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  • CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by wulf, Aug 28, 2012.

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    1. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      CLU (Codified Likeness Utility)
      the Rotation CC for Combat/Raid/Lazyraider bots Powered by Felmaster technology Latest Version: 3.3.9(From SVN).


      Current Issues Updated: 15/Feb/2013
      See: Current Issues

      Current Supported Rotations

      Three Rotation Modes - Single, PVE, PVP
      - Key: Tested[T], Untested, Partially checked[PC], NotImplemented[N/A], Patch Number Supported (X.X.X)

      [TABLE="width: 650, align: left"]
      - [T] Blood (5.1)
      - [T] Frost (5.1)
      - [T] Unholy (5.1)[/TD]
      - [T] Balance (5.1)
      - [T] Feral (5.1)
      - [T] Guardian (5.1)
      - [T] Restoration (5.1)[/TD]
      - [T] BeastMastery (5.1)
      - [T] Marksmanship (5.1)
      - [T] Survival (5.1)[/TD]
      - [T] Arcane (5.1)
      - [T] Fire (5.1)
      - [T] Frost (5.1)[/TD]
      - [T] Brewmaster (5.1)
      - [T] Mistweaver (5.1)

      - [T] Windwalker (5.1) [/TD]
      - [T] Holy (5.1)
      - [T] Protection (5.1)
      - [T] Retribution (5.1)[/TD]
      - [T] Shadow (5.1)
      - [T] Discipline (5.1)
      - [T] Holy (
      [TD]Rogue- [T] Assassination (5.1)
      - [T] Combat (5.1)
      - [T] Subtlety (5.1)
      - [T] Elemental (5.1)
      - [T] Restoration(
      - [T] Enhancement (
      - [T] Affliction (5.1)
      - [T] Demonology (5.1)
      - [T] Destruction (
      - [T] Arms (5.1)
      - [T] Protection (5.1)
      - [T] Fury (5.1)[/TD]
      CLU healing tested for

      LFR-----------Dungeon-------------Class Spec
      [x]........................[x] .......................DRUID Restoration
      [x]........................[x] .......................Priest Discipline
      [x]........................[x] .......................Priest Holy
      [x]........................[x] .......................Shaman Restoration
      [x]........................[x] .......................Paladin Holy
      [ X]........................[ X] .......................Monk Mistweaver

      No Dispeling!!!! HB issue. So be sure to have your dispel ready.

      This CC is mainly intended for PVE users of honorbuddy, however it can still be used for PVP it will simply use the PVE Rotation at the moment.
      (Class Specific PVP rotations may be added in the future).It will perform its rotation according to online resources such as Elitist Jerks
      & SimulationCraft, leaving you to monitor more important things such as fight mechanics.

      Developer's Note
      This CC was formed as a hobby.
      Donations are not permitted.
      Support is provided, however many of us have jobs and families so do not expect 24hr support.
      Constructive criticism is welcome.


      *First Step - Important Do not skip this step!*
      *Update to Download: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer) - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details
      *Set your WoW Client to 32bit

      Method 1: Zip File !! *Note: Currently not available until the official Honorbuddy release. !!

      * You can download a stable version from the HB forum post - Download the latest zip file.
      * Copy the CLU folder into "%Your Honorbuddy Folder%\Routines\"
      * Load Honorbuddy
      * Select "Combat" as your bot base (Lazyraider and RaidBot tested OK)
      * Select "Load Profile" and load the BlankProfile.xml (Provided at the end of this post.)
      * Start Honorbuddy.
      * Stay out of the fire and point to kill.

      Method 2: SVN

      * You can access the latest CLU build from the following SVN Link
      * Google: How to use TortoiseSVN. TortoiseSVN
      * Copy the CLU folder into "%Your Honorbuddy Folder%\Routines\"
      * Load Honorbuddy
      * Select "Combat" as your bot base (Lazyraider and RaidBot are supported)
      * Select "Load Profile" and load the BlankProfile.xml (Provided at the end of this post.)
      * Start Honorbuddy.
      * Stay out of the fire and point to kill.

      How to report a bug
      * Make sure you are using the latest version! - Update via SVN regularly.
      * Verify that you have followed all the steps listed under the 'Installation'
      * Please enable Debug Logging within CLU settings before you attach your log..the more information the better.
      * Attach a log (See How to by Kickazz006) http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/35945-guide-how-attach-your-log-kick.html

      I want more information show me the good stuff!!

      Full Documentation can be found here

      Where is the Change Log? How do I know what is updated?

      Change Log as well as a rolling list of changes can be found here


      Q. CLU crashes with Unable to find Active Rotation OR System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException
      A. Update to Microsoft .Net 4

      Q. Can I use this CC for low level questing/grinding/GB2/BGBuddy?
      A. CLU was designed for High level Raiding - having said that it is capable of performing movement, targeting, buffing, combat from level 20-90.
      *Note: Using it for these functions are not fully supported. If it's not working they way you want..its for a reason..we just do not want to support low level combat currently. Please use Singular for this, it ships free with Honorbuddy.

      Q. Can CLU tank raids and heroic dungeons ?
      A. All Tank/Healing specs provided have been tested for Heroics/Raids.

      Q. Will CLU taunt targets for me when tanking?
      A. No CLU does not taunt for you.

      Q: What bot should i run frost dk with if i wanna control it in battleground?
      A: Dagradt is changing rotations to use his new PvP Macro abilties. Instructions should be in this post.

      Q. What Botbase should I use for Raiding/ Heroic Dungeons?
      A. Depends on what you want to do. CLU works best with Raidbot but Lazyraider and Combat can be used as well. When Healing Use Lazyraider and turn of Tank selection (aka: Solo Mode)

      Q. Where is XYZ setting?
      A. If you do not see it in the UI settings its not there yet!

      Q. Is there any way for me to have control over blade flurry as a rogue?
      A. Turn off AoE, this is true for all class AoE abilities.

      Q: A question. Will we have to restart HB when we want to change rotation?
      A: No, you can simply swap rotations without having to restart Honorbuddy

      Q: Hunter - It uses feign death and it stays feign death-ed till i move the char manually
      A: yes (remember this is a RAID CC if you guys dont like the FD downtime..use singular)

      Q: Seems the extra action button not working in LFR Fall of Deathwing?
      A: Correct its balls anyway..dont be lazy haha. will fix it soon.

      Q: disc priest isnt using smite or holy fire?
      A: Disc AA spec has not been updated since patch 4.3. Its on the TODO list. check back soon.

      Q: Do I need to delete any other routines while using CLU?
      A: CLU in most cases can co-exist with other Routines. However sometimes if CLU is not loading properly it is necessary to remove other routines. I have not found out why yet and removing routines to get CLU working is not intended behaviour.

      Q: Seem to be having a severe lag/stutter whenever CLU is active
      A: First, perform a fresh install of Honorbuddy and CLU removing all your settings. If that doesn't help provide a FULL log and we will look at the issue.

      Q: Self healing does not work on ret pallys..instead of using word of glory or using a 3 point selfless healer flash of light, the bot used lay on hands for heals and nothing else..sup with that?
      A: Retribution Paladin will only use Cooldowns to heal in combat (No Healing spells, so *Only* LoH, HoP, etc will be used). If you enable movement and are resting (out of combat), it will attempt to use Flash of Light to top you up to Full health instead of eating food. Self healing will be implemented after every other rotation is working for MoP (its not on the high priority list.)

      Development Team


      - Wulf
      - Stormchasing
      - Weischbeir
      - LaoArchAngel
      - Dagradt
      - Ama
      - handnavi
      - TuanHA
      - alxaw
      - kbrebel04

      * cowdude for his initial work with Felmaster and giving me inspiration to create this CC.
      * All the Singular Developers For there tiresome work and supporting code
      * Weischbier for his Support with the new 5.0.4 MoP Changes.
      * bobby53 For his Disclaimer (Couldn't have said it better)
      * Kickazz006 for his BlankProfile.xml
      * Shaddar & Mentally for thier initial detection code of HourofTwilight, FadingLight and Shrapnel
      * bennyquest for his continued efforts in reporting issues!
      * Jamjar0207 for his Protection Warrior Rotation and Fire Mage
      * gniegsch for his Arms Warrior Rotation and improvements with blood deathknight
      * Stormchasing for his help with warlocks and patchs
      * Obliv For his Boomkin, Frost Mage & Assassination rotations and Arms warrior improvement
      * ShinobiAoshi for his initial Affliction warlock rotation
      * fluffyhusky for his initial Enhancement Shaman rotation
      * Digitalmocking for his initial Elemental Shaman rotation
      * Toney001 for his improvements to the Unholy Deathknight rotation
      * kbrebel04 for his improvements to Subtlety Rogue
      * alxaw for his initial Arms rotation and Shaman rotations
      * Dagradt for his PvP rotations.
      * LaoArchAngel for his help with core changes and Rogue changes.
      * Condemned for Mage Frost Update
      * Apoc for just about everything :p

      Use of 3rd party programs are against Blizzard's terms of use and license.
      This CC is not intended for use on live Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft realms.
      Any use on Blizzard realms is at your own risk and not supported per this statement.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Feb 15, 2013
    2. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      CLU PvP Support

      Dagradt is the man for PvP Rotations..He will be updating CLU with Battleground and Arena rotations to melt the faces of your opponents.

      Things you need to know:
      1. Are you updated to the latest CLU version?
      2. If LazyRaider is not working for you then don't use it... Use Combat Bot until it is working or Raid Bot if it is working.
      3. If you wish to control the movement of CLU inside of BG's you will need my macro list in order for the rotation to work correctly. (see below)
      4. Some CLU rotation will now work with BGbuddy, it's not perfect but it is working.


      Below is the standard macro list:
      1) Start/Stop Rotation:
      /script Manual= not Manual;
      /run if not Manual then print("Rotation: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Rotation: \124cFFE61515 Disabled") end

      2) Start/Stop Burst:
      /script Burst= not Burst;
      /run if not Burst then print("Burst: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Burst: \124cFFE61515 Disabled") end

      3) Base Rotation/Necrotic Rotation switch: (Note: Only valid for Deathknights)
      /script rotationSwap= not rotationSwap;
      /run if not rotationSwap then print("Base Rotation: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Necrotic Rotation: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") end

      4) Warrior Defensive/Offensive mode: (Note: Only valid for Warrior) (Note2: You will have to change the name of your weapons in CLU > Class Specific > PvP) See Attached.
      /script rotationSwap= not rotationSwap;
      /run if not rotationSwap then print("Defensive: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Offensive: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") end

      Below is the MultiCast macro list (Note: Replace the word Spell with the spell you wish to cast, only one spell per macro! MT = Main Target, FT = Focus Target)
      4) MultiCastMT:
      #showtooltip Spell
      /script SpellName="Spell";
      /script MultiCastMT=1;

      5) MultiCastFT:
      #showtooltip Spell
      /script SpellName="Spell";
      /script MultiCastFT=1;

      How to use

      1) Start/Stop Rotation:
      Press once for Start if stopped, and once for Stop if currently PWN'n. READ THE CHAT POST!

      2) Start/Stop Burst:
      Press once to Start if not currently activated, press once to Stop if currently PWN'n. READ THE CHAT POST!

      3) Base Rotation/Necrotic Rotation switch: (Note: Only valid for Deathknights)
      Each press will change the rotation style. READ THE CHAT POST!

      4) MultiCastMT:
      Spam until your spell is cast, you need to spam as I have not made a halt check yet and the tree is too fast to time it right manually.

      5) MultiCastFT:
      Spam until your spell is cast, you need to spam as I have not made a halt check yet and the tree is too fast to time it right manually.

      Okay, so upon starting HB all Macros will be reset to default(Off, or On). You need to check your macro settings by pressing them and seeing what they are currently set too(On/Off). Leave Burst off or make sure Burst is off by pressing the macro and reading the chat log(it will post in general chat), after you do that make sure that rotation is ENABLED or nothing will work! Once rotation is ENABLED and Burst is OFF you can happily attack targets and use the rotation swap macro to effectively use NS on whatever calls for it or the base rotation on whatever calls for it.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Sep 16, 2012
    3. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      First...after Wulf :p


      Nice one Wulf, keep it coming!


    4. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Second :p
    5. zedyautja

      zedyautja Member

      Jan 12, 2012
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      Looking awesome!
    6. PTankadin

      PTankadin New Member

      Feb 8, 2012
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      Is this Build for the new Talents Setup in 5.0.4?
    7. floppydrive

      floppydrive New Member

      Jan 10, 2012
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      Is this the 5.0.4/MoP version?
    8. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Over the coming weeks CLU will gradually be updated for MoP.
      I do not know what has changed with Honorbuddy so until I get the new API (when the new HB version is released), I would only be guessing.
      I will keep you posted.
    9. weischbier

      weischbier Guest


      Just chillin' and discussing... :)
      Expect something nice.


    10. Ama

      Ama New Member

      Jun 6, 2011
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      How do I get invited to that group?
      eniac likes this.
    11. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      0. Be a High roller, you need some serious cash to join :p
      1. Need Skype
      2. Need one of us as your contacts
      3. Be online when we are^^
      4. It was spontaneously, don't know if that happens anytime soon again :)


    12. Ama

      Ama New Member

      Jun 6, 2011
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      Ill pm you my contact... I want to witness this next high roller collaboration. :)
    13. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      It be interesting I'll tell ya that... If 5.0.4 isn't up and running by the time I get home I'll be pissed... Lets go HB get these guys the API!!! Oh, 12th!
      Last edited: Aug 28, 2012
    14. PTankadin

      PTankadin New Member

      Feb 8, 2012
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      So... pretty much just waiting on Honorbuddy to update before we can do anything with this :(
    15. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      Guess I will have to get my testing shoes back on and get ready for testing some rotations for all this new jazz.
    16. PTankadin

      PTankadin New Member

      Feb 8, 2012
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      Have you ever thought about Creating your own Bot? Similar to HB But just runs CLU for Combat?

      This has to be a bit disappointing for you, work your butt off to get this out before the patch and it sits dead in the water for a week. :(
    17. Battler624

      Battler624 Member

      Feb 9, 2012
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      PART 2 WHAAA
      nice going man :) keep it up
    18. idontbot

      idontbot New Member

      May 29, 2011
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      Have to say Wulf this CC is epic, I use it for pretty much everything now, but 1 issue I have is with the hunter class using feign death. Is it not possible to replace this with Misdirection on tank, reverting to feign death as a last resort if necessary? Having an option in config to disable both would be useful too for some fights.
    19. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Hi idontbot, I will keep this in mind when creating the new 5.0.4 rotations for hunter..as I am going along with the new rotations I am adding all the UI settings, so CLU should be even better than before. As you can see from the first post I have completed some rotations already that will need testing.

    20. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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