in advance.
Got a work around for my barbs at least i put use leap for movment. So when he comes out he leaps to the next way point over anymobs that migth be blocking him and he basically runs/leaps till he gets to the last waypoint. at least im escaping the mobs now.
Got stuck in Fields of Misery. I dont have a log, sorry. Ive been using 1.9.2 for a few days now, running flawlessly. New version has this new stuck spot at like an area boxed in by a fence.
Because DB dungeon solving is broken, inefficient, and basicially... a piece of shit! So he removed it, so runs can be afkable and efficient.
Thanks for the reply, Ive never set this profile up before so heres what i do and the result i get: I load everything as per the instructions that you posted, I then chose the quest and start the bot. From new tristram the bot uses waypoint to leorics manor, Then proceeds through the manner killing packs and monsters. After that the bot travels outside to leorics courtyard. Thats when the bot just starts running around and ignores all packs and monsters until it eventually dies. I've also never loaded a multi page profile before. I just load the first one into the bought and the rads profile manager should take care of the rest, correct? Thanks for your help in figurin this out. Im stoked to try it out.
Gets stuck all the time trying to get into and trying get out of Tristram, won't enter or ext the bridge. G