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  • Tuanha Paladin Holy PvP

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Jul 6, 2012.

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    1. Pronamic

      Pronamic Member

      Apr 18, 2010
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      If you cant break the 1500 rating with this CC its not the Cc its ya partners ive tried a few and this CC works best for me with a DK/Fire mage/ or a Warrior i play holy pally / DK in 2,s and it works really well. were at 1712 rating at present and its hard but no harder than doin it ya sef :)

      +rep for this cc i say
    2. emmark

      emmark Member

      Apr 28, 2010
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      Great, finally a good Holy pvp custom class and the author stop working on it. :(

      And pulling your CC's because one random dude gives you crap, come on...
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
    3. plaray51

      plaray51 New Member

      Jun 30, 2012
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      exactly. especially because criticism was asked for.
    4. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      You must have a different definition for criticism.

      Troll != criticism...

      But let's get this thread closed, it is what it is...
    5. GranPapi

      GranPapi Member

      Jul 24, 2012
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      So, Tuanha delete the CC and no longer support just when my paladin hit 85, so great.. :rolleyes:
      This seems weird that he did that just because one post of some random dude
    6. rosek

      rosek New Member

      Jun 19, 2012
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      lets flame swordfish :D

      little joke... ,
      i hope Tuanha take a little break and code for mop an awesome cc
    7. emmark

      emmark Member

      Apr 28, 2010
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      The timestamps on the offending post and the pull of both CCs are just too close for it to be accidental + He/she was posting in the ret thread earlier today with no signs of resignation desire.

      But this was hands down the best Holy pvp custom class I have ever tried, we probably won't see anything quite like it again.
      Even in the crappy crafted pvp set, I could outheal anything. Only way to really get dead was to be oom'ed.

      I really hope Tuanha would reconsider, so many people really enjoyed his work and it will definitely be missed alot.
    8. RakishRider

      RakishRider New Member

      Nov 22, 2011
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      very good cc, a lot of good experience to play with him ;)
    9. Cocaine

      Cocaine Banned

      Aug 21, 2012
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      Does anyone have the latest vesion before it was pulled and could send me in an email? I just got 85 and want a good healer set and want to do rbg/arena/bg thanks
    10. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      It wouldn't help you much because on tuesday(us) or wednesday (eu) the CC will be broken!


    11. Cocaine

      Cocaine Banned

      Aug 21, 2012
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      Ah, good point. I think I'm desperate for a good healing CC.
    12. rosek

      rosek New Member

      Jun 19, 2012
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      why ?
    13. emmark

      emmark Member

      Apr 28, 2010
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    14. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      it wil be updated dont worry only testers wil have a beta version like me and some others to test them out if its good then he wil release a version soon i think
    15. plaray51

      plaray51 New Member

      Jun 30, 2012
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      Why do people act like CCs for honorbuddy need private beta testing? The whole point of that is to release retail products without error because people are paying for it. But if it's just a cc that nobody is going to pay for anyway then what's the point? Its not like the writer is going to lose anything all he has to put in the cc description is that its only partially finished and may have bugs.

      Even better is when they give it to people like Mario who don't even put out cc's. So really what constructive input could he give that somebody else from the forums couldn't?

      To cc writers - get off the idea that you need to beta test. Its irritating. You're not writing a retail piece of code you're writing a piece of code that anyone with 1 hour time and half a brain could learn how to do
    16. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      I'm expecting great contributions from you to this forum.
      To you - get off the idea we need to put anything out here. You want a holy pala pvp cc? you can learn it in 1 hour+? you got at least half a brain?
      Then go on and write it on your own then bothering tuanha or cc writers with this useless feedback.
      If we decide to beta test things it's not on your end to disqualify this.

      I'm expecting great things from you in the future...not
    17. plaray51

      plaray51 New Member

      Jun 30, 2012
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      1. I dont want a holy pal pvp cc
      2. Yes
      3. Yes
      4. I have written one in a different program because its faster than hb for competitive play. For afking hb is best though.
    18. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      That's not right.
      Take a look at all the CCs out there and u'll find different solutions for the same problems, so ... it's not only a piece of code that some could write with half a brain
      but the main intention to have beta testers is to deliver quality to the community
      Mario and the others are testing in defined situations the whole CC and chatting with Tuan via Skype where he can ask more detailed questions if he needs this.

      If this would be done via forum it would be very much to write and take a long time

      If i wanna release something than i'll let some testers do test first to find major bugs, minors aren't good but not that hard to fix.
      If it would be that easy to write a whole CC, why you didn't?
      If it would be that easy to test a whole CC, why you didn't?

      It is not good to publish something unfinished or not even rc ready for the community to have 200 "testers" or more, if they all want to report their issues and problems, u would have a lot of pms (max 50) a lot of crying in the thread and i'm sure u want handle all the problems cause their could be too much.

      Every CC has its own pros'n'cons, its own problems and its own solutions, the one who writes the CC tooks more than only one hour to code some of these lines.
      I remember that tuan and me talked more than one hours about only ONE lil problem (and he is still working on more than this ONE issue)
      And we only talked about that ... we haven't found a solution at this point, we only discussed about usability, doability and performance, we've written some lines of code to test the solution and weren't very happy (okay i was a little bit more disappointed than he, and maybe he got it already working).
      Your "one hour" is far from reality ;) it's not like only changing one property from 50 to 60 or to add one simple line to cast a spell at a specific condition.
      Everytime you change a line here or there, u have to think about the background (i remember one lil fix from me for singular, which took only 5 minutes, after i send the change to one tester i had to find out that my fix really fixed the reported issue, but made one new issue. and all this only because i didn't know much about singular and tried to help, if this were released (i hope it wasn't) everyone would cry about the new behavior of singular, only because no one tested it before releasing)
    19. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      He doesn't want to release something that's half assed... Simple as that.
      Don't like it? Go to the one you have "written" in a different program.

      As for Tunaha, I hope he comes back. He is genuinely a really nice guy and who knows maybe he wasn't having a good week.
      Last edited: Aug 27, 2012
    20. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      That's not right.
      Take a look at all the CCs out there and u'll find different solutions for the same problems, so ... it's not only a piece of code that some could write with half a brain
      but the main intention to have beta testers is to deliver quality to the community
      Mario and the others are testing in defined situations the whole CC and chatting with Tuan via Skype where he can ask more detailed questions if he needs this.

      If this would be done via forum it would be very much to write and take a long time

      If i wanna release something than i'll let some testers do test first to find major bugs, minors aren't good but not that hard to fix.
      If it would be that easy to write a whole CC, why you didn't?
      If it would be that easy to test a whole CC, why you didn't?

      It is not good to publish something unfinished or not even rc ready for the community to have 200 "testers" or more, if they all want to report their issues and problems, u would have a lot of pms (max 50) a lot of crying in the thread and i'm sure u want handle all the problems cause their could be too much.

      Every CC has its own pros'n'cons, its own problems and its own solutions, the one who writes the CC tooks more than only one hour to code some of these lines.
      I remember that tuan and me talked more than one hours about only ONE lil problem (and he is still working on more than this ONE issue)
      And we only talked about that ... we haven't found a solution at this point, we only discussed about usability, doability and performance, we've written some lines of code to test the solution and weren't very happy (okay i was a little bit more disappointed than he, and maybe he got it already working).
      Your "one hour" is far from reality ;) it's not like only changing one property from 50 to 60 or to add one simple line to cast a spell at a specific condition.
      Everytime you change a line here or there, u have to think about the background (i remember one lil fix from me for singular, which took only 5 minutes, after i send the change to one tester i had to find out that my fix really fixed the reported issue, but made one new issue. and all this only because i didn't know much about singular and tried to help, if this were released (i hope it wasn't) everyone would cry about the new behavior of singular, only because no one tested it before releasing)
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