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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. bombshell908

      bombshell908 New Member

      Aug 20, 2012
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      Hey bobby, great CC loving it! one problem though, it doesn't loot anything or greed / need.

      Also, it Disconnects at random times in instances if it short cuts along the walls.

      is there an automative login for it so it can log me back in?.
    2. cahe

      cahe New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Just use plugin:
      Arelog (Click ME)
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      bombshell908, Welcome to HonorBuddy and thanks for the post! If you have any issues or questions regarding your use of ShamWOW, please see ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. There in FAQ #1 you will find steps on writing a post that contains the details needed for me to respond. Since this is your first post I'll do my best to respond, but without the log file and other details I cannot be certain why you are seeing the behavior you observed.

      ShamWOW is a CC (CustomClass) and handles only the class specific behaviors for a Shaman. The BotBase will invoke the CC to indicate it needs to fight, to heal, etc. since these require the use of class specific abilities. Things which are handled the same for all classes (just about everything that happens when not in combat) are the responsibility of the BotBase (Questing, BGBuddy, DungeonBuddy, etc.) In some cases, plug-ins alter the behavior or provide additional functionallity.

      In general, looting is the responsibility of HonorBuddy. Click the Settings button and you can access the option form to change the setting.

      Some BotBases will have an option to control looting as well (like DungeonBuddy.) Click the Bot Config button to view.

      Rolling on loot (Greed/Need) is handled by the AutoEquip plug-in. Click the Plug-ins button to access the list of plug-ins to make sure that AutoEquip is enabled. You will also need to access AutoEquip options to verify it is configured correctly for your character (type of weapons, roll on loot, etc.)

      Based upon the Greed/Need question, I am guessing you are using ShamWOW with DungeonBuddy. That requires the DungeonBuddy settings are configured appropriately. Visit the FAQ and scroll down to the topic named "10. Can I do Dungeons (5-man) with ShamWOW?". That should resolve the majority of the disconnects. To automatically handle disconnects, you'll need to use a relogger similar to the one that cahe linked in his response.

      Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      brushn, If you have any issues or questions regarding your use of ShamWOW, please see ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. There in FAQ #1 you will find steps on writing a post that contains the details needed for me to respond. Based upon the information in the message above, I don't know what bot, spec, level, software version, botbase, plugins, or combat scenario were in effect when you experienced this behavior.

      You could also review the post immediately before this one. It is my reply to another user that had a similar question.

      Thanks for the message and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    5. hbaioni

      hbaioni New Member

      Oct 17, 2011
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      Good afternoon Bobby,
      Patch 5.0.4 has been announced for next week (08/28/2012). It is my understanding that this patch will change the talent trees, and skills. Are you working on a new version to add this changes to ShamWoW?
    6. pnrxt

      pnrxt New Member

      May 17, 2012
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      HonorBuddy Mode: PVP
      Shamans Location: any BG (this log is from sota)
      What should have happened (be specific): flumination earth shock cast at 7=> lightning shield stacks.
      What did happen (be specific): not a single earth shock cast ever, in any BG. Lightning shield stacks get to 9 and bot just ignores that. Debug shows that it reads stacks incorrectly - "FulminationCheck: Lightning Shields stack count is 0" no matter how many stacks i have at that moment.
      Computer time of problem or log mark (not realm time):

      Log is from 3 battlegrounds.

      View attachment 23.08.2012_0_31 3172 Log.txt
    7. BaturalNoobs

      BaturalNoobs Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      Hi Bobby,

      I'm sure there's a simple answer to this, as I just tried ShamWOW with my Enhancement Shaman for the first time, but I just can't figure it out after reviewing the documentation and settings. Basically, the bot isn't targeting mobs.

      • HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider
      • Shamans Location: Well of Eternity
      • What should have happened (be specific): When combat begins, the bot should target an initial mob, attack it until it dies, and target/attack a new mob.
      • What did happen (be specific): The bot would just stand there instead of moving to and attacking a target. When I would attack the mob manually, the bot runs great, but when the mob dies, the bot won't target a new mob. This occured during the entire run, even after a bot restart (see both log files) and enabling/disabling "Auto Target Mobs" in LazyRaider. I left ShamWOW settings alone (i.e. I didn't disable targeting).
      • Computer time of problem or log mark (not realm time): 12:01am today.
      1. Beginning of Well of Eternity: View attachment 8-23-2012_12_01 AM 3300 Log.zip
      2. Restarted bot halfway through: View attachment 8-23-2012_12_31 AM 4812 Log.zip
      Thanks for your help and your hard work on this amazing CC.

      P.S. I think there is a typo in your FAQ post at the end of step 1. The last line needs a "not" added like so:
      Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
    8. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      pnrxt, Thanks for the post. The log file only indicates what HonorBuddy and ShamWOW saw, not what it didn't see. In this case, since it never saw when your character had 9 stacks of Lightning Bolt it is critical that info is provided in the post. I did review the log file and unfortunately it appears that there may be an issue related to the localization of the aura name Lightning Shield. You can try exiting and restarting WOW to clear memory in the event it was a temporary glitch with memory and the interface between HonorBuddy and WOW (as there were repeated LUA errors in the log.) If that does not resolve the issue, you will need to switch to another WOW Client other than the one currently in use. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    9. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Bat: Thanks for the post! First, thank you for the feedback on the FAQ. I'll take a look at that next and revise.

      Targeting is the responsibility of the Bot. The version of LazyRaider you are using supports auto-targeting. Originally, since there are various raid strategies and targeting responsibilities, LazyRaider required you to target mobs. The version of LazyRaider you are using attempts to do basic targeting (no raid strategy or encounter specific logic) if the option is enabled. It is currently turned off in your installation. Click the Bot Config button and set the option appropriately and it should work. Note: you may need to turn it off if it does not target the mobs you feel it should. The area of target selection is being refined in the version under development currently. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    10. Harmacintyre

      Harmacintyre New Member

      Aug 21, 2012
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      Shamwow -healing in instances, im low level currently 24 shammy resto. problem i am having is he keeps casting lightning bolt over and over and it just interupts his healing wave or other healing spells to the point where it doesnt heal anyone.
      if there is a fix somewhere in these 459 pages id be very grateful for the link, or if someone knows off hand, i would appreciate the info on that.

      edit-btw i have healing only selected.
    11. tealeaf

      tealeaf New Member

      Aug 7, 2012
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      and you have healing selected in wow as the class you wish to join as? and you are resto specced?
    12. Harmacintyre

      Harmacintyre New Member

      Aug 21, 2012
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      yeah i figured out the problem, i was resto specced, sort of. i had clicked the resto button, but hadnt input my talents, so it must of thought i was dps or something, as soon as i input some talents it worked. i just had a friend come over and take a look at it. thanks tho
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      harmacintyre, Thanks for the post! Any time you have an issue or question pertaining to your use of ShamWOW, please see ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. There in FAQ #1 you will find steps on writing a post that contains the details needed for me to respond. There are numerous other topics pertaining to ShamWOW covered there as well. Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    14. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Hey bobby --
      I noticed that while I was running my new shaman using ShamWoW it doesn't drop totems quite as often as while running it as an 85. I'm sure it has something to do with the leveling rotation and such, and that's fine. I was more curious than anything. Right now my shaman is only level 25, and has only three totems. I'm leveling as enhancement, using the items you posted a couple of pages back. When it drops totems, it's usually just searing totem, and sometimes after the fight is over it will drop strength of earth totem and healing wave totem. It doesn't drop them all up front, then start fighting. Just an observation, and I added a log just in case you needed to look at one.

      Attached Files:

    15. Noelbuddy

      Noelbuddy Member

      Nov 6, 2011
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      Well I notice also that when my friends was leveling his shaman as resto if he by mistake targeta dead mob the cc mostly stop working . So make sure that you clear the target while going from mob to other.
    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      zeldrak, The behavior you see is based upon whether or not you have trained Call of the Elements yet, which isn't available until Level 30. At level 25, you probably have totems in 3 families trained (first Air Totem is at Level 30), so casting all requires a little over 3 seconds (since each has a 1 sec GCD.) If they were cast before each pull that would represent an additional 3 seconds to each fight. Since the mobs typically die so quickly, they are cast at intervals. That way if the fight for some reason becomes extended (aggro some adds, adds pat into range, or you get ganked) some totems are already down. There are other approaches to this, but that is the one currently implemented in ShamWOW. Once you train Call of the Elements at level 30, you will have all totems cast simultaneously as you would when playing manually. As for the Strength of Earth Totem being cast after the fight is over, based upon the information available in HonorBuddy the fight is still occurring when it is cast, but by the time the totem actually appears it is over. There shouldn't be a delay incurred by this as looting isn't delayed by a GCD. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    17. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Noelbuddy, Thanks for the post, but the description doesn't match the results of my testing. If you have an issue or question pertaining to your use of ShamWOW, please see ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. There in FAQ #1 you will find steps on writing a post that contains the details needed for me to respond. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    18. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Yeah. I'm geared with all heirlooms, and I'm dual wielding two enhance hammers that have Fiery Weapon on them, so you're right, the fights are very short in general, unless I come up against an elite, then it lasts about three seconds. The CC is running very well, bobby. I was just curious about the totem behavior. Thank you for clarifying.
    19. Darkskyz3

      Darkskyz3 New Member

      Jun 3, 2010
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      Hey Bobby, I started a RAF with all the right pluggins set up, one warrior and one shaman, using your profile for the shammy ofcourse, im wondering or i guess stating its not compatible at lvl 1, he is set to follower. Once i switched back to singular he started moving again and startin to do stuff, I wonder if it is because he is too low of a level , I will keep u posted
    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Darkskyz3, Thanks for the post, but the description doesn't match the results of my testing. If you have an issue or question pertaining to your use of ShamWOW, please see ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. There in FAQ #1 you will find steps on writing a post that contains the details needed for me to research on your behalf. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Aug 27, 2012
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